An international phenomena, globalization. The global community’s financial sectors have seen many changes as a result of globalization, and information technology has increased economic profit (IT)

There is no denying that the advent of automated teller machines (ATM) has altered how electronic payments are received in Nigeria.

A cashier or human clerk is not required while using an automated teller machine (ATM), which gives customers of all financial institutions access to all financial services in public areas.

(WIKIPEDIA, THE FREE ENCYCLOPAEDIC WEBSITE) Another name for it is machine.

In order to cut costs and increase operational efficiency, banks in industrialized countries have been spending more and more in information technology (IT) during the past ten years. In order to ascertain the goals and degree of success of information technology implementations in the industry, a study of the application of information technology in Nigerian banks was conducted.The information was gathered through a survey of randomly chosen Skye Banks branches in Lagos, Nigeria’s commercial metropolis. Nearly all of the banks had an information Nigeria policy, the major focus of which was to accomplish complete application goals in order to gain competitive advantages and be ready. Only 565.6% of these were really implemented successfully in some way. Only a small percentage of banks really saw the anticipated return on their IT investments.

Less than 40% of banks were consequently prepared to fully utilize IT through significant investment, particularly in online access and transactions, electronic commerce, and electronic publication. At least 60% of Bank locations are reportedly spending less than $150,000 a year on information technology (IT).

In light of these, Nigerian banks are currently implementing automated teller machines (ATM) as a kind of teller service because they are a long-term, cost-effective solution.

Nigerian banks and the country’s financial services sector in particular have embraced the idea of e-money in recent years. The scope and number of customers in the Nigerian banking sector are changing. increasing the bar for excellent customer service expectations A plastic smart card with a chip that has a magnetic stripe on it, a unique code number, and some security data like an expiration or CVVC is used to identify the consumer. Additionally, the customer enters a Personal Identification Number to establish authentication (PIN).

Statement of the problem

Bank customers in Nigeria currently deal with subpar Automated Teller Machine (ATM) technology. Less than two years after ATM usage was welcomed by bank clients, the help is gradually evolving into yet another spectacular exhibition of annoyance. And the issue of cash/card withdrawal is no longer just a theoretical one. The issue indicated for this project effort, on the other hand, is the use of Personal Identification Number Codes (PIN Codes) by others. As a result, the danger that the bank or consumer might run is reduced. Thus, the research project is prepared to investigate the potential impact that A TM technology may have on Nigerian banks, particularly in light of the numerous scams that are now connected to A TM technology.


The primary objectives of this study are to seek/entitled “Effects of ATM technology on Nigeria banking industries”.

v    To examine the importance of ATM on Nigeria citizen in banking industry, Stockage of cards on the machine, efficiency and effectiveness of A TM on banking, customer and also the management


v To ATM is curse or blessing to banking industry?

v How long does it takes you to complete withdraw process make on A TM?

v Is ATM save and reliable?

v Can money be withdrawn at any time on ATM?

v How fast can PIN CODE be retrieve when forgotten?

v Do A TM technology reduce the length of’ queuing in banking hall?

v How many time can one use ATM card pet day?


The null and alternative hypothesis to be adopted for this research endeavor would as follows:

  1. Ho: ATM technology is not necessary to the survival of banking industry

Hi: ATM technology is necessary to the survival of banking industry

  1. Ho: ATM technology is not the alternative to reduce queues that characterize the country’s banking hall

Hi: ATM technology is the alternative to reduce queues that characterize the country’s banking hall.

  1. Ho: ATM has not improve bank service effectiveness.

Hi: ATM has improved bank service effectiveness.

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