The Impact Of Political Conflict In Nigeria Democracy


Chapter One




The mortal race will noway see the end of troubles until political power is entrusted to the nut of wisdom “ PlatoRepublic ”. My first approach to the challenge of this content, is that we’ve no choice but to seed to return to the introductory environment in which Nigerians see the godfather or the conflicts as a member of the political process as well as the figure, standing against the intellectual extrapolations forming in, and also sustained by, the media.


Politics as a conception when considered against its description by David Easton, could be said to have been in actuality as early as any grouping or association of people which is formal or occasionally when informal. The Eastonian description posits that politics is the “ authoritative allocation of dread values ”. This description could also be viewed from the point of struggle for the political power will to authoritatively allocates these values through the point of impacting the opinions of who gets what, when and how and eventually culminating at the disputation for the voice of proscription on the perpetration of the opinions taken.


still, from the below brief overview of the conception of politics would reveal some crucial factors, the values of coffers available to be participated amongst members of the scarce and can not sufficiently satisfy the requirements of every member of the group. This is why there’s need for an authority which will decide on the allocation of these scarce coffers apparently in agreement with precedence of significance. Another factor to be published out is that since the decision of ‘ what ’ anyone would get from the system resides at the points of who makes up the authority of allocation, there’s thus clashes and dissensions at these opinions points.


still, it would come clear that the political process is one that can be figuratively nominated, WAR, If the two above factors are added up . And if all these conflicts can not be amicably resolved by way of judgments , also the system is at a point of extremity.


The trend of ‘ political godfatherism ’ which in turn is deduced from the maker or sustainers of an aspect of reality, a people to whom great significance is attached. We can also see that there’s a relationship between godfather and god- child; godchild being a child for whom one takes responsibility by making pledges to help grow in a sphere of life, and god- fatherism has come one of the topmost problem facing the Nigerian political system. It leads to corruption because you have to make returns( he that soweth liberally, reapeth liberally). The holder of the political position becomes a stooge to his godfather because he that pays the piper dictates the tune. By the time the godson refuse to meet their( godfathers) demand, it’s ultimately indictment from political services( what a man soweth, that he reap).


In the Nigeria fourth democracy division( 1999 till date) in question, Anenih – Igbinedion, the Sariki – Lawal face- off, Nwobodo – Nnamani quagmire, Adebibu – Ladoja extremity, Uba – Ngige savant and all other godfather – protégé extremity in Nigeria don’t only portend great peril to our popular trial, but also on the veritably substance and validity of our actuality as a nation. The billions of naira expended by Nigerian godfathers for subsidizing the choices of their godsons, have completely monetized choices in Nigeria, which automatically disqualifies men of honour, character and integrity from holding tagged public positions. Without mistrustfulness, the miracle has assumed this crazy from since the enthronement of Nigeria civil rule on May 29, 1999. it started with the acrimony that was between principal Anthony Anenih( godfather) and Lucky Igbinedion( protégé), the governor of EdoState between May 1999, to May 2003. ChiefA. Anenih was purported to have championed the seeker of Lucky Igbinedion against other contenders as the governor of the state and also subsidized his crusade charges. But Lucky Igbinedion failed to repay the gesture of Anenih by not giving him acceptable government patronage and by acting in ways as pious ‘ godson ’. The occasion unfolded itself betweenDr. Jim Nwobodo( godfather) andDr. Chimaroke Nnamani( protégé), of EnuguState. Though the godson ultimately subdued the godfather after a fierce struggle for the soul of the state.( Essence Library, Godfatherism in Nigeria Politics, 2004,p. 64).


still, during the alternate term of President Olusegun Obasanjo, the miracle of godfatherism becomes more intimidating and dangerous to the survival of Nigeria’s fledging republic. In OyoState, South- West Nigeria, Adebidu( godfather) and Ladoja( protégé) battle for the soul of Oyo, has affected governance in the State and has reenacted political violence which it was notorious for. At the long run, Ladoja won the State gubernatorial election, defeating the peremptory governor, Alhaji Lam Adeshina of the Alliance for Democracy( announcement). He was ultimately sworn in on 29th May, 2003. When Adedibu decided to nominate 80 percent of the new officers and special counsels, Ladoja decided to act presto. He tricked Adedibu to go on a important – required rest abroad and he made sure the speaker Moroof Olawale Atilola – led House of Assembly incontinently approved his list of officers that was the end of the pact between Adedibu and Ladoja. The enmity between Adedibu and Ladoja was put into display during the electioneering crusade for the March 27, 2004 Original Government choices. Ladoja was left to his bias until he was consumed through “ indictment ” by the barracuda he mounted in 2003.( Celetine Okafor, The Ladoja Impeachment, January 14, 2006).


Another important occasion that unfold was that of Chris Uba( godfather) and Chris Ngige( protégé), of AnambraState. After the Pledge – taking at the Okija sanctum by the godson, he refused to play ball as arranged, sacking, blood letting, gubernatorial hijacking and judicial ambushes has come common place conditioning in AnambraState. Until the 16th March, 2006. The godson( Ngige) was eventually removed from office.( Essence Library Godfatherism in Nigeria politics, 2004,p. 65).


This extremity was veritably important reflective of how it has always been in the Nigerian polity as it concerns the political elites in the society. They’re high and potent and have the capability to have their way given any situation and nearly every extremity that’s observed is an after- effect of the musceflexing amongst them and amongst themselves.


Statement Of The Problem


In the proceeding piece of preface to this work, sufficient and hear total description and highlights of the colorful points and forms of incarnation political conflicts in Nigeria fourth democracy, was tried. This was done alongside with the brief overview of the conception “ godfatherism ” and “ political conflicts ” in any system, society or political grouping while also considering the frequence of these extremity situations in Nigeria as a nation. Haven looked at the forms of incarnation of the conception. It’s proper that we essay to state the problem( s) that created a sustaining terrain for these extremity to blew and thrive.


The first problem could be spotted from the analysis of the below listed political conflicts saga, is that of wide corruption which has a mate in unpatriotism. relatively constantly, Nigeria has been considered to be among the first five most corruption, fueled by rapacity for the conception of nationalism, that has redounded in the average Nigeria seeing governance and government as a vehicle for exploitation and tone- aggrandizement. So while the people crave for a leadership of lift maintain mercantilism as their watchword and do everything in the stopgap of financial earnings and reflex. Anambra, Oyo, Enugu, Edo,etc. are still a classic illustration of this situation.


The alternate problem fluently identifiable in the entire case script of the Oyo, Anambra, Kwara, Edo, Borno, etc political conflicts is “ Elitism ”. While the consideration of elitism as a problem would not be widely accepted.


Another problem is one that could be said to be an offshoot of the proceeding problem conception, political godfatherism. Political godfatherism is a conception that although is extensively in practice in all corridor of the world, have assumed disturbing and worrying confines and proportions in the nation moment. It has come material to have strong political godfathers before considering running for any optional office and indeed political movables . Unfortunately, as it was in Anambra, Oyo, Edo,etc. utmost of these godfathers offer the services of their support only in expectation of fiscal effects that are alarmingly huge and extravagant and opposed to the anticipated norm of service to the people.




The following thesis will be tested during the course of the work.


1. The further monetized the political system is the more the strength of the god- fathers.


2. The more prominent the conditioning of the god- fathers, the advanced the possibility of political insecurity.


3. The more elected officers depend on god- fathers, the more impoverished the millions would be.


Objects Of The Study


1) To essay a exposure of the Godfatherism and goods of political conflicts by examining the colorful identifiable causes and goods of Edo State conflict in Nigeria fourth democracy.


2) To forcefully establish the fact that political conflicts had come Nigeria’s harmonious confederate, with a pictorial examination of Edo State Government extremity.


3) And eventually, to profer a nostrum to the linked causes of these political conflicts in order to help a continuance of its sporadic frequence in Nigeria.


Significance Of The Study


The substance of this study is tone- explaining in the donation of the colorful data that constitute the extremity of EdoState in question. This study seeks to give us with detailed account of these state extremity and indepth and total( as much as possible) analysis of the colorful factors that comes into play in the saga. This is in the view to chancing a continuing result and therefore precluding a reoccurrence of the anomaly in the Nigerian polity.


It’s also not in mistrustfulness that other scholars could further explore this area of exploration, just like a many others have done before me, using this work study as a launch pad. This could be by advancing strength and support to some of the ideas or thesis that this work seeks to propagate. If could also be by perfecting in some or all of the crimes that I may have ineluctably made in the course of this exploration. All of these would prop in navigating spectators and unborn experimenter of this content of study, towards the stylish stock of intellectually logical compendium on the content. The end of all these would in no mistrustfulness be useful in precluding a unborn reiteration of the crimes that are presently a bane on our development in present day.


Eventually, it’s also noted that this work could be considered as an addition to the bulk of academic and intellectual endeavours and cessions available on this content and on affiliated motifs, particularly in Nigeria. In the final analysis, this work would be seen as another ray of light thrown in the direction of colorful political paroxysms that has besiege the country especially in recent times.


Compass Of The Study


Although the problem of political conflicts is one that’s widely conceded and pondered upon, the compass of this particular exploration work would be limited to EdoState in Nigeria and the time frame of study would be the fourth democracy( 1999 – till date).


The reason for this is because the happenings in the state reflect the trend that being eternalized nationally. also, any attempt at proffering a long lasting result to the problem, it’s hoped, would also have a bearing on the entire nation.



The nature of this exploration makes it advisable that a secondary source of data is accepted in order to give applicable data, trouble will be made to collect secondary sources in literature similar as book, magazines, journals, journals, internet and other analogous accoutrements . The top system used will be questionnaires which will be given to choosers in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria – primary source


Abstract Explanation


1). Godfatherism- Godfatherism is “ a manly godparent a guarantor – bone who pays the bill. The head of a felonious disquisition ”.


2). Politics- The struggle for power which itself is the authority to determine or formulate and execute opinions and programs, which must be accepted by the society. It’s the struggle for power of governance, especially administrative authority.


3) Elites- These are limited number of people who believed that they held the rates necessary for accession to full social and political powers.


4) Crisis- Means an unstable situation, a unforeseen attack of pain or stress. Violent struggle between two parties over an idea or possession.


5) Conflict- Means the disagreement in ideas or over a thing between groups of persons or one person and another.


6) Logrolling- Means the donation of proffers and counter – proffers by two nonconcurring parties, with the stopgap of attaining an agreement or an equilibrium.


7) Godson- Godson is a manly godchild who’s put under the supervision of his godfather.


8) Saga-Long story of stalwart deeds


9) Clog- come blocked with thick or stricky accoutrements


10) Clog- a small figure of a person that can be made to move or a group or person whose conduct are controlled by another.


11) Elastic- This is commodity that can be altered, not fixed


12) Chameleonic- A person who changes her or his geste , opinion etc to suit the situation.




1. Godfatherism in Nigeria’s Politics, Essence Library, 2004,P.V.


2.Ibid.p. 63- 69.


3. Togbolo,U. Samuel, nd, Politicians and Political Godfatherism


4. Tell Nigeria and Independent daily January 30, 2006.pp. 62- 65.


5. Tell Nigeria and Independent WeeklyNo. 28, July 9, 2001.


6. Celestine Okafor,( 2006), The Ladoja Impeachment


7. Guardian Newspaper, August 25, 2005


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