For each chapter, a project to evaluate the effectiveness of natural health insurance for improving health care in the Enugu metropolis was discussed. The first was an attempt to introduce a health insurance system in Enugu, and an attempt to consider the introduction of a health insurance system in Nigeria. What are the bright future interests? A description of the problem was considered because the important contribution of an effective and efficient national health insurance system in Enugu was not understood. Additionally, some previously written material on this topic has been reviewed for updates on this project. In Chapter 4, the researchers listed the following findings relevant to the study and proceeded to discuss these findings. Finally, the project work ended with conclusions and recommendations recommending increasing the effectiveness and efficiency ratios of the national health insurance system in order to attract more health.

table of contents

Front page – – – – – – – – – – ii

Approval Page – – – – – – – – – – iii

Dedication – – – – – – – – – – iv

Confirm – – – – – – – – – v

Summary – – – – – – – – – – vi

chapter One


1.1 Research Background – – – – – – – 1

1.2 Problem definition – – – – – – 4

1.3 Purpose of the Survey – – – – – – – 4

1.4 Research Question – – – – – – – – 5

1.5 Significance of the Survey – – – – – – 6

1.6 Course Scope and Limitations – – – – – 7

1.7 Definition of terms – –

chapter One


1.8 Research Background

Health insurance is a social security system that guarantees the provision of medical care that an individual needs by paying regular premiums collected. The first attempt to introduce a health insurance system was in 1962 in Nigeria, the first republic. The federal government has asked Dr. Halevi, through the International Labor Organization (120), to consider establishing a health insurance scheme in Lagos. The then Minister of Health, Dr. Majekodunmi, introduced the first bill to parliament. When the commission was commissioned to investigate social security (Oji, 2003). Healthy populations and workforces are undeniable tools for rapid socioeconomic and sustainable development around the world. Despite this undeniable fact, providing quality, accessible and affordable healthcare in Nigeria, like most African countries, is a serious problem (WHO, 2007, Oba, 2008). . Inadequate and outdated medical device policies, inconsistencies and corruption. Other factors hampering quality health care in Enugu are the inability of consumers to pay for health services, gender bias based on religious or cultural beliefs, and disparities between urban and rural areas. inequality in the distribution of health care facilities. For example, in the 2007 World Health Organization (WHO) report on health care, Nigeria was ranked 187th out of 191 countries, but in 2005 it had the highest number of tuberculosis and measles cases between 1998 and 2005. only 48% and 35% of children aged 0-1 years were fully immunized against , 28% of 5-year-old children with diarrhea received comparable treatment.

Social insurance is need-based contribution-based and need-based use. A health insurance plan may provide that contributions are made by or on behalf of employees or individuals (members) to, or on behalf of, members of the plan to the purchasing agency (fund) responsible for purchasing course services from providers. (Kutzin) 1997. The Nigerian government has determined that the NHIS is likely to help the NHIS provide effective health services, improve access to health services, and increase access to health services. (Ibwaye 2007). However, an evaluation of the program after four years of operation shows less than 3% coverage (Ikpong:
2007), these were due to the poor implementation of the program in Nigeria. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the National Health Insurance in improving health care in Enugu.

1.9 Problem Description

The following issues prompted the study of this project work.

1. They do not understand the important contribution of an effective and efficient national health system in Enugu.

2. The Nigerian government’s failure to improve access to the national health insurance system.

3. Inadequate effective management and administration of the activities and operations of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Enugu.

4. Ignorance of the existence, role, essential benefits and functions of the National Health Insurance system.

1.10 Purpose of the survey

The goals of research activities are as follows.

1. To identify the significant contribution of an effective and efficient national health system in Nigeria. 2. To see if the government will improve accessibility to social security in Enugu.

3. Ascertain whether there is awareness of the existence, role, important advantages and feasibility of business activities of the National Health Insurance Scheme in Enugu.

Four. To find out the problems facing the effective and efficient management and operation of the National Health System in Enugu.

1.11 Research question

Research questions for this research work include:

1. Is there a substantial contribution of effective and efficient national health insurance in Enugu?

2. Are there any problems with the effective and efficient management and operation of the Nigerian National Health Insurance system? 3. The Government of Nigeria will improve easy access to national health insurance, its key benefits and feasibility.



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