The Effect Of Parental Divorce On Young Adults Attitudes Towards Divorce


Chapter One




Background of the study


in Nigeria there’s a dream that grown-ups are supposed to find their perfect soul mate, get wedded, have the white house with the sentry hedge and start a family. Too frequently than not, this dream isn’t a reality for utmost people living in the United States and other countries. Couples frequently rush into a marriage not knowing the struggles associated with the union. After marriage, couples realize that they aren’t equipped with the tools they need to have a successful marriage. The divorce rates are adding and a parent being disassociated is the new family structure( Wallerstein & Lewis, 2004). It’s estimated that at least half of new marriages will end in divorce. Now, there are further couples less interested in the union of marriage. What


are the factors associated with the decision to get wedded or to get a divorce? Is maternal divorce a factor in determining the stations of youthful grown-ups? The following literature review examines how divorce influences the perception of divorce in youthful grown-ups. Riggio( 2001) examined social literacy proposition and the social approach proposition to assess whether children from wedded or separated families had a positive or less positive station toward their relationship with their siblings. College scholars described their stock relationship using a five point Like scale. Actors were also questioned about their stock relationship. Maternal divorce may contribute to


negative stations among children indeed times after the divorce. This reflects the long term negative consequences of divorce. Grounded on the social literacy proposition,


Riggio( 2001) proposes that a child from a separated family will have a less positive relationship with their sisters and sisters. There are two propositions that are useful to help understand how parent’s connubial quality may impact youthful grown-up’s stations on divorce 1) proposition of reasoned action and 2) social station towards divorce literacy proposition, proposition of reasoned action assumes that social morals shape


how we view certain actions and social literacy proposition emphasizes that we learn our actions from others( Kapinus, 2005).( Kapinus( 2005) examined the assessments of youthful grown-ups on divorce grounded on their parents ’ connubial quality while also looking at the effect of maternal views. She proposed that youthful grown-ups who believe their parents have low situations of connubial quality will be less likely authorize of divorce( Kapinus, 2005).


Statement Of Exploration Problem


As divorce rates increase so does the blessing of divorce. Maternal divorce may contribute to the negative consequences of divorce as it has been seen that children from a separated home nearly always parade some negative traits, which in turn shape their thinking, their way of living, and indeed allowed about marriage. All this always have a long term effect on children from separated homes as they carry this feeling all through their adult lives, some youthful grown-ups indeed condemn themselves for the divorce of their parent, and occasionally this feeling doesn’t make them committed in a relationship. All this and further will be bandied in this study.


Objects Of The Study



The primary ideal for this exploration are as follows


l To find out the causes and effect of divorce


l To find out how maternal divorce affect the position of commitment of youthful grown-ups in a unborn marriage and their liability of divorce


l To find out whether youths from separated homes would parade lower situations of commitment to marriage than their counterparts from complete family.


l To find out ways divorce can be reduced or avoided in a couples feud.


Exploration Questions


the following questions have been prepared for the purpose of this study


1. Do you suppose maternal divorce have any effect on youthful grown-ups?


2. Do parents ’ stations towards divorce affect their children’s station toward divorce?


3. Does gender influence the stations of children towards divorce?


4. Do you suppose the conditions during or after the divorce contributes to youthful grown-up’s station?


Significance of the study


This study is significant because university scholars are at the age when they’re making opinions regarding their future and are frequently making opinions about their unborn family and marriage.


The findings of this exploration work will really give the important demanded information to government associations, marriage counselors, individualities, NGOS, and academia


Compass Of The Study


This study intends to dissect the effect of maternal divorce on youthful grown-ups stations towards divorce. Hence this study is demarcated to separated parents and undergraduate of Ibadan South East original government area.


Limitations of the study


This study was constrained by a number of factors which are as follows


fiscal constraint is ineluctable considering the present profitable situations. Due to lack of finance at the experimenters disposal to get accoutrements and in printing of questionnaires. it wasn’t possible to visit some of the communities that have been agonized by bandit conditioning.


In developing countries like Nigeria, there’s the problem of inadequate data.


Time factor time factor disguise another constraint since having to shuttle between jotting of the exploration and also engaging in other academic work making it uneasy for the experimenter


Functional Description Of Terms


EFFECT a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.


Maternal relating to a person’s parent or parents.


DIVORCE the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.


youthful Grown-up a person in their teens or early twenties.


stations a settled way of allowing or feeling about commodity.


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