
This research aims to clarify the role of commercial banks for small-scale industries and the problems of small-scale industries. This research is divided into his five chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 is an introduction and provides background for the research. The study highlights that SME performance is funded by commercial banks and other financial institutions. This study is of great importance as it helps discover the problems that SMEs face in the financing process itself. Definition of scale industries, relevant institutions provided by commercial banks for SMEs, government policies to promote SMEs, etc. In Chapter 3, decals where the study design and methodology were improved in the study. Here, we collected data from secondary sources. Section 4, Research Status, Findings or Results Collected in the Course of this Research Work. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the research conclusions and recommendations.

chapter One


1.1 Research background

The concept of dependents is essentially an expression of various attempts to devise new economic strategies that free developing countries from their economic dependence on the former colonial rulers of Europe. occupied a central position. Today, the concept of dependence continues to be misunderstood in its fundamental meaning and remains difficult in many developing countries.In Nigeria, neither the mixed economy approach nor the appeal of having responded to the dictates of dependent economies is not. However, when searching for addicts in developing countries like Nigeria, the central government requires that Nigeria-owned and controlled small businesses formulate a strategy to promote economic development, the so-called “enterprise promotion”. Decree” was issued. Many developing countries have been unable to adopt this strategy, believing it to be a relatively slow industrialization process, but recently shortages of foreign currency have turned attention back to developing creative technologies. Developing Small Scale Industries Nigeria, a nation’s aspirations for industrialization, will surely remain one country forever.

Additionally, several financial institutions have invested in entrepreneurial development in Nigeria, some of which have been set up by the government for specific functions. Its mission is to provide insight into the economic impact of uncertainty and advisory services to public and private commercial enterprises. The government acts as a financial company. These institutions include the Nigerian Commercial and Industrial Bank (UBCI), the Nigerian Agricultural Development Bank (NDB), and the People’s Bank of Nigeria (PBU). Commercial funding and sufficient funds cannot be mobilized by friends and relatives. The next thing that comes to mind is to try banks. Commercial banks, for example, are the core of the major markets, generating the largest numbers and rarest needs. In addition to the entrepreneur’s ability to provide the necessary collateral, commercial banks check many things and may be interested in looking at feasibility reports. An entrepreneur’s personal credit experience captures profit potential. Apart from banks, financial institutions like insurance companies provide relief from financial loss, especially the fear of loss.This is perhaps one of the fastest growing industries in Nigeria. Important for entrepreneurs who want to be free from uncertain losses.

Finally, the role of banks in SME development cannot be overemphasized given the role they play for SMEs in the country.

1.2 Problem Description

Some financial institutions in Nigeria are involved in entrepreneurship development in different ways. Some were established by governments for specific functions, while others were established by private organizations. They provide financial relief against financial impacts, uncertainties, and business advisory services, etc., but small industries have development problems. With Nigerian financial institutions doing all the work, why haven’t our small industries developed yet? Isn’t just bank loans to foster entrepreneurs enough? ? This question will be answered in the next chapter of this research work

1.3 Purpose of the survey

For the purposes of this study, researchers came with the following objectives:

(1) Know what SMEs are.

(2) knowledge of the specific role of government in the development of small scale industries;

(3) To know some financial institutions involved in the development of small scale industries in Nigeria.

(4) aware of some of the support provided by commercial banks in the SME sector;

(5) Some knowledge of government policies for SME promotion. (6) Know the role of the government in promoting small-scale industries.

(7) Know the impact of government policies on small-scale industries.

(8) Know the problems of large and medium-sized industries.

Finally, a solution or suggestion on how to tackle the problem of small and medium enterprises in Nigeria.

14 Importance of learning

This research work is of great importance to a very large number of beneficiaries, especially private and public business owners. Individuals involved in small businesses will benefit as well, and those entering small business businesses will equally benefit from this research.

However, financial institutions can benefit as well if the proceeds from small industries are deposited. If there is profit, the research results will be put to effective use.

1.5 Research Limitations

Earlier investigations indicated that the scope of the investigation work was limited to commercial banks, and provided reasons for this. The limitations imposed here are already understood problems and will still be faced by researchers. We are constantly told and believed that good results do not come easily and that there is no gain without effort.

Research is ongoing and further financial problems are expected. This type of research typically requires large amounts of funding that the average student cannot afford in Nigeria’s current economic climate.

However, with a little financial support from my parents and some help from friends, well-wishers and even relatives, I hope to overcome this limitation. The time factor, on the other hand, is another issue facing researchers.



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