1. Background of the study

Product marketing is critical for increasing industry sales and thus profit. However, in academic settings such as universities and colleges, library and information marketing is handled by professional librarians who must envision that the reading public will become aware of their library services. Libraries are thought to be intellectual repositories. It is also known as a knowledge repository. All libraries around the world are full of reading materials such as books, journals, films, images, manuscripts, audio-visual materials, and so on, all of which contain knowledge recorded by people, eminent writers, and eminent personalities. Because libraries are no longer the sole source of information, the preservation of this knowledge is a primary responsibility of all libraries and information centers. This calls for

the need for professional librarians to market the resources that libraries have. They must now compete for customers with the internet, bookstores, and online book dealers, as well as the demand for more efficient services and user needs.

Professional academic librarians must understand the needs of their clients, plan service delivery, promote available services, and deliver them efficiently and effectively. Marketing is a critical tool for accomplishing this. Marketing is the process of keeping customers in touch and informed about resources and services that are relevant to their needs. Marketing is the process of keeping customers in touch and informed about resources and services that are relevant to their needs. Academic library marketing success is primarily determined by persuading clients that the tools or databases are worthwhile. They must comprehend the nature of the services. and be excited about how they will be useful (Noel & Waugh, 2002). As a result, librarians must now behave like businessmen by providing quality services and promoting them at the appropriate time and place for their users. Although emerging technological challenges and societal changes pose a threat to libraries as worthy information providers, it is now time for librarians to demonstrate that they are indispensable to their organizations’ continued survival and sustenance by employing all marketing techniques, such as the marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion).

1.2 Statement of the problem

The introduction of new technology and its application in libraries has opened up new avenues for the marketing of library resources, products, and services, where library professionals can seize opportunities that vendors and technology specialists will seize. Users now prefer to search the internet for information rather than visit libraries, and the majority of university students and researchers are unaware of the services available in libraries. Libraries have failed to provide the necessary information to their patrons. They are not user-friendly. As a result, the library’s services are underutilized or inefficiently used. The ramifications are enormous. As a result, users are unable to locate, access, or recognize their own information needs. This is possible. As a result, the quality of teaching, learning, and research in our higher education institutions suffers. As a result, they are unable to keep up with the advancements of global society. As a result, academic and public librarians must plan for marketing and promoting resources, which necessitates professionalism in meeting the needs of current trends while also respecting and identifying the changing demands of more difficult users. There are currently knowledge gaps in the role of professionals in academic libraries marketing library products. Thus, the researcher embarked on the study to investigate the role of professionals in marketing library products in academic libraries on this premise.

1.3 Objective of the study

The primary goal of this research is to investigate the role of professionals in the marketing of library products in academic libraries. The study will specifically:

To assess the need for marketing library services in Rivers state academic libraries.

To ascertain the current techniques used by academic librarians in the promotion of library services in Rivers State.

To look into the skills needed by professional librarians in the marketing of Rivers state library services.

1.4 Research Question

What are the roles of marketing library services in River State academic libraries?

What methods do academic librarians use to market library services in the River State?

Are any professional librarian competencies required for the marketing of riverside library services?

What is the extent to which professional library products are marketed in academic libraries in River State?

1.6 Significance of the study

This study’s findings will be important for all academic institutions, administrators, library committees, librarians, users, and researchers. In particular, the findings will be important to the administration of academic institutions in the area of policy formulation by providing a road map for the information resources and services that will be provided to users in order to meet their information needs. It is hoped that it will raise awareness among library committee members about strategies for improving the effective marketing of library services to users. This work will also teach librarians how to market library products and services effectively and efficiently. It will also help them identify flaws and thus improve their services by attracting, satisfying, and retaining customers. The library. The findings will also benefit users by raising awareness of the library’s various services. As a result of the study’s recommendations, users will see an improvement in the services they receive. The research will also add to the existing body of knowledge about marketing library services and expand knowledge of problems in Nigerian academic libraries. The findings of this study will be useful for other researchers looking into various marketing techniques in Nigerian libraries.

1.5 Research hypotheses

In this study, the following hypotheses will be tested:

HO: Professional librarians play no significant role in the marketing of academic libraries in Rivers State.

HA: Professional librarians play a significant role in the marketing of academic libraries in Rivers State.

1.7 Scope of the study

This research focuses on the role of professionals in marketing library products in academic libraries. The study, however, is limited to Rivers State University Libraries.

1.8  Limitation othe Study

Financial constraint: Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview)

Time constraint: The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

1.Definition of terms

A librarian organizes, categorizes, and catalogs these materials. Librarians also make recommendations and assist people in finding the information they require. They examine and categorize collections. They teach people how to use library systems to find the information they need.

A product is an object or system made available for consumer use in marketing; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a customer’s desire or need.

Marketing: A product is an object or system made available for consumer use in marketing; it is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a customer’s desire or need.

Marketing in Libraries: The process of marketing in libraries and information services. Planning, pricing, promoting, and distributing library products in order to create exchanges that satisfy both the library and the customers or users.


S. K. Patil and Pranita P. (2014) Library promotion practices and marketing of Library services: A role for Library professionals, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 133 (2014) 249 – 254 (retrieved from

RITA O. (2011), Marketing Library And Information Services In Academic Libraries,


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