The Impact Of Leadership And Organizational Behaviour On Employees Productivity




Economic progress and success in contemporary society are significantly influenced by the caliber of leadership. This holds true for both individuals and nation governments, as well as for corporate leaders, investors, and policymakers. In an organization, leadership is crucial because accomplishments and outcomes follow the attributes that the leader projects. Every firm has growth as its primary goal. This is greatly influenced by the dynamics between management and workers. The management will expect employees to work hard so that the organization’s goals are achieved, while employees will expect to earn more money to support their living expenses. Organizational behavior is essentially a branch of pure psychology that is connected to institutional businesses and used to carry out organizational objectives. It consists of an organization’s activity that can be seen by other organizations or through tools used for experimentation. The study will concentrate on organizational behavior, leadership style, and its effects on management and employee performance. There are five chapters in the work. The general concepts of leadership, organizational behavior, and its consequences on management and employees will be covered in the first chapter. We will examine many authors who have conducted study on leadership styles, employee evaluation, and organizational behavior in the second chapter’s literature review. We will discuss research methods in chapter three, and data analysis will be covered in chapter four. Finally, chapter five will include summaries, conclusions, and recommendations. In addition, we will interpret the data and test the hypothesis there.

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