1.1 Background to the Study

It’s common to use the word “administration” to mean “to execute” or “to enforce.” However, an administrator’s duties go beyond merely implementing the decisions and plans of others. Onyene contends that as a result, if administrative duties are restricted to execution, crucial nuances are missed (2005). She defined administration as the process of achieving organizational objectives through frantic efforts meant to maximize the use of all resources, including human, financial, material, and entrepreneurial talents. Perhaps this operational complexity is the reason why one school of thought came to the conclusion that managing administration is more challenging than managing management. This is so that a person in a position of authority, like a head teacher or administrator, can carry out his or her duties on a daily basis.  or her tasks with others’ assistance. To ensure that the goals and objectives of the organization or school are met, administration uses a systematic approach. In order to “do a garmot of management responsibilities such as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, regulating, instructing, communicating, supervising, and so on,” a principal integrates his or her intellectual, technical, and human talents (Onyene 2000). Onyene (2005) also pointed out that administration is the most difficult in a private school setting because it frequently starts with fundamental structural design issues, asking and responding to important questions on enrollment and patronage like customer relations, customer values and satisfaction, learning and curriculum repackaging, and many others. This burden explains why school administration faces crises on a regular basis. Considering that, in order to

make money School investors select unqualified individuals to lead their institutions based on cost-benefit analysis. As a result, the head teacher or principal might not have the administrative skills necessary to successfully implement corporate excellence. Setting both tangible and non-material goals is essential for a private school to succeed organizationally. In other words, private school organizations need to manage their affairs in a highly personal and shrewd way to achieve explicitly stated goals and possibly purposes. Once these goals have been achieved, basic administrative maintenance advice is typically applied to boost internal effectiveness and “break-even.”

Additionally, administration has existed since the beginning of time. The science and art of allocating an organization’s resources—both human and systematically and meticulously to achieve its objectives (material, financial, and other) (Onyene, 2000). The industrial revolution also brought about a great deal of worry about how to efficiently organize human and material resources to maximize profits for employers. The Human Relations Movement (HRM), in contrast to the scientific management of the industrial revolution, concentrated on how to effectively persuade people to harness resources for maximum effectiveness and individual worker happiness. This is a problem that used to be only a concern for business and industry. As a result, management theory and practice were seen as the exclusive domain of industry, commerce, and ultimately the public sector. This explains the rise in popularity of terms like “business administration” and “student administration.” Educational when fully developed

According to Nwankwo, administration was viewed as a translation of the principles and practices used in business and governmental administration (1982). This impression quickly fades as it becomes evident that all human organizations, whether they be businesses, industries, governments, religious, educational, or military organizations, face comparable and transferable factors and challenges, necessitating the use of comparable theories and strategies, as well as the fact that all human problems originate in administration (Onyene, 2005).AC

Administration determines the level of organizational effectiveness as well as successes and failures. According to Onyene, three essential elements of an organization’s success are effective leadership, efficient hiring and management of human resources, and efficient growth of people, programs, and activities (2005). Administrative effectiveness levels determine whether a company will succeed or fail.

will progress steadily, stagnate and deteriorate, or bloom to new heights and expand through expansion. Educational administration requires the use of fundamental practices, such as operational and administrative management strategies, in order to fulfill the goal of education. The administrative management of a school must therefore constantly plan, coordinate, and control. Operative management, like school administration, primarily entails supervising, inspiring, and communicating on a daily basis.

In secondary schools, principals are entrusted with administrative duties (supervising, motivating and communication). As a result, principals must make use of their offices to coordinate school personnel, particularly academic specialists, in order for them to perform their teaching duties successfully. This study attempts to determine how much principals’ administrative responsibilities affect teachers’ performance in staff secondary schools in

Local Government Area of Lagos.

1.2 Description of the issue

This study aims to determine the extent to which secondary school principals have used their administrative authority to influence teacher performance. It is based on observations made by Ofoegbu (2001), who claimed that secondary school teachers do not receive the attention they require, nor are school managers (principals) accompanied as they carry out their administrative duties of motivating, supervising, and communicating. According to Ofoegbu, one of the major issues affecting teacher morale and productivity in Nigerian secondary schools is principals’ underwhelming involvement of teachers in administrative tasks.

1.3 Study’s Objectives

The following are some of the objectives of this study:

i. To investigate the connection between teachers’ work and the supervision activities conducted by school principals


ii. To ascertain whether there is any connection between teachers’ job performance and principals’ motivating activities in the classroom.

iii. To evaluate the connection between teachers’ job performance and the ways in which principals communicate in schools.

1.4 Research Prompts

The study raised the following issues.

i. Do school principals’ supervision activities affect how well teachers perform at their jobs?

ii. Is there a connection between teachers’ job performance and the motivating efforts of school administrators?

iii. Is there a connection between the communication strategies used by principals and how well teachers perform at work?

1.5 Importance of the Research

Some of the explanations for the significance of this study include the following:

Both principals and teachers would find it significant because it would give them the chance to reevaluate their commitment to their respective professions.

It is focused on policies.

in the sense that it seeks to close the gap between the interpersonal relationships and achievement orientation between principals and teachers in our secondary schools, especially those that are public.

It would serve as a resource for department of educational administration research students who are working on the same or related subjects.

In order to push teachers to assume their proper positions and improve their performance in the educational system, it would also be appropriate to call for a reevaluation of their roles within the nation and society at large.

1.6 Study’s Purpose

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers’ job performance in staff secondary schools in Lagos State and the administrative duties of principals.

Local Government Area of the Mainland. It only involved the three staff secondary schools (Federal College of Education (Tech) Staff School, Yaba College of Technology Staff School, and University of Lagos Staff School) in the Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State.

1.7 Term Definitions

The definitions that follow each term are given in the context of this study.

A trained individual who effectively manages the teaching/learning process is referred to as a teacher, particularly in schools.

Teaching is a composite activity that might be challenging to define simply. Most theorists saw it as a method of teaching learners a skill or imparting knowledge.

Motivation is the urge or drive that causes someone to act in a certain way. This urge or desire may



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