The efficacy of health information management system for record management in National Hospital Abuja


The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of a health information management system for record management in Abuja’s national hospital. The study looked into whether the national hospital in Abuja has an effective information management system. The study also looks into whether hospital records are preserved on an electronic device or in a storage room. Finally, the study looked into if there are any obstacles to using an information management system. The survey descriptive research design was used in this study. The survey yielded a total of 30 valid replies. The findings revealed that the national hospital in Abuja has an excellent information management system based on the replies gathered and assessed. In addition, at the National Hospital, records are preserved on an electronic device. According to the findings, more qualified health information management staff is needed for better health record keeping, which will improve patients’ satisfaction with the care they receive while in the hospital. To avoid misfiling and loss of patients’ case files, proper filing and handling of their health records is also required.




Information and communication technologies (ICT) are now widely used in practically every part of life, including the healthcare industry. HIS was created in order to fully leverage technology, particularly the Internet, in order to provide better healthcare. Health information systems are often used to describe the interaction of people, processes, and technology in order to assist operations and management in delivering critical information to improve the quality of healthcare services. The nature of the healthcare sector, like that of any other industry, has evolved over time from a relatively stable to a dynamic one. And health information systems have progressed through a variety of technological advancements. Health information systems, according to Haux (2006), are systems that process data and deliver information and knowledge in healthcare settings. A hospital is both a healthcare environment and a healthcare institution, hence hospital information systems are an example of health information systems. The goal of health information systems is to help patients receive high-quality, efficient care. The following are some of the HIS terminology. The discipline of health informatics is concerned with the cognitive, information processing, and communication aspects of medical practice, education, and research, as well as the supporting information science and technology. Computers, as well as clinical recommendations, formal medical terminologies, and information and communication systems, are all examples of health informatics technologies. EHR systems use computers to organize the storage and retrieval of individual records, which are typically viewed on a computer, generally over a computer network. The move toward a universal electronic patient record is one of the most important trends (EPR). EPR is described as electronic health information about a single person that is uniquely identified by an identifier. EPR technology comprises acquiring, storing, retrieving, transferring, and modifying patient-specific, healthcare-related data, including clinical, administrative, and biographical data, individually and thoroughly (Protti et al., 2009).  How to manage the interaction between healthcare practitioners and patients is one of the most intriguing parts of HIS. Fostering positive relationships with customers (patients) can help to maintain and attract them as loyal consumers, as well as improve mutual understanding, trust, and satisfaction. Furthermore, a positive relationship will increase patient participation in decision-making (Richard and Ronald, 2008). A solid relationship fosters efficient communication, which is linked to greater physical health, better chronic disease management, and a higher health-related quality of life (Arora, 2003). Relationship management must evolve and grow over time.


Although many hospitals have tried to incorporate electronic health records into their daily operations as suggested by the Ministry of Health Affairs, standards are being established, and both public and private institutions must adhere to them. Despite the fact that electronic patient registration, billing, and accounting have been adopted, patients still have to physically carry all test reports and medical histories with them when they visit the doctor. Interoperability is not available.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a health information management system in the National Hospital Abuja for record management.


The study’s main goal is to see how effective a health information management system is at managing records at National Hospital Abuja. The study will be directed by the following goal in particular.

To see if the Abuja National Hospital has a good information management system.

To determine whether hospital records are kept on an electronic device or in a storage room.

To see if there are any obstacles to using an information management system.


For the study, the following hypothesis has been proposed:

HO1: The National Hospital in Abuja lacks an efficient information management system.

HO2: The National Hospital’s records are not saved on an electronic device.


The efficacy of a health information management system for record management in the National Hospital Abuja will be investigated in this study. As a result, it will have an impact on the following:

The hospital management board will benefit from this study because it will educate them on the importance of investing in technology that will aid in the proper storage of patients’ medical records.

Academia: The academic community will benefit from this study because it will add to the existing literature.


The purpose of this study is to see if the national hospital in Abuja has a good information management system. The study will also look into whether hospital records are kept on an electronic device or in a storage room. Finally, the study will look into if there are any obstacles to using an information management system. As a result, the scope of this research would be limited to the National Hospital in Abuja.


A variety of issues limited the scope of this investigation, including the following:

just like any other research, there are challenges, such as a lack of appropriate information on the issue under study and the inability to obtain data.

The researcher experienced financial constraints in obtaining essential resources, as well as in printing and collating questionnaires.

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