Learning, acquiring knowledge, and improving one’s skills are all aspects of education. It has a significant impact on the rate of social, political, and economic development. Effective teaching is important in education because it helps students improve. Today’s teachers provide students with a variety of learning strategies. The new curricular trend, as well as a slew of innovations, result in significant educational changes.

Nowadays, there is more emphasis on improving students’ attitudes toward learning, academic achievement, and the development of 21st Century learning skills.

The term “21st-century skills” refers to a comprehensive collection of information, skills, work habits, and character qualities that are viewed as critical to success in today’s society, particularly in post-secondary programs and current jobs and workplaces, and that can be used.

throughout a student’s life, in all academic subject areas as well as all educational, occupational, and civic contexts. To compete in today’s prosperous and global economy, 21st-century skills are required, such as the ability to handle complex issues, cooperate and communicate effectively with others, learn new skills and knowledge independently, and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. As a result, educational institutions all over the world should be able to provide 21st-century skills to their students through formal education. Moqaddam, P. (2016) defines formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal

Traditional teaching methods, such as lectures, explanations, and exercises, are unquestionably beneficial to professional development. The limitations of traditional teaching methodologies, however, are much more acutely felt due to student capacities. As

As a result, modern teaching methods must be implemented. Modern teaching is defined as the implementation of learning activities based on students’ experiences. It is used to represent a wide range of instructional characteristics aimed at integrating current events into the classroom and meeting students’ needs in the digital age. Modern education places a premium on the student’s independent activity, self-learning organization, and practical training. Students can select from a variety of activities and act on their own initiative.

Modern teaching methods are becoming more collaborative and inquiry-based. Laptops and tablets in the classroom, videoconferencing, and podcasts are all important components of today’s teaching methods. The process of adopting the ideas and philosophies of previous educators. Contemporary teaching techniques are defined as taking existing ideas and beliefs and combining them with your own to create a new way of educating the next generation. All coaching and test preparation using rubric scaffolding are aimed at increasing student engagement and teaching method effectiveness (Ellaine O. 2019). Teachers are attempting to determine how each student should match the teachings to the highest level of achievement possible. Students are believed to be exposed to a variety of learning situations in order to strengthen their critical thinking abilities; the more concerned they are, the more they learn. Modern teachers strive to improve student performance. They aided students in making a variety of learning decisions, such as choosing strategies, resources, and evaluation systems (Ramos 2015). During the previous Over the last decade, there has been growing enthusiasm for a shift in perspective from a teacher-centered to a student-centered mode of instruction. Today, instructional strategies are used to expose students to a variety of learning styles. All of this is done to remind students of their lessons and to pique their dynamic interest in school. Today’s tactics include video displays, active conversation, modeling, and role-playing for learners. These strategies will help students learn and comprehend in a variety of areas. To improve learning outcomes, various teaching aids such as a white board, overhead projector, multimedia, PowerPoint, computer aided (CD ROMs), and web-based learning are available today. As a result, the focus of this study is on the impact of

On the impact of modern teaching methods on student academic achievement.

1.2 Problem statement

Every level of education seeks to effect fundamental change in the student. Teachers must use appropriate teaching methods that best suit specific objectives and levels in order to achieve the expected learning outcomes in order to facilitate the process of knowledge transmission. In the past, many teachers used teacher-centered strategies rather than student-centered techniques to transmit knowledge to students. Until now, educational researchers have been preoccupied with issues concerning the effectiveness of teaching methods on student learning. Furthermore, teaching and learning research is constantly attempting to determine the extent to which different teaching methods improve student learning progress.

Surprisingly, the majority of students have low grades. Academic performance in modern teaching methods is fundamentally linked to teachers’ use of ineffective teaching techniques to impart knowledge to students (Ellaine Obar 2019). Significant research on the efficacy of teaching methods reveals that learner success frequently reflects the quality of instruction. However, as science and technology advance, globalization and education internalization are viewed as issues that every nation must address. One of the focuses of today’s educational challenges is the development of 21st-century skills among students. As a result, both public and private schools must focus not only on transmitting the essentials, but also on ensuring that students acquire a suite of increasingly applicable skills that are made available through modern teaching methods. As a result, the goal of this study is

to look into the impact of modern teaching methods on students’ academic performance.


The primary goal of this research is to investigate the impact of modern teaching methods on student academic performance. It is specifically aimed

1. Determine whether modern teaching methods improve students’ academic performance.

2. To investigate how modern teaching methods aid students’ academic performance.

3. To see if teachers’ attitudes, behaviors, and the way they speak affect students’ learning.


The study is guided by the following research question:

1. Do modern teaching methods improve students’ academic performance?

2. How do modern teaching methods benefit students’ academic performance?

3. Do teachers’ attitudes, behaviors, and communication style

How does this affect the student’s learning?

4. Is there a significant relationship between modern teaching methods and improved student academic performance?


The study’s findings will be useful to teachers, parents, students, and researchers in related fields. Dear Teachers, This research will make teachers aware of current issues and enable them to implement new teaching techniques and strategies that will help students achieve higher levels of performance in class. To the students The study’s findings may provide them with encouragement and inspiration to appreciate the teachers’ modern teaching methods. Researchers may gain insights into future studies that will improve students’ academic performance through modern technology.

teaching methods.


The scope of this study is limited to the impact of modern teaching methods on student academic performance. It will investigate whether modern teaching methods improve students’ academic performance. It will look into how modern teaching methods can help students improve their academic performance. It will determine whether teachers’ attitudes, behaviors, and language affect students’ learning. The study, however, is limited to a few public schools in Akure South, Ondo State.


During the course of this research, the following factors may pose a limitation. Financial constraint- Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information and in the

data collection procedure (internet, questionnaire and interview).
Time constraint- The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


The term “teaching method” refers to the general principles, pedagogy, and management strategies employed in classroom instruction. Your preferred teaching method is determined by your educational philosophy, classroom demographics, subject area(s), and school mission statement.

Contemporary Teaching Method: It is a teaching method that focuses on teaching students to improve their intellect behavior through the use of various new and innovative ideas rather than making them recite the syllabus in order to pass the examination in the same old way.

Academic performance: Academic performance

Student achievement in various academic subjects is measured as performance. Teachers and education officials typically assess achievement through classroom performance, graduation rates, and standardized test results.

Learning outcomes are statements that describe the knowledge or skills that students should have at the end of a specific assignment, class, course, or program and help students understand why that knowledge and those skills will be useful to them.

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