The Corruption In Nigeria: A Threat To Sustainable Economic Development
The exploration provides a abstract and theoretical appraisal of corruption in Nigeria as a trouble to sustainable profitable development. It interpret the nature and effect of corruption and determine measures to alleviate and exclude the trend in Nigeria.
Amuwo( 2005) and Obayelu( 2007) consider corruption as the exploitation of public position, coffers and power for private gain. Fjeldstad & Isaksen( 2008,p. 3) and Ogundiya( 2009,p. 5) define corruption as “ the treason of public trust for individual or sectional gain. ” Obayelu went further to identify corruption as “ sweats to secure wealth or power through illegal means for private gain at public expenditure; or a abuse of power for private benefit. ” Corruption covers a broad diapason of conditioning ranging from fraud( theft through misrepresentation), embezzlement( misappropriation of commercial or public finances) to bribery( payments made in order to gain an advantage or to avoid a disadvantage). From a political point of view, Aiyede( 2006,p. 5) views corruption as “ the abuse or abuse of public or governmental power for illegitimate private advantages. ” His view corroborates the position of Lipset and Lenz( 2000) that corruption is an trouble to secure wealth or power through illegal means for private benefit at public expenditure. Tanzi( 1998) adds that similar abuse of public power may not inescapably be for one’s private benefit but for the benefit of one’s party, class, lineage, or family. Although corruption is global in compass, it’s more pronounced in developing societies because of their weak institutions. It’s minimum in advanced nations because of being institutional control mechanisms which are more advanced and effective.
Chapter I
Background Of The Study
The goods of corruption on a nation’s frugality are damaging. A nation submersed with corruption can not be feasible economically; neither can the system induce enough support/ affection needed for the survival of popular system. This is a situation in Nigeria where corruption has come part and parcel of the political culture. Corruption has indeed burgled Nigerians the benefit of profitable development because scarce available coffers that should have been stationed to execute development design have gone into private foreign accounts.
Corruption is wide in Nigeria, not because the people are different from other corridor of the world, but because the conditions are ripe for it. There are numerous reasons why this is so. The provocation to earn income from among the crowd is fairly stronger; aggravated by poverty, severance and low stipend. In numerous developing countries Nigeria inclusive, responsibility is generally weak. Political competition and civil liberties are frequently confined. Laws and principles of ethics in governance are inadequately developed and the legal institutions charged with administering them are ill- set
The exploration seeks to probe corruption in Nigeria as a trouble to sustainable profitable development
Statement Of The Problem
The problem defying this exploration is to estimate corruption in Nigeria as a trouble to sustainable profitable development
Exploration Question
1 What’s the nature of corruption in Nigeria?
2 What are the causes of corruption in Nigeria?
3 What’s the effect of corruption on sustainable profitable development in Nigeria?
Ideal Of The Study
1 To estimate the nature of corruption in Nigeria
2 To determine the causes and effect of corruption on sustainable profitable development in Nigeria
Significance Of The Study
The study shall project the ill effect of corruption on the profitable development of Nigeria.
It shall also serve a veritable source of information on issues of corruption
Statement Of Thesis
1 H0 Sustainable profitable development in Nigeria is high
H1 Sustainable profitable development in Nigeria is low
2 H0 Corruption in Nigeria is low
H1 Corruption in Nigeria is high
3 H0 The effect of corruption on sustainable profitable development in Nigeria is low
H1 The effect of corruption on sustainable profitable development in Nigeria is high
Compass Of The Study
The study appraises corruption in Nigeria and elucidates its effect on sustainable profitable development
Description Of Terms
Amuwo( 2005) and Obayelu( 2007) consider corruption as the exploitation of public position, coffers and power for private gain. Fjeldstad & Isaksen( 2008,p. 3) and Ogundiya( 2009,p. 5) define corruption as “ the treason of public trust for individual or sectional gain. ” Obayelu went further to identify corruption as “ sweats to secure wealth or power through illegal means for private gain at public expenditure; or a abuse of power for private benefit. ” Corruption covers a broad diapason of conditioning ranging from fraud( theft through misrepresentation), embezzlement( misappropriation of commercial or public finances) to bribery( payments made in order to gain an advantage or to avoid a disadvantage). From a political point of view, Aiyede( 2006,p. 5) views corruption as “ the abuse or abuse of public or governmental power for illegitimate private advantages
Economic Devedlopement Defined
According to Imhonopi & Urim( 2010), public development is the capability of a country or countries to ameliorate the social weal of the people, videlicet, by furnishing social amenities like good education, power, casing, pipe- borne water and others. The factors of public development include profitable development, socio-artistic commission and development and how these impact on mortal development. Without mortal development, which is the development of the mortal capital of a nation or its citizens, public development can be baffled or defeated. In fact, mortal development is one base for judging the effectiveness of the profitable development element of public development( Ogboru, 2007; Ranis, Stewart, & Ramirez, 2000). As they observed, profitable development expressed in GNP can increase mortal development by expenditure from families, government and associations similar as NGOs. With the increase in profitable growth, families and individualities will probably increase expenditures with the increase in income. This increase can lead to lesser mortal development. Streeten( 1982) put it better when he said that development must be readdressed as an attack on the principal immoralities of the world moment similar as malnutrition, complaint, ignorance, slums, severance and inequality. In other words, development must be measured in terms of jobs created, justice allocated and poverty soothed.