The Impact Of Management Communication For Effective Organizational Performance




This study’s main subject is “the impact of management communication for effective organizational performance” with particular emphasis on ANAMMCO, Enugu.


The primary goal of the study was to identify the communication methods and systems that will aid in evaluating their efficacy for optimal organizational performance.


The researcher employed the questionnaire method to collect data from each of the six (6) departments of the business in order to accomplish this goal.


The study shows that ANAMMCO is a firm that prioritizes communication because they think it’s important for good organizational performance, which helps the business accomplish its goals and objectives.


Finally, it is hoped that the work will serve as a good starting point for readers and users who may or may not agree with the author.


Text Of The Chapter




Chapiter 1




1.1 Historical context


Problem statement, section 1.2


1.3 The goal of the research


1.4 Importance of the research


1.5 Questions for further investigation


1.6 Definition of key words


Apartment Two




Reading Review




2.1 The purpose of communication


2.2 Communications characteristics


2.3 The purpose of the communication


2.4 The conversational procedure


2.5 Forms and techniques of communication


2.6 Barriers to effective communication


2.7 Guidelines for efficient/effective communication


2.8 The necessity of effective communication


Section Three




Researcherche Methood


3.1 Research approach


3.2 The study’s geographic scope


the study’s sample population (3.3)


Sample size and sample, section 3.4


Instrument for gathering data: 3.5


3.6 Controlling the use of the instrument


3.7.1 Technique for data analysis


Chapiter Iv


Assessment Of Data And Results


4.1 Data evaluation


Section 4.3 Discussion


Chapiter 5


Debate, Recommendation, And Conclusion


5.1 Discussion of the findings


The 5.2 Recommendation


5.3 Conclusion


Limitations of the study, paragraph 5.4






Chapiter 1




Transferring information from one person, entity, or point to another is referred to as communication. It may also serve as a form of communication between individuals, generations, and a sizable audience, as well as for the transmission of ideas, attitudes, perspectives, and opinions.


Without communication, social organizations cannot survive. You can image how out of control things will become if you gather a group of individuals and are unable to communicate with them. There is a range of communication in any organization, regardless of how wealthy or poor it is; without it, there would be no organization. No company can succeed without it since it is so essential. In reality, communication is essential to human existence because it allows us to exchange thoughts, experiences, and feelings with others around us.


Any organization that lacks channels for communication or where those that do exist need to strengthen those that presently exist. Employers would like communication between employees, clients, and the general public to facilitate action and operations within the company.


The goal of the organization they work for would be of particular interest to the employees. They want to be aware of impending changes, especially those that will have an impact on them. Additionally, they want to know what is expected of them in the company, to follow the rules and regulations, and to communicate their feelings, clear aspirations, and efforts to the organization. They would also wish to be recognized by other employees, particularly management. When an organization’s goals are derived from those of its members, it is said to be a good one, and this can only be done by setting up an efficient downward, upward, and lateral communication system. As a result, he is well aware of the organizational plans and given the opportunity to contribute in a way that benefits the management as a whole.


1.1 Background of the study


Every organization has a specific goal that it works hard to meet and uphold. For instance, legal institutions strive to produce excellent, disciplined, and well-behaved citizens for the country’s social, economic, and political development at all of their numerous levels. Police and other law enforcement services work to provide public order and sanity to society by reducing and stopping antisocial behavior. Businesses are set up to provide goods and services to the public for the least amount of money and the greatest amount of profit. At all levels, educational institutions strive to produce literate people who can contribute to the social, economic, and political advancement of their nation.


The Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Boys and Girls Brigades, and numerous churches are examples of charitable and religious organizations that have been set up to serve as moral instruments, develop good character, and provide human-training services to the poor.


Human resources, according to Ubeku (1983:20), are the most crucial resources for every business because they are necessary for the operation of all other resources.


Management, according to Aenyer (1970:20), is concerned with the direction and control of an organization, and it is these individuals that serve as the means by which organizational objectives are achieved. Planning and overseeing other people’s work are involved.


These managerial duties cannot be carried out efficiently without communication. It is crucial when performing the roles of leading and directing.


People can only open up and trust each other with a share of their true selves when they can converse and connect with one another. Communication is therefore the lifeline of society.


The role of communication is the mechanism through which organized activity is brought together, social inputs are fed into organization, behavior is changed, changes are brought about, information is made useful, and objectives are attained. A person is communicated with by a personnel officer or a superior officer in an effort to influence his behavior. In counseling sessions with a high emotional component, he might have punitive or corrective goals. The superior should empathically hear what the workers or subordinates are saying. Empathy entails placing oneself in another person’s situation, circumstances, and emotions. Therefore, listening with empathy is a crucial component of two-way communication. The subordinate must be given the chance to express himself since only after doing so will the superior know how and where to help.


Enterprises cannot function internally or externally without effective communication. Its internal requirements include integrating the managerial function to make plans for achieving them, organizing people and resources for optimal productivity, and most importantly, developing an environment that is favorable for effective and efficient organizational performance.


For any firm to succeed, external communication is equally essential. Managers are able to understand the demands of their diverse client base, including suppliers as well as consumers, as well as societal and regulatory requirements, labor market conditions, expectations for new product lines, and plans and strategies for business trend innovations, thanks to information sharing. Any organization—military, commercial, religious, or even governmental—needs external engagement and influence for it to succeed, and communication is the only way to do this.


According to Brow (1983:116), communication is the act of passing along ideas and thoughts from one person to another with the intention of fostering comprehension in the mind of the recipient.


The need of communication for efficient organizational performance is brought into sharp light by this emphasis on understanding.


Information is the manager’s primary instrument, according to Anker (1978:102), because he doesn’t “handle” people but rather motivates, orients, and directs them to perform in accordance with the intended goals. The manager’s only tool for analyzing gestures and other body language is a chart.


The receiver’s comprehension of the required action is key, regardless of the method used. Whatever the manager’s position, his or her efficiency depends on their capacity to communicate their ideas to others in a clear and understandable manner through speech and writing.


Managers must devote a significant portion of their time to communication if they are to successfully organize and coordinate the people and material resources of their organization into a productive and effective working unit. The organizational goals can only be successfully performed when the human and material components of an organization are harnessed into a cohesive whole.


Although communication is crucial for efficient organizational performance, many corporate organizations in Nigeria today either ignore it or don’t give it any attention. The majority of files in offices are marked as confidential, which prevents people who need to use the information for efficient performance from getting access to it. A member of an organization cannot perform honorably if he is not fully informed of his responsibilities. When no one has bothered to point out that he is breaking the rules and regulations of his organization, how can a member of that organization know when he is doing so? How can such a group hope to succeed or accomplish its goals when the people it wanted to work with and use to do so are unaware of the “what” and “how” of the goals?


While public offices are rife with indolence and sick reports, strikes, and the like happen more frequently as a result of weak and inadequate communication between management and employees, other business organizations have great productivity. None of these help the organization in its efforts to accomplish its goals in any manner. In light of this, the research aspires to assist readers realize the significance of efficient communication in an organization. Effective communication between employees of a company reduces misunderstandings and enhances trust, understanding, and altruistic behavior.


1.1 Statement Of The Problem


1.2.1 Workers Are Under Informed Or Unformed By Management.


As was mentioned in the introduction, a lack of clear and effective communication between the organization’s management and its members often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings between individuals within an organization as well as between departments within an organization. The majority of the organization’s plans, particularly those that have an impact on the employees and their jobs, are not fully or adequately communicated to the public. Because significant decisions impacting their departments are made without consulting them, many managers are discouraged. As a result, they generally consider and respect the policies that have been passed down to them with little or no significance. As a result of all of these factors, there is dissatisfaction among the organization’s members since the resentful employees are prevented from accessing the proper channels for voicing their grievances and their feelings and wants are stifled.


1.2.2 Not Taken Into Account Customers When Formulating Policies.


Some businesses fail because their clients pay high prices for their products or because producers fail to take particular customer preferences into account.


Because customers’ feelings won’t be respected, the organization’s standard will drop.


1.2.3 Failure To Maintain Successful Communication With Host Community:


It is crucial for an organization to maintain effective communication with its host community in order to live up to the expectations of the community because the community in which the organization is situated may be lacking in many things and may be looking forward to it being fulfilled by the organization. Finally, I must reiterate that poverty. Therefore, every manager should use every effort to preserve effective communication within his or her firm. In reality, every human organization depends on communication to function.


1.3 Objective Of The Study




The following is the study’s goal in light of the issues raised:


1.3.1 Learning about the communication strategies employed by the Anambra Motor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.


1.3.2 Learning about the company’s communication strategy, in particular the language techniques used.


1.3.3 Learning about the different forms of communication both inside and outside the firm.


1.3.4 The purpose of and procedures for company communication.


Based on the research findings, essential suggestions and recommendations will be made for consideration by everyone and implemented when it is practical and affordable to do so.


1.4 The Importance Of The Study


The following are why the study is important:


1.4.1 Drawing managers’ attention to the value of communication in producing effective results.


1.4.2 The function of communication in achieving predetermined organizational goals.


An efficient communication system has not been used by many organizations. This is reflected in the outcome of organizational operation, where stressed relationships interfere with efficient operation. Therefore, the researcher’s main goal is to draw company managers’ attention to the significance of communication for efficient organizational performance. The importance of communication in achieving an organization’s goals.


In order to achieve fair economic growth, much emphasis has been placed on the efficiency and effectiveness of management in both public and private companies. Effective management is considered to imply effective organizational performance. Without efficient communication, this effective management cannot be ensured. The effectiveness of managing people, money, materials, and equipment also plays a role in an organization’s success. The study’s findings will help not only the chosen corporation but also other organizations in order to perform effectively. Additionally, other students will find the study valuable for both their academic work and potential future employment as business managers.


1.5 Questions For Research


1. What is the sex of the ANAMMCO employees?


2. What is the average age of the ANAMMCO employees?


3. How long have the employees been employed with ANAMMCO?


4. Have the employees held previous employment before joining ANAMMCO?


5. What credentials (education) do ANAMMCO employees possess?


6. How well does ANAMMVO’s communication system work?


7. How are employees treated in the workplace?


8. Does ANAMMCO have a written communication procedure.


9. In what ways does the business handle communication?


10. How highly is communication rated by the business?


11. What communication techniques are employed by ANAMMCO?


12. Which approach is most efficient?


13. How do employees view the value of communication in successful communication?


14. What kind of attitude do ANAMMCO employees generally have toward their work?


15. Does a worker’s attitude toward their job have anything to do with the communication system?


16. Does ANAMMCO allow for authority delegation?


17. Do employees understand the company’s goals?


What is the organization’s primary communication channel?


19 Do the employees belong to any recognized unions?


How frequently does management meet with employees?


21. Is the grapevine a reliable source of management information?


22. How does the company handle employee complaints and suggestions?


23. Do employees understand what is required of them at work and what is expected of them?


24. Does the firm notify employees in advance of changes that would impact their work and the company’s operations?


25. Do employees schedule appointments before meeting with their manager for any reason?


26. When staff members converse with their superiors, does he:


a. Invest enough time in the conversation?


b. Recognize the thoughts, feelings, needs, and expectations of employees


c. frequently irritated or disturbed?


d. Give unfavorable remarks frequently?


e. frequently end conversations by saying that they are too busy?


() Does his attitude toward supervisors and subordinates facilitate open communication?


() Are employees open to receiving criticism from their superiors or subordinates?


Definition of terms, section 1.6




a. Communication is the process by which concepts, knowledge, instincts, facts, ideas, views, etc. are passed from one person to another. The use of a common system of symbols, signs, behaviors, etc. for the exchange of information can take the shape of a vocal, non-verbal, or written message.


b. CONCEPT: Concept refers to an idea, plan, mental image, objective, or viewpoint.


c. TRANSMITTING, or sending an encoded message, is the operation.


d. ENCODED: Choosing the most accessible forms of communication, such as words or phrases, symbols, diagrams, charts, facial expressions, and gestures, for transmission and comprehension.


e. Churches, social groups, and corporate organizations are examples of societal or common-purpose organizations.


f. PERFORMANCE: The carrying out of an activity, the realization of a promise or claim, etc. In this context, the ability to operate effectively performance refers to the capacity of the company to achieve its key goals objectives.


g. ORGANICGRAM: The organizational structure, which serves as a framework for the formally defined relationships inside an organization. It is a diagrammatic representation of the formal relationships and authority structure that exist inside an organization.


h. AUTHORITY: The capacity to direct others to act in accordance with organizational objectives. Authors in the field of management define authority as having the ability to demand results.


i. Policies are broad declarations that direct an organization’s decision-making. They are categorized and affected based on managerial levels.


j. Efficiency is measured by dividing output by input, which tells us how well the goal was met while keeping costs to a minimum.


k. FEEDBACK: This term refers to signals that the listener sends to the speaker to let him know how well he is being understood. It is a response that verifies that there has been contact.


l. DECODING: This process of transforming the received message into one’s own thoughts is another critical component of communication. Understanding a message is demonstrably demonstrated through decoding.


m. MOTIVATION: One of the main functions of human management, motivation is the force that propels a person to action. The success of motivation depends on the management style.

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