The Impact Of The United States Invasion Of Iraq In 2003 On The Sovereignty Of Iraq



Since the elaboration of ultramodern state sovereignty donates the final authority of the state over its population and home. This authority may be exercised by the government of the day. The state which is autonomous is free from external aggression. In the contemporary world the meaning of sovereignty has changed the conception is now associated with different places and practices rather than the single notion of supreme authority within a given home or being independent from external control or hindrance. Grounded on the new generality of sovereignty the united countries decided to foray Iraq on the Rationale that Iraq had some important connections with

Alqa’ida a terrorist association who was contended to have attacked the world trade centre on September 11, 2001. From this point, several observers have wondered what the irruption of Iraq had suggested about the US and the obligation of the United Nations. The UN as a matter of fact most cover the interest of any nation which is subordinated to external aggression, still, the UN folded its arms when Iraq in 2003 was under attack by the United States and its abettors , which brings entirely about the question of sovereignty, because the irruption violated Iraq’s independent and territorial integrity. The question we may ask is why the US did raided Iraq? And what part did the United Nations played to cover the sovereignty of Iraq?, this exploration heavily reckoned on the secondary data to substantiate its findings. So it was discovered from this exploration multitudinous reasons were behind the US irruption of Iraq, similar as the Perceived trouble by the US that Sadam Husaain produces nuclear munitions and a friend to

Al’qa’ida, secondly there was a question of oil painting. Another case in point is that the UN has not been suitable to leave up to its prospects because it was unfit to cover the territorial integrity of Iraq, it could thus be said that the US is the United Nations.






Chapter One


Background to the study

Before the collapse of the Soviet Union still, that’s during the period of bipolar structure, the conception of transnational law and that of state ‟ s sovereignty was important admired it was used to thwart any attempt of aggression from important state over the weaker bones .

Bipolar structure had strikes a balance between the two world super powers. Nation states especially those from the developing world tends to forge an alliance with either of the two blocks substantially for security reasons.

In utmost recent times, still, following the end of the cold war political judges began to be skeptical on what will be the fate of nation countries in unborn world politics as the United States is getting veritably aggressive and reflective in achieving her Foreign Policy objects. In the submission of( Ziring, 2005191) the elevation of the United States in the absence of countervailing power was of some consequence to friend and the foe likewise.

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