The Effect Of Temperature On Hydrolysis Of Cellulose (Saw-dust)


The Effect Of Temperature On Hydrolysis Of Cellulose (Saw-dust)



The effect of attention of hydrochloric acid on hydrolysis of cellulose( aphorism- dust) to glucose was studied on this exploration design and the way attained to achieve this design involved treatment of aphorism- dust( cellulose) with different attention of the acid at constant temperature of 80 °( 350k) for 30 mins. This was followed by glucose analysis, some analysis or trials were done on acid hydrolysis in order to study the effect of( HCL) acid on the hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose. The process used in this hydrolysis was acid hydrolysis in which HCL acid was used at constant temperature of 80oC and the aphorism- dust used( was attained by grinding wood with aphorism) was counted and mixed with water. Secondly, during this analysis/ trial, it was observed that hydrochloric acid hydrolyzed well from the readings gotten from each result that was carried out during the analysis. also incipiently, glucose analysis was carried out to determine the absorbance and glucose attention. It was noticed that the stylish attention of HCL acid during hydrolysis yields glucose attention of0.127 g or1.270.

Chapter One


Cellulose is the name given to a long chain of tittles conforming of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen arranged in a particular manner it’s a naturally being polymeric material containing thousands of glucose- suchlike rings each of which contain three alcoholic OH groups. Its general each of which contain three alcoholic OH groups. Its general formula is represented as( C6H1005)n. the o- groups present in cellulose can be esterifies or etherified, the most important cellulose derivations are the esters.

Cellulose is set up in nature in nearly all forms of factory life’s, and especially in cotton and wood. A cellulose patch is made up of large number of glucose units linked together by oxygen snippet. Each glucose unit contains three( 3) hydroxyl groups, the hydroxyl groups present at carbon- 6 is primary, while two other hydroxyl are secondary. Cellulose is the most abundant organic chemical on earth more than 50 of the carbon is shops occurs in the cellulose of stems and leave wood is largely cellulose, and cotton is further than 90 cellulose.


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