The world now honors the developments in communication technologies that have increased communication’s reach through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Without a doubt, modern communication technology has made the world a “global village.” However, as it stands, technology has both negative and positive aspects. It makes people more informed, knowledgeable, and up to date on global events. Technology has made better ways of doing things available to mankind. Examples of social networking websites include Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Blackberry Messenger (BBM), Whatsapp Messenger, 2go Messenger, Skype, Google Chat, Google Messenger, iPhones, and Android devices. Most people use these social networking sites to communicate with both new and old friends, whether they are in person or online (Asemah & Edegoh, 2022). The rapid development of

Technology has made it possible to use it as the most efficient way to explore the vast field of knowledge.

A network of wired and wireless devices have connected the global cyber community through the World Wide Web (WWW). The majority of us have created online identities today through email accounts, online shopping, and e-learning.

Social networking websites are the main Web 2.0 application of social media. The web application that has grown the fastest in the twenty-first century is social media.

Because adolescents are more prone to the addiction, the topic of technology addiction has drawn a lot of attention, especially in the context of secondary school education. However, smartphone addiction has recently grown to be a more serious problem (Asemah & Edegoh, 2022).

cell phones

are the most recent iteration of mobile phones, which already have a monopoly on the market. Smart phones are more than just phones thanks to their tiny keyboards; they also have computer features like email, a calendar, an address book, and office apps for reading and editing. The smartphone has more advanced multimedia capabilities than specialized equipment, including camera, video, audio recordings, and podcasting.

Due to the proliferation of accessories like MP3 players and the decline in size and price of such devices, modern mobile phones, especially 3G and 4G phones, have become increasingly common. The ability to use a cell phone anywhere and at any time increases people’s propensity to act.

both secretly and openly. Because of their cell phone use, people occasionally lose the ability to control the boundaries between appropriate and inappropriate use of mobile devices (Ling, 2022).

In this technological age, social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, Instagram, etc. are frequently used by college students (Hanson, Drumheller, Mallard, Mckee & Schlegel, 2022). The ease and comfort of connecting to these social networking sites has improved with the popularity of wireless technology. This has resulted in an increase of over one billion users visiting these websites every day. Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 make up 81 percent of the most active wireless technology users. In 2022, (Lenhart, Purcell, Smith, & Zickuhr) substantial interest in social networking sites

among university students. All undergraduate students use social media to some extent (92%). (Junco & Cotton, 2022). Instructors and administrators at higher education institutions must comprehend how social media use among college students affects students’ academic performance.


Without a doubt, the development of technology such as mobile phones has greatly advanced human civilizations, but this innovation has also given rise to some well-known attitude issues among students (Junco, Merco, & Salter, 2022). However, this does not imply that using mobile phones is the only cause of these issues as there are other factors. Instead, it suggests that user attitudes and usage patterns are important contributing factors, especially in

twenty-first century. Researchers have discovered issues with phone usage and time (Wei & Lo, 2022) and phone attachment (Gaser), so it is imperative to show how these issues relate to academic performance. It is crucial to keep in mind that other platforms of distractions toward the academic performance of secondary school students are also implicated, such as computer usages, which produce internet social networking sites, and visual display devices for relaxation such as televisions, in order to synchronize and have a clearer understanding of the issue as it relates to this study.

Students also have a strong propensity to use their phones during lectures to browse the internet or respond to incoming messages. These

unquestionably have a significant impact on how much attention is paid to lectures. The majority of students with internet-capable phones communicate frequently on Twitter 2go, Facebook, and instant messaging (Bbm, Yahoo messenger) even outside of the classroom (Asemah & Edegoh, 2022). As a result, time that could have been used for studying and other productive academic pursuits is lost.


Examining the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance is the main goal of this study. This study specifically aims to:

i. Ascertain how frequently students use social networking sites in class.

ii. Ascertain whether student academic performance is impacted by their use of social media.

iii. Consider the various social networking platforms that students in schools use.

iv. Research the effects of students’ use of networking sites.

In this investigation, the following research queries will be addressed:

i. What percentage of students in schools use social networking sites?

ii. Does a student’s use of social media have an impact on their academic performance?

What kinds of social networking sites do students in schools use, specifically?

iv. How do students respond to using social networking sites?


This study will be helpful to students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and school counselors. The students will understand how their use of smartphones may hinder their academic success as they are the recipients of the school’s knowledge.

These works are advantageous for teachers because they provide the

justification for making sure that students are taught when and how to use social networking sites and smartphones.

The school administrator will view this research as reliable and create policies to carry out the study’s recommendations as a result.

By introducing students to the use of smart phones and social networking sites, the counselor will put the knowledge they have learned from this work into practice and improve their academic performance.

Finally, because it will act as a pilot study for additional research and future reference, this study will be helpful to academics and researchers.


The use of social networking sites and students’ academic performance is the main focus of this study. This study specifically focuses on figuring out how much students

examine how students use social networking sites in the classroom, whether social media use has an impact on students’ academic performance, the various types of social networking sites they use, and the effects of their use on students.

Participants in the survey for this study will be students from particular schools in Edo State.

Limitations to the study: 1.7

While conducting the study, the researcher ran into some minor obstacles, just like in every human endeavor. Due to a lack of resources, the researcher was only able to choose from a small number of sample sizes when looking for pertinent materials, literature, or information, as well as when collecting data. Additionally, the researcher

engaged in this study and other academic work at the same time. The time needed for research will be cut down as a result.

The investigator faced additional difficulties as a result of the case study method used in the study, such as the potential for biases and poor issue judgment. To overcome these obstacles, the investigator turned to respect for the fundamental rules of procedure, justice, and fairness as well as objectivity in observation and recording.


Sites for Social Networking: A social networking service, also known as an SNS, is an online platform that people use to create social networks or relationships with others who have similar interests, activities, backgrounds, or connections in real life. Social media services come in a variety of formats and the

various features.

Academic Performance: Academic performance refers to how well a student, teacher, or organization has met their immediate or long-term learning objectives. Academic achievement is the completion of educational benchmarks like secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees.


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