Despite the religious commitment of the people of Delta State, religious academics continue to have a huge issue in determining the role of religion in Delta State politics. This essay, in its attempt to understand the function of religion in society, focused specifically on religion’s influence on politics.

Various methodologies were used in this study, including interviews with political stakeholders and clergy, personal observations, journals, newspapers, and other related information. Though the research was limited to Delta State, the findings could be applied to the entire southern section of Nigeria, particularly locations where Christianity and African Traditional Practices are dominant.

The first portion of this essay dealt with the study’s approach, scope, and significance, while the second chapter discussed the perspectives of many authors. It also defined the concept of politics and the various religious rituals practiced by Delta State’s many ethnic groupings.

Chapter three focused on the function of religious leaders and traditional rulers in mobilizing youth in the political system, while chapter four focused primarily on the relationship between the church and the state, as well as the church’s role in countering moral laxity in today’s political system. It also goes into great detail about the importance of religion in Delta State’s voting system.



Cultural values and moral integrity are social factors that ensure an individual’s broad acceptance in society. The government machinery is in the hands of a few people, yet the dread of man’s fickle and unpredictable nature frequently brings religious views into the political domain. 1 This is because some people believe that believing is a component of moral behavior, and that our beliefs influence our actions. 2 This reality explains why, in today’s world, there are few political office holders who do not proclaim religion.

Despite the distinction between religion and politics, which assumes that religion deals with the world of conviction and ultimate reality, a life view sees good and calls it into reality, whereas politics is concerned with the realm of power.


Every society has a religious component. Religious activities have become more firmly integrated into the fabric of partisan politics in recent years, to the point where religious engagement in Delta State correlates with politics. That is, being successful in politics without adequate alignment with a religious group within the state is difficult.

Civil groups have traditionally looked to religious institutions for inspirational leadership throughout the history of Nigeria’s political and social development. As a result, it is undeniable that religion continues to exert a strong influence on the formation of Nigeria’s political culture and some government policies. 4 The role of religion in Delta State politics will be examined against this backdrop in this essay.


The primary goal of this study is to uncover the impact of religious institutions on Delta State’s politics and civil administration. It also tries to investigate the function of churches in the government and the role of religious organizations in the moral upliftment of the state, despite the moral decay that exists in our political system. This study also aims to raise awareness in Delta State about the importance of respecting religious diversity, rejecting prejudice against religious and political affiliation, and accepting the need for peaceful coexistence and social cohabitation.

As a result, by the completion of this study, we should have a better understanding of the following topics:

Religion’s influence on policies and decision-making


The role of religion in the lives of political actors in Delta is highlighted in this study. It is impossible to overestimate the role of religion in Delta State politics, whether it be domestic party politics or inter-state ties. People think that religion is the source of life force, and as a result, tradition is best explained by politics of representation.

Without a doubt, religion plays an important part in the advancement, growth, peace, and coexistence of all governments. Delta State’s administration has long implemented religious programs that are thought to contribute to the state’s unity, progress, and development.


The study was conducted near Delta State University. However, due to time and financial restrictions, this research will be conducted in two Delta State local government areas: Ughelli North and Oshimili North. The diverse religious practices in this political area will also be extensively covered in this text. This study will also be limited to the role of religion in the province’s political activities and day-to-day administration.


One of the problems of this work appears to be the large geographical area covered by this investigation, which spans the entire state of Delta. Due to funding constraints, only two of the 27 local government areas could be utilised efficiently.

Second, this research is hampered by a lack of cooperation, particularly from the political class, which always claims to be overworked. The research, however, was a huge success thanks to the help of a few people at Delta State.


This study will employ a variety of ways to gather thorough information about Delta State’s religious and political structures. Previous research on Delta State’s political and religious affiliations, as well as several other areas of common interest, will be the primary source of information for this study. As a result, the numerous libraries in these two local government districts will serve as primary information sources. The University of Benin Library will likewise be an important resource for information acquisition. To ensure the effectiveness of this research, newspaper publications on religions and politics, as well as the usage of internet search engines, will be used. In addition, interviews will be undertaken with the general public, notably priests.

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