1.1 Background of the study

Everyone needs education of some kind. Without education, no one can lead a happy life, so education is very important. It is impossible to overstate the value of teaching and learning in education. The teacher uses a variety of techniques to teach their students and promote active learning. Teachers now use a variety of tools to aid students in learning more effectively as a result of new approaches and techniques that have entered the field of education over time. Visual aids attract students’ attention and make it simpler for teachers to explain concepts. In the classroom, visual aids are used as instructional tools to support students’ learning. According to Burton, “visual aids” are “sensory items or pictures that begin, excite, and enhance learning.” Visual assistance is any  S. James Kinder says there is “equipment that could be used to make the learning process more real, more accurate, and more dynamic.” Visual aids are tools that help people understand and remember a problem or lesson (pictures, models, charts, maps, videos, slides, real objects etc.). There are many different visual aids available today. These can be put into the following categories: Aids that rely on vision are known as visual aids. Examples include models, actual objects, charts, pictures, and maps as well as flannel boards, flash cards, bulletin boards, blackboards, slides, overhead projectors, and more. Chalk and blackboard are the two that are most widely used. When a class is given a course and the textbooks contain an excessive amount of interactive expertise tasks, classroom instruction becomes more challenging. Most importantly, it has made it commonplace to incorporate textbooks with audio visual aids as an additional resource for classroom course learning activities. Fishman (2007) defines audio-visual aids as objects with aural and visual appeal that require the use of both the eyes and ears (sight and hearing). An illustration of this would be videotaped educational materials. “Training or educational resources aimed at both the senses of hearing and sight, including the use of films, records, pictures, and other similar items in the classroom for instructional purposes” is how Webster’s dictionary (2001) defines audio-visual aids (AVA). Okafor (2003) defined instructional materials as instruments that support teachers in the classroom by encouraging students to have the same mental attitudes as teachers. making the instructor’s voice more understandable by imagining. Obara and Okoh (2005) defined instructional materials as everything a teacher uses to enhance, promote, and support the interactive teaching and learning of ideas. Dike (2003) defined AVA as educational materials that use a combination of senses, such as audio and visual resources, rather than reading as their primary means of meaning transmission. In agreement with Dike (2003), Obara and Okoh (2005) asserted that AVA are communication tools that can be seen, heard, read, and controlled in order to enhance the teaching-learning process. Additionally, audio-visual materials are educational tools that can be used to transmit meaning without relying solely on written or spoken word, according to Anzaku (2011) only using spoken language or symbols. As a result, an illustration in a book qualifies as an audio-visual educational tool even though text books and reference materials do not. Although it can aid in the clarification of ideas or concepts in instructional programs, audio-visual material should not be used in place of competent teaching (Moronkola, 2012). It’s important to keep in mind that audio-visual aids to learning may occasionally take the form of dramatization of a situation or method. While activities like field trips and some exhibits, for instance, do not require specialized equipment to reveal their latent value, audio-visual aids like motion pictures do. Depending on the application, multimedia, lasers/holograms, DVDs, and video imaging may be used.

on how the audience will receive the information.

1.2 A description of the issue

The method used to teach these concepts appears to play a crucial role in ensuring that scientific concepts, particularly in the medical sciences, are correctly learned and understood. There are many theories put forth to explain why tertiary students struggle academically and have a bad attitude toward medical science topics (Ikpe, 2014). Nwagbo (1999) had previously claimed that medical scientific principles were not effectively understood by students and that repeated poor performance as well as a negative attitude toward science attest to the fact that science education was improperly done. Despite the advantages of using audiovisual resources for teaching and learning, research shows that this medium is underused. in the process of teaching and learning. This might be because the state’s university libraries don’t have easy access to these resources. More importantly, many teachers and students don’t seem to be aware of the capabilities of the audiovisual tools or how to use them to achieve their objectives. It’s possible that students are unaware of how important audiovisual resources are to their education. As a result, it’s important to establish appropriate teaching strategies that will best fulfill the objective of scientific education, leading to improved performance and a more positive attitude toward medical science topics. Adesoji and Raimi also looked at how students felt about medical sciences (2004). They came to the conclusion that one of the most significant factors contributing to ineffective teaching methods is

underachievement and a distaste for studying medical science.

1.3 Purpose of the investigation

The following is the study’s main goal:

1. To assess the various audiovisual resources for use in teaching medical sciences

2. To assess the extent of audiovisual resources’ accessibility in the instruction of medical science subjects.

3. To learn about the difficulties users run into when utilizing an A/V teaching tool to instruct students in medical science.

4. To identify methods for enhancing the use of audiovisual materials in the instruction of medical science subjects.

1.4 Research Prompts

For the study, the following inquiries have been prepared:

1) What kinds of audiovisual materials are available for use in teaching medical science?

2) What is the degree of accessibility of

audiovisual teaching aids for medical science courses?

3) What difficulties do users run into when using A/V teaching tools to teach medical science subjects?

4) What are the methods for enhancing the use of audiovisual materials in the instruction of medical science?

1.5 Importance of the research

The use of audiovisual teaching tools and the academic performance of tertiary students are the main subjects of this study. This study will therefore be important because the government will be made aware of the need for audiovisual resources in university libraries. As a result, they will empower our educational system’s graduates to successfully integrate into the modern industrial system by acquiring digital literacy through the use of audiovisual resources, and they will accordingly allocate enough funding to do so.

In order to meet the financial demand for A/V resources for efficient teaching and learning, the parent organization of the libraries.

The research will be helpful to the academic community because it will add to the body of knowledge.

1.6 Study’s purview

This study will assess the different audiovisual teaching aids for medical sciences. The availability of audiovisual resources for the teaching of medical science subjects will also be examined in this study. This study will learn more about the difficulties users run into when using A/V teaching tools to teach medical science subjects. Finally, the study will identify methods for enhancing the use of audiovisual materials in the instruction of medical science subjects. The study will therefore be limited.

to Osun State’s Obafemi Awolowo University.

1.7 Study’s limitations

The following are some of the factors that limited this study:

the same problems that plague other types of research, such as the lack of pertinent, up-to-date materials on the subject and the inability to collect data

The researcher encountered financial limitations when procuring pertinent materials, printing questionnaires, and compiling them.

Time is a factor that also poses limitations because the researcher must juggle writing the research and doing other academic work, which is uncomfortable.

1.8 Definition of key words

Any tool that can be used to enhance learning by making it more realistic, concrete, and effective is referred to as an audio-visual teaching tool.

Academic academic results that show how well a student has done in meeting their learning objectives.


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