A teacher is a significant figure in the school environment in which he works, and his attitude toward work has the potential to have significant consequences. If academic excellence is to be achieved in our educational institutions, where the teacher is the key player in the educational field and the child is at the center, these implications cannot be dismissed with a wave of the hand (Francis, 2022). If academic achievement is to be achieved in the twenty-first century and beyond, it is impossible to overemphasize the role of the teacher, especially as it is reflected in how the teacher conducts themselves in the classroom. It has been demonstrated that a teacher’s attitude can influence students. A teacher is a significant figure in the school environment in which he works, and as a result, his attitude toward work can have serious consequences. If academic excellence is to be achieved in our educational institutions, where the teacher is the key player and the child is at the center, these implications cannot be dismissed with a wave of the hand (Francis, 2022). If academic achievement is to be achieved in the twenty-first century and beyond, it is impossible to overemphasize the role of the teacher, particularly as it is reflected in the manner in which the teacher conducts themselves in the classroom. It has been demonstrated that a teacher’s attitude can have an impact.  a contribution to the achievement of the students enrolled in those classes. A substantial amount of research has been devoted to analyzing student and teacher characteristics through the lens of classroom management and teaching methods. The goal of this study is to look into the relationship between teachers’ attitudes toward their students and their level of academic achievement (Belleview, 2022). Because the influence of teacher attitudes both inside and outside of the classroom on students’ academic performance was freely established through student observation and student views, the research used a qualitative methodology. It was discovered that students’ perceptions of teachers’ classroom management styles, attitudes displayed both inside and outside of the classroom, as well as teaching methods and strategies, were all influenced by their teachers.

to have a positive or negative impact on their academic success and level of participation in classroom activities (Charles, 2022).

According to Chris (2022), attitude refers to a person’s way of thinking, acting, and behaving in their daily life. It has far-reaching consequences not only for the individual learner, but also for the teacher, the immediate social group to which the individual learner belongs, and the entire educational system. Individuals’ attitudes are formed as a result of learning experiences of some kind. They can also be learned by simply imitating a parent’s, teacher’s, or friend’s behavior, or by listening to a friend’s advice. This is a type of mimicry or imitation.

Both have an important role to play in the context of learning and teaching. In this regard, the learner draws on his teachers’ disposition to shape his own attitude, which may influence the learning outcomes he achieves (Chris, 2022).

The concept of attitude refers to how a person thinks, acts, and behaves in their daily life. It has far-reaching consequences not only for the individual learner, but also for the teacher, the immediate social group to which the individual learner belongs, and the entire educational system. Individuals’ attitudes are formed as a result of learning experiences of some kind. They can also be learned by simply imitating a parent’s, teacher’s, or friend’s behavior.

or by following the advice of a friend. This is a type of mimicry or imitation, both of which have a role to play in the context of learning and teaching. In this regard, the learner draws on his teachers’ disposition to shape his own attitude, which may influence the learning outcomes he achieves (Saint, 2022).

Bandura’s (1971) observational theory, as seen in (Chris, 2022), established that an attitude can be acquired by witnessing another individual (the model, teacher, parent, mentor, and friend) performing the behavior. This was demonstrated by Bandura. The model will demonstrate it, and the learner will observe and attempt to imitate it. Teachers are generally role models to whom students can look up.

to emulate.

Students are quick to mimic their teachers’ actions and attitudes. What instructors like or dislike, respect, or think about their own learning or studies may have a significant impact on the students they teach (Saint, 2022). To their detriment, the vast majority of educators are blissfully unaware that how they teach, conduct themselves, and interact with students can sometimes be more important than the content that they impart. In a nutshell, teachers’ attitudes have a direct impact on their students’ attitudes. A teacher’s culture and belief system will, in turn, influence that teacher’s attitude (Adegoke, 2022).

The mindsets that

Teachers’ attitudes toward their students in the classroom should be positive enough to keep the students interested. The teacher’s attitude can be traced back to a number of different sources. There are some of these in the classroom, but the majority of them are outside.

Omoegun (2022) emphasized the importance of a teacher’s work approach in terms of its influence on students, students, and society.

Business studies is typically taught as one of the required subjects in junior high schools. This subject allows students to contribute because it educates them on a variety of topics that are relevant to their daily lives and the activities that are taking place in their society.

meaningfully to their own lives as well as the lives of those around them (Adegoke, 2022).

Business studies is a field of study that focuses on business and clerical tasks. It researches the methods and theories underlying all office transactions within a specific industry in order to assist organizations in becoming more efficient and effective. Furthermore, business studies includes topics such as typewriting, shorthand, commerce, basic accounting, and some economics. To put it another way, it allows people to participate in certain economic activities that are taking place in their community (Greene, 2022).

As a result, the attitude of the teacher in business studies is critical because it contributes to the stimulation of students’ interest in learning business studies. The attitude of

A business studies teacher will, among other things, equip the teacher with the ability to boost the students’ confidence in their own abilities (Adegoke, 2022).

As a result, the goal of these studies is to investigate the relationship that exists between teachers’ attitudes and the level of academic achievement that students achieve in business studies classes taught in the Uyo local government.


According to Lepper (2022), it has been observed that a student’s age and gender, qualification, personal perception, and teachers’ attitude were determinants of that student’s academic achievement in business courses.

Although there are some instructors who are extremely effective and have a positive outlook on effective teaching,

Others do not believe in pedagogy and student learning. This category also includes instructors who are ineffective and have been a source of discouragement for their students. Poor pay, an unfavorable school climate, and leadership styles as perceived by such teachers all contribute to instructors’ negative attitudes (Udom, 2022). This attitude on the part of the teacher may be a reflection of their upbringing, education, and preparation (Lepper 2022). A negative attitude toward one’s work does not produce productive results; thus, the teacher’s attitude as an intervening variable between student learning and academic success should not be overlooked.

In light of this, the goal of this research is to look into it within the context of the Uyo local government.

The government of Akwa Ibom State, the relationship that exists between the attitudes of business studies teachers and the levels of academic achievement of their students.


The primary goal of this research is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies. This study specifically aims to:

i. Determine whether teachers’ attitudes influence students’ academic performance.

ii. Investigate the factors that influence business teachers’ attitudes.

iii. Investigate ways to improve teachers’ attitudes toward Business Studies.


This study will address the following research questions:

i. Does the attitude of teachers affect students’ academic performance?

ii. What factors influence teachers’ attitudes toward Business Studies?

iii. What are they?

the ways in which teachers’ attitudes toward Business Studies can be improved?


Following the investigation’s findings, it is hoped that the following will be able to use the information provided by the study.

Parents: It is hoped that the study will be useful to parents in the long run.

Because it would show them how they can encourage a constructive attitude on the part of the teacher by making frequent visits to the school and also participating in meetings of the Parents Teachers Association (PTA), it would also show them that education is a collaborative effort that should not be left to chance.

the teachers to complete on their own.

Teachers: The study’s findings would show teachers the impact of a negative attitude on their effectiveness and student performance. As a result, the findings would encourage teachers to maintain a positive attitude toward their subject in order to provide a positive role model for their students.

Educational Planners and Administrations: The findings of this study will demonstrate to educational planners and administrations the importance of motivation in developing a more positive attitude toward one’s work. It would, on the other hand, be beneficial in exposing how to address the issue of teacher turnover and low productivity at the local, state, and national levels.

Finally, it is hoped that the

The findings of this study will contribute to an increase in well-balanced educational, individual, societal, and organizational growth by recommending to the appropriate authorities methods of encouraging better academic performance of students and also adding to the vast amount of literature on how teachers feel about their jobs.


This research looks at the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies. This study specifically focuses on determining whether teachers’ attitudes affect students’ academic performance, investigating the factors that influence teachers’ attitudes in Business Studies, and investigating ways in which teachers’ attitudes in Business Studies can be improved.

Teachers and students from Uyo High School in Uyo will be among those who take part in this survey.


The researcher encountered some constraints while conducting this study, including time constraints, financial constraints, language barriers, and the respondents’ attitudes. However, the researcher was able to manage these just to ensure the study’s success.

Furthermore, the case study method used in the study presented some difficulties to the investigator, such as the possibility of biases and poor judgment of issues. To overcome the challenges, the investigator relied on general procedural principles such as justice, fairness, objectivity in observation and recording, and evidence weighing.


Attitude is a psychological construct, a mental and emotional entity that exists in or characterizes a person, according to psychology.

Their attitude refers to their approach to something or their personal opinion about it. Their mindset, outlook, and feelings all contribute to their attitude.

Teachers: A teacher, also known as a schoolteacher or an educator, is someone who assists students in acquiring knowledge, competence, or virtue. Anyone can take on the role of teacher informally.



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