
This paper evaluates the government’s role in solving the housing problem in Anambra State. Homebuilding has not received the attention it deserves in this country for many years. But I hope that public demand will make my findings of great interest to the government, especially in Anambra state. and a good reference point for governments. There has always been a long-standing desire to conduct research to determine an assessment of the government’s role in solving Anambra’s housing problem.

chapter One

1.0 Introduction

Social scientists have yet to agree on which of the three basic needs—non-shelter, food and clothing—would take precedence.

What is indisputable is the fact that it takes more effort, resources, and planning to meet the housing needs of all societies. Your admin skills continue to be put to the test.

Sheltr is widely recognized as the second most important basic human food need. Housing in all its aspects is more than just housing, as it encompasses all social services and facilities that help make a community or neighborhood livable. In fact, humans needed this vital good for their own well-being.In fact, housing is a true indicator by which a country’s socio-economic and technological development is measured. “Show me the quality of your people’s homes, and I’ll tell you what kind of country you are,” could be an apt adage.

Simple trash that offers privacy and protection from the elements is out of reach for most members of the human race.

In order to ease the housing burden on residents, different governments in Nigeria once adopted different housing schemes. This policy aims to produce and manage climatically, socially and economically suitable living spaces at affordable prices.

1.1 Research background

This survey was conducted to understand the government’s role in solving the housing problem in Anambra State.

The study selects Anambra State Housing Development Corporation as a good case study to examine the government’s success in building housing for all.

The Awka South Local Government Area (LGA) comprises eight towns: Okpuno, Amawbia, Awka, Ezinato, Isiagu, Mbaukwu, Nibo, Nise and Umuawulu.

Awka is the capital of Anambra state and the seat of government.
It is accessible by road from all parts of the Eastern Province. Nice has notable infrastructure, including the state headquarters of the WAEC (West Africa Examination Council) and St. Paul’s University College, which is based there.

1.2 Problem Description

Housing is recognized around the world as he one of the basic necessities of life. All normal adults are expected to have a home for themselves and their families, but due to the country’s economic difficulties, this basic living requirement is no longer affordable for most Nigerians. not. A variety of housing policies and programs can’t go wrong. In this connection, the study decided to conduct research work on the role of government in solving the housing problem.

1.2 Problem Description

Housing is recognized around the world as one of the basic necessities of life. All normal adults are expected to have a home for themselves and their families, but due to the country’s economic difficulties, this basic necessities of life is no longer affordable for the majority of Nigerians. No, it’s not a mistake. In this connection, the study decided to conduct research work on the role of government in solving the housing problem.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The rapid and dangerous growth of Anambra State as a result of rapid population growth, overcrowding, environmental conditions and staggering changes in economic, political and social conditions presents the following obvious challenges: .

1. Providing commercial and residential housing for the ever-growing population of the state and its environs.

2. Acquires, develops, holds, manages, sells, loses, or leases personal property in the State;

3. House the state’s homeless and provide better alternative accommodation for those previously or currently living in inadequate housing. Establishing a Homeownership Savings Plan for a home or building owned, constructed or managed by us. The above has been the goal of all succeeding governments in the state since the association’s inception.

1.4 Importance of research

The objectives of the government’s role in resolving Anambra State’s housing problem can be summarized as follows:

1. Emphasize the role of housing in our societies facing shortages and housing supply problems.

2. Examining the historical evolution of government policy on housing, an analysis of the various measures that the government has adopted and is still adopting to provide housing for the large population of Anambra State.

3. Significant research and analysis of the real problems facing housing production in Anambra, including a focus on funding sources and budget allocations.

4. Suggest a recommendation for the problem. Rents were very high in major cities such as Awka, Onitsha, Enugu, Port Harcourt, and Lagos due to the large influx of people into these cities and the existing housing stock that could not handle the growing population. Similarly, many substandard homes without adequate amenities have skyrocketed in price.

1.5 Research Limitations

The writing of this paper is limited to available data collected at the Department of Works, Housing and Transport, located at his 5 Works Roads, Awka, Anambra. Among the restrictions encountered were those of the Department of Housing’s Building Division, which refused to release the design and layout of the building for security purposes.

1.6 Definition of terms


A house is a total unit of protection and environment that gives humans a better quality of life. In this respect, the term environment encompasses three groups, which include the natural aspects of the environment, including air, water, plants, and everything that is naturally given to humans. An artificial aspect is anything artificial or creative that enhances the beauty of nature and makes human life more comfortable. This includes services such as roads, electricity, sewage, and water, as well as other buildings around it.

The final aspect is man himself. Therefore, forms of housing can be categorized or traced back to early childhood, traditional society, and modern society. A house can be viewed as an object in which a person lives or an activity in which a person engages.

Turner (1968) refers to dwelling as a verb and a noun. As a verb, housing can be viewed as an activity. That is, people who are somehow involved in the construction of these houses. Human beings are the main actors, and as a noun can be regarded as a human-made object. In one of his coursework, Vagele (1971) states that decent and adequate human protection is one of the basic needs of individuals, families and communities. Homes and living environments have a significant impact on people’s health, performance, social behavior and satisfaction. It also determines the level of social and economic development of the country.

Owning a home is a symbol of prestige and social status in traditional societies and a propensity towards social cohesion and belonging. Good housing is essential to human dignity and employee well-being. Essentially, it provides a physical framework within which the environmental values ​​of humans and societies are liberated, enriched and integrated.

The quality and quantity of housing stock are reliable barometers for measuring a nation’s technological, cultural and civilization level and standard of living. One of the main indicators of a country’s “success” is how it has accommodated its citizens. The three basic human physiological needs are:
Food, shelter, clothing.

Housing is a complex. Products that provide a combination of services that are socially and economically vital to development and are therefore of great importance in national planning and development programmes. Housing must be judged by the impact it has on people, not by what it is. A housing strategy that simply provides housing and structures in place of housing as shelter and services is meaningless and does not work for research.


Government is broadly defined as the administrative group of people empowered to govern a political state. Government is the means by which business enforces her policies and is the mechanism by which national policies are determined. Forms of state government or forms of state government refer to the set of political institutions in which state governments are organized. Each subsequent government is made up of bodies of individuals who manage and control policy decisions. Their Anointing Should Be Done and Executed


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