The impact of information technology to the teaching and learning of economics in secondary Schools


The goal of this study was to look into the use of information technology (IT) in secondary school teaching and learning economics. The focus was on three main subject matters: identifying the challenges that may limit the use of information technology in secondary school economics teaching and learning, determining if teaching and learning with the use of information technology can advance students’ understanding of economics, and determining if the use of information technology in secondary schools in Akoko South West Local Government can enhance the academic development of Onitsha students. The researcher was given three research questions to study the phenomenon. A questionnaire and an observation schedule were employed to collect data from the field using a descriptive survey approach. According to the findings, the use of ICT in learning and teaching is limited in the majority of secondary schools in the research area. Students in the majority of secondary schools agreed that the infrastructure was inadequate. A significant number of students stated that they lacked the ability to create/edit a document, save a document, send email, or open a file. This shows that the majority of the kids had no basic understanding of how to utilize computers.

The report also recommended that schools with I.T. facilities address the issue of a lack of I.T. staff, since this will ensure that the facilities are in excellent working order and that students and staff use them responsibly and optimally. Before opting to utilize the computer to teach and learn a specific course, all students need receive some fundamental computer training. Finally, more research should be conducted on the use of information technology facilities in places where such facilities are firmly established.

Information technology, economics, teaching and learning, and utilization are all keywords.

The Study’s Background


Information technology refers to the use of computers to collect, retrieve, transfer, and operate data or information. It’s also considered a subcategory of information and communication technology. The use of computers to save, interact, and organize data in the generation, processing, modification, storage, security, and transmission of electronic data is known as information technology (Eze and Adu 2014).

In a Harvard Business Review article from 1958, information technology was first discussed, and it is considered a subset of ICT (Information Communication Technology) (Dwivedi, 2004). The IT industry has advanced in leaps and bounds since its inception. Technology is impossible to fathom a world without it since it has become so interwoven in our lives. From the mid-twentieth century forward, information technology grew to include transistors.

Hardware and software are used in the operation of information technology. To conduct the key functions, software includes the operating system and virtualization (O’Hara, Pritchard, & Bacon 2014). User devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, sound recorders, and other hardware tools are examples of hardware tools. The information technology landscape includes architectures, methodologies, and standards for the use and use of electronic data.

As technology progresses, information technology and its patterns change. Some current information technology trends are as follows:


Cloud computing is an internet-based computing model in which computers and other devices can access shared data on demand. Cloud computing reduces the cost of an organization’s IT infrastructure and facilitates virtualization.

Cloud computing also simplifies software and hardware maintenance.

Mobile Applications: Mobile applications have been a big success since their beginnings. They can be downloaded from the internet.

User interface: The user interface has changed drastically since the introduction of touch displays. Touch screens eliminate the requirement for a third-party device by allowing users to interact directly with the display. Smart phones, tablets, and other electronic devices frequently have this.

Analytical Patterns is a combination of statistics, computer programming, and operations research that aids in the finding of relevant data patterns.

There is no such thing as specific information technology. Information technology encompasses almost every type of modern computer networking technology.

Information technology is being used to produce a variety of technologies that are vital to protecting life in the present and future. As a result, information technology comprises all of the various types of computer networking and modern world technologies. Several types of mobile technologies, however, that enable the usage of server and storage devices, are common examples of information technologies. Teaching is the act of paying attention to people’s needs, experiences, and feelings and then making specific interventions to help them learn specific topics.

Nigerian senior secondary school students study economics as one of their subjects. Economics, according to Dwivedi (2004), is the study of how society chooses what, how, and for whom to produce. He went on to say that, depending on a country’s economic structure, either a central planning agency or the price system can answer the question of what, how, and for whom to manufacture. Furthermore, economics might be described as the study of how man divides limiting resources between competing desires. The Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN 2004) goes on to list the specific objectives of economics as follows: equipping students with basic economic principles necessary for useful living and higher education; preparing and encouraging students to be prudent and effective in the management of scarce resources; and raising students’ respect for labor dignity and appreciation of the economy, culture, and social value of the society (O’Hara, Pritcha).

Although universities were early adopters of the Internet and interoperable computer systems to connect academics for e-mail and data exchange, educational and training ICT utilization has lagged behind that of other sectors of society (Eze and Adu 2014). Information technology, when used successfully in the classroom, may significantly improve teaching and learning while also generating a trained and efficient workforce for the country.

Illiteracy is described as the inability to read and write, as well as the inability to utilize some modern gadgets, according to current global trends. According to a study conducted years ago (O’Hara, Pritchard, & Bacon 2014), technology fosters literacy, gives youngsters access to knowledge, improves learning, and boosts students’ self-esteem. Technology clearly assists students in broadening and diversifying their horizons.

Computer software for the compilation of educational materials and curriculum development is unusual in colleges and universities (Nicola 2014).

The significance of information technology in the teaching and learning process, on the other hand, cannot be understated, which is why schools must be equipped with basic IT tools and computer facilities to assist students. In today’s world, everyone uses information technology, especially computers, in both rich and poor countries. In the mid-1960s, computers were first introduced to American schools for administrative purposes, but they were not well embraced (Shue, 2009) In order to understand how technology may be related to education, Apple II computers came up with the idea of using its computers in schools for teaching and learning. The traditional approach to teaching economics is fading, and it no longer meets the needs of today’s students, especially now that they have internet access. Students and teachers must be skilled in conjunction with the implementation of information technology in secondary schools in order to use it in schools (Pearson et al, 2005). To stay up with the present societal trend in secondary schools, several measures for economics teaching and learning must be implemented (Pearson et al, 2005). In addition, using information technology in secondary school economics classrooms allows students to learn in a secure and non-threatening setting. The internet is frequently used in education because it allows students to access knowledge and resources quickly.

As a result of advancements in information technology, computers may be used to teach economics-related topics such as population theories, statistics, theory of consumer behavior, theory of demand and supply, theory of production, and so on. The Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council has designed a framework for a three-year Basic Education Qualification as a result of rapid changes in economic conceptions as a result of global practices.

Although some Nigerian universities use computers to teach economics-related topics, it is obvious that the bulk of Nigerian secondary schools lack computer facilities to enhance instruction. As a result, the goal of this research is to investigate the impact of information technology on secondary school economics teaching and learning. The Problem is Stated The use of information technology in secondary school economics teaching and learning can be hampered by a number of problems. Cost, a lack of infrastructure, a lack of knowledge, a lack of appropriate software, and limited internet connectivity are all factors. A lack of infrastructure is another impediment to efficient information technology adoption. We all know that computers run on energy. In Nigeria, however, inconsistent power supply is a serious issue, and with current fuel pump prices, secondary schools will find it difficult to spend money on fuel to run generators, which will invariably discourage them (O’Hara, Pritchard, & Bacon 2014). A lack of competence hinders the use of information technology in economics teaching and learning. Nigeria is lacking in human resources.

As a result, the study’s purpose is to investigate the interplay between secondary school information technology and economics instruction. The Study’s Objectives

The main goal of this research is to find out how information technology may be used to teach and learn economics in secondary schools. Other specific goals include the following:


To describe the obstacles that may impede the use of information technology in secondary school economics teaching and learning.


To see if using information technology to teach and learn economics may help students understand the subject better.


To see if using information technology in secondary schools in Akoko South West Local Government may help Ondo State’s academic growth.

Research Questions

  1. What are the barriers to incorporating information technology into secondary school economics teaching and learning?
  2. Does using information technology to teach and learn economics help students understand the subject better?
  3. Is it possible for secondary schools to benefit from the usage of information technology?

Significance of the Study

This research aims to educate the general public, schools, and government about the need of incorporating information technology into secondary school economics teaching and learning.

It also serves to notify the government that they may assist in making learning computer-based across the country’s secondary schools as a means of enhancing Nigerian youth literacy.

The government may help by providing computers to secondary schools throughout Nigeria and enacting regulations to encourage this.

It will also be of great assistance to other researchers who want to learn more about this subject, and it can be used by non-researchers to expand on their work by contributing to knowledge and serving as a roadmap for future work or study.

Scope of the Study

This research is limited to the use of information technology in secondary school economics teaching and learning. A case study of Ondo State’s Akoko South West Local Government.

Operational Definition of Terms

Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers for the gathering, retrieval, transfer, and processing of data and information. It is also a subset of information and communications technology.

Teaching is the process of paying attention to people’s needs, experiences, and feelings and then making precise interventions to help them learn specific topics.

Economics is a social science that studies human behavior as a link between goals and limited resources with multiple applications.

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