The value of online advertising has grown in tandem with the rapid advancement of information technology. The internet is by far the most appealing significant media among information technology breakthroughs. Furthermore, the internet is quickly becoming the most essential source of knowledge due to its accessibility and abundance of data. Additionally, people purchasing online may alter or adjust the way they search for information in order to take use of particular internet features (Peterson and Merino, 2003) With the expanding age of the internet and the increasing tendency of people utilizing the internet for shopping and browsing, marketers are up against a lot of competition to keep up with what consumers want. With the growing age of the internet and the increasing tendency of people utilizing the internet for shopping and browsing, marketers are up against a lot of competition to remember what their customers want and how to target them. Consumer buying patterns are influenced by four factors: psychological, social, personal, and cultural. The cultural component has been studied separately in certain studies, although most studies include cultural aspects as part of the social variables. The psychological elements will be considered in this study, with the primary focus on the consumers’ beliefs and attitudes. In the early twentieth century, online advertising became widespread in the United States. Traditional and new direct marketers alike are becoming more interested in internet advertising. Many of the same activities that physical stores can do, such as showcase products, offer special discounts, take consumer orders, and process credit card transactions, are also available online. The only thing that isn’t free is adding a shipping fee and then processing the order. Consumers first depended solely on the internet for information. They would look into alternatives online and search for the products, but they were hesitant to purchase them. Consumers are now shopping online as a result of the passage of time and increased awareness. At initially, only high-end things were available for purchase on the internet. Consumers are now shopping online as a result of increased awareness. At initially, only high-end things were available for purchase on the internet. Laptops, cameras, and other electronic devices are examples. People in more developed countries, on the other hand, frequently purchase groceries online these days. In Nigeria, people’s attitudes about online advertising are likewise in their infancy. People are hesitant to buy products online because of the rising tendency of online frauds, and because of this trend, websites cannot be totally trusted. Various studies have shown that the average man views around 40,000 commercial advertising each year, which is a significant amount. Some firms, such as Proctor and Gamble and AT&T, spend up to $4 billion on advertising each year. Advertising is an impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or service that is paid for by the marketer, according to the official definition. Advertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling are all important components of a marketing plan’s promotional mix. Advertising is ubiquitous and reaches customers at all hours of the day. The amount of money spent on advertising by businesses is astounding. Advertising is also crucial for increasing sales and market share. . In general, most businesses must spend a significant amount of money on advertising in order to maintain market share and keep their company and products in front of their customers’ minds; they must use advertisements as reminders, or their competitors will be able to steal some of their market share and sales. Companies that are smaller or new to the market must traditionally spend more on advertising than their larger competitors. The reason for this is something known as the advertisement response function. Advertising, as a promotional tactic, is an important instrument for increasing product awareness in the minds of potential customers before they make a purchase choice. Advertising, sales promotion, and public relations are all examples of mass communication techniques. Advertising through all mediums influences audiences, but the internet is currently one of the most powerful mediums of advertising due to its widespread reach; it can influence not only an individual’s attitude, but also his behavior, lifestyle, exposure, and, in the long run, the country’s culture (Latif and Abideen 2011). Consumers are the products’ final users, and they keep the production cycle rolling. Consumers play a critical part in any nation’s economic system, and any nation will suffer crises if consumers do not have sufficient demand for the things produced. Advertising, according to Cohen (1988), is a business activity that uses creative strategies to create persuasive mass media communication that promotes ideas, goods, and services.

Problems of study

With the increasing popularity of utilizing the internet for shopping and browsing, online advertising, which has recently been adopted by all businesses due to its accessibility and larger reach than traditional media, appears to be the most recent means of advertising.

The debate now is whether or not online advertising is more effective than traditional media.


Do people buy products after seeing them advertised on the internet?


What additional factors have an impact on how consumers see advertisements?

Research Objectives

The following are some of the work’s goals: I Determine the rate at which pupils are exposed to online advertising

(ii) To see if online advertisements have an impact on consumer purchasing decisions.

(iii) To determine the elements that influence students’ perceptions of online advertising at Federal Polytechnic Bida.

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