The implication of kidnapping on socioeconomic development of Nigeria




Kidnapping has become a common occurrence in Nigeria, and the prevalence is increasing. Kidnapping and hostage abduction in Nigeria has evolved into a social issue that affects almost every member of the Nigerian community in some way. Kidnapping and hostage taking are among the most terrifying crimes in Nigeria, according to Uzorma and Nwanego (2014), and are especially widespread in the country’s southern regions (South-South, South-East and South-West). In practice, the duo comprises kidnapping. It occurs when a person is kidnapped and taken against their will from one location to another, or when a person is confined to a controlled space without the consent of a legal authority. According to Turner (2008), kidnapping and hostage taking originated in the Niger Delta region as a freedom struggle by militants protesting environmental damage caused by oil industry activities. According to Demola (2011), it quickly transformed into a money-making scheme including the kidnapping of expatriate oil employees for large ransoms. Since then, abduction has been a daily occurrence in the South-South states of Edo, Bayelsa, Rivers, Cross Rivers, Akwa Ibom, and Abia, Imo, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Anambra, as well as the South-East states of Abia, Imo, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Anambra. The South-West is not forgotten. Kidnapping is a prevalent occurrence in Lagos and other Western states as well. Kidnapping has become a lucrative profession for many young people, with some godfathers acting behind the scenes. At the moment, the


Abduction and hostage taking have hampered southern Nigeria’s socioeconomic development, with some jobless youngsters and graduates seeing kidnapping and hostage taking as a lucrative alternative means of obtaining money, gaining economic influence, and gaining social recognition. This has had a negative impact on southern Nigeria’s socioeconomic development. People’s social lives have been disrupted, and there is mistrust among them as a result of the kidnappings, and the country’s image in the international arena has been shattered as a result of this.

The direct and indirect costs of kidnapping were defined by Inyang and Ubong (2013) as direct and indirect expenses. The economic value that individuals and governments may lose as a result of kidnapping is known as the direct cost of kidnapping.  If the victim is a businessman or lady, his or her company will suffer; if he is a government servant or an artisan, his or her workplace will suffer. There will be some setback in both circumstances. Kidnapping victims, in particular, bear an indirect cost as a result of the events. Some of the victims are killed during the kidnapping, while others suffer varying kinds of injury such as bullet wounds that may permanently damage them. In the hands of the kidnappers, many victims are subjected to various degrees of assault, abuse, and torture. Their experiences in the hands of the kidnappers resulted in rape and extreme traumatic pains. Despite the fact that various research have been conducted on the impact of kidnapping on national security, only a few have been published.


The overall purpose of this research is to look at the impact of kidnapping on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development utilizing Northern Nigeria as a case study. The study aims to accomplish the following specific objectives:

i. To find out how common abduction is in Northern Nigeria.


ii. To look into the elements that contribute to kidnapping in northern Nigeria.


iii. Determine the social and economic consequences of kidnapping in Nigeria.


i. What is the extent of kidnapping in Northern Nigeria?

ii. What are the reasons that encourage abduction in northern Nigeria?

iii. What is Kidnapping’s societal impact in Nigeria?

iv. What economic consequences does abduction have in Nigeria?


The findings of this study will be useful to the government, oil companies, and security personnel. It will enhance government awareness of security shortcomings and the need to adopt credible and implementable steps to stop assaults on ordinary people and strengthen national security. Furthermore, this study will educate Nigerian security personnel on the importance of being exposed to internationally tenable best practices and know-how in counter-abduction methods (through periodic training) in order to improve their operational efficiency in combating violent crimes, terrorism, armed robbery, and kidnapping. In addition, the study will contribute to the body of knowledge and act as a resource for academics and students interested in conducting future research on this topic.


The focus of this research is on the impact of kidnapping on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development. The study will go on to explore the prevalence of kidnapping as well as the factors that contribute to kidnapping. The research is limited to Northern Nigeria, with a focus on Kaduna State.


The researchers ran into some minor roadblocks while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. The scarcity of literature on the impact of kidnapping on Nigeria’s socioeconomic development was a major stumbling block. Obtaining relevant materials, books, or information, as well as the data collection process, took a significant amount of effort and organization. The study was also constrained in time because it only covered Northern Nigeria, specifically Kaduna State. As a result, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to other locations or states, leaving a need for future research.


Abduction: Abduction is the illegal removal of someone from their home, usually with the use of force.

Kidnapping is defined as the unlawful abduction and carrying away of a person by force or trickery, as well as the unlawful seizure and imprisonment of a person against his will.


M. E. Asuquo, M. E. Asuquo, M. E. Asuquo (2009). Kidnapping on the Rise in Akwa Ibom State and Its Impact on Public Order Department of Sociology/Anthropology, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, unpublished term paper

Benjamin A., Bonaventure N., and Samuel O. Okpan. Socio-Economic Implications of Kidnapping and Hostage Taking in Southern Nigeria, 2018. PP 51-59 in Journal of Law and Judicial System, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018.


A. Demola (2011, November 28). Newswatch News magazine published Confessions of Undergraduate Kidnappers. Pages 12–21.


J. D. Inyang and E. A. Ubong (2013). Kidnapping as a Social Problem and Its Consequences for Nigeria’s Socio-Economic Development: A Case Study of Uyo Metropolis 531-544 in Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 4 No. 6. MCSER-CEMAS-Sapienza University of Rome is the publisher. ISSN 2039-9340 E-ISSN 2039-2117

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