Higher Education Institutions, like other public sector institutions,

(HEIs) are using private sector management approaches to preserve the three “Es” of efficiency, effectiveness, and economy. In a number of UK Higher Education Institutions, Business Process ReEngineering is currently being employed as a change management method. Polytechnics have been forced to alter due to a number of interrelated forces: higher education expansion, changing student profiles, industry pressures, rising competitiveness, and information technology (IT) capabilities.

The importance of a good and efficient automated management information system at Caritas University cannot be overstated. This is due to the fact that it is a private university whose primary source of income is student fees. The school doctor, who personally and manually goes through all of the students receipts and certifies them by issuing clearance cards before examinations, is not an exception as he personally and manually goes through all of the students receipts and certifies them by issuing clearance cards before examinations, and the clearance officer is not an exemption as he personally and manually goes through all of the students receipts and certifies them by issuing clearance cards before examinations, in the library either Identity or cl The case of the school registrar is the worse since final year data is scrutinized before final clearance because he directly accesses all students’ data before final clearance.

This manual processing approach has resulted in the loss of receipts, clearance cards, and ID cards, as well as delays in clearance, treatment, and library access. The establishment of an electronic database system is proposed in this project effort to speed up this process and simplify this manual record processing system.

This computer-based management information system has the potential to improve the entire management system in educational institutions. The proposed system would use electronic technology to store, route, display, and issue receipts. This solution not only improves document management at the institution, but it also enables for faster, more effective, and efficient decision-making.


On December 16, 2004, the Nigerian federal government accepted Caritas Institution as a private university. It is located in Enugu and was inaugurated on January 21, 2005 by the then-Minister of Education, Prof. Fabian Osuji, with all students sleeping in the hostel. Rev Fr Prof Emmanuel Paul Mathew Edeh C.C.Sp OFR founded Nigeria’s second catholic university. The University is owned by the Sisters of Jesus the Savior, a religious organization that he created.

Caritas University receives no outside funding and relies solely on student contributions, unlike other public universities. To this end, thorough recording of student payment records is critical, necessitating the presentation of receipts as proof of payment before being released.

Students who do not show these receipts will be denied these services, regardless of whether they have paid or not. At other words, all students in the institution are obliged to always bring their receipts with them anytime they require these services. It may be of interest at this point to know that all of the above services are paid into one account, and the receipt issue is only one. Keeping track of these receipts over the course of an academic year has proven to be difficult for students, as many have misplaced or misplaced them, leaving the majority frustrated or forced to pay extra money for a new receipt.

It’s also been noticed that even with reception, there’s a significant delay.

It has always been challenging to manage big amounts of data since development sparked the need to capture information in various fields of effort. This is still a major issue for the institution, as well as the Nigerian economy as a whole. The current system relied on manual recording and writing on paper. These processes are extremely slow, and the proposed technology, the management information system, has been implemented to address all of these issues. This new system will be able to get data from its database, allowing payment records to be quickly accessed, updated, and deleted without the need for receipts.

The new system will also fulfill the demand for quick processing, resulting in a significant reduction in response time.


Human resource management has remained the most difficult part of many businesses. In fact, most management scientists in the study regarded human resources management as a backbone of any firm for this reason.

Caritas University Enugu is facing numerous issues in terms of human resource management, as students move around with files, documents, and receipts before being provided with services such as lodging, medication, library access, and, worst of all, examination clearance.

These constant movements with receipts, files, and documents have resulted in files going missing, receipts being turned, and even the school cabinet becoming jammed, delaying the presentation of certain student information, destruction of files and records, time required to record and present information, and the cost of purchasing files, paper, and furniture and fixtures.

The lack of a digital record-keeping system exacerbates the problem.


The study’s main goal is to build and implement a human resources management system prototype that can be utilized to manage human resources in the institution. With the following goals in mind

Reduce the amount of paperwork processed for clearance, tests, medical care, hostel assignment, and exams.
Provide a more effective and straightforward system for managing and updating student fees, employee promotions, and other records. iii. To create a system that responds to queries quickly, accurately, and in a timely manner.
To address the difficulties of inaccuracy, alteration, delay, receipt loss, and inconsistencies in the manual clearance system.
Maintaining timely receipt preparation for school fees


This research aims to replace the inefficient and ineffective manual school registry management system in accessing students’ information, which has a significant negative impact during exam clearance, as students may miss lectures as a result of presenting their payment credentials before obtaining a clearance form without which they will not be able to sit for their exams.

As a result, this research is critical in eradicating these inefficiencies.


This study will focus on both students and staff at the institution, covering their admission forms, which include their name, gender, date of birth, date of admission, department, and faculty, as well as all of the services they pay for, such as school fees, medical fees, library fees, and hostel fees. Staff employment form containing name, sex, location, factual information about the staff, performance evaluation, retirement, and handling of some queries such as updating staff records, deleting staff records on retirement or withdrawal, and searching for staff information as needed.


There are five chapters to this project’s work. The first chapter includes the following topics: the study’s background, the study’s methodology, and the study’s findings. The problem is stated, The study’s goals and objectives, The study’s importance, The study’s scope and concepts are defined. The second chapter delves into the many reviews written by various authors. The third chapter, System Analysis and Design, covers the following topics: research technique, data gathering methods, existing system analysis, existing system limitations, system design, database design, system flow chart, top down design, and more. Chapter 4 covers implementation testing and integration, as well as system requirements, software requirements, hardware requirements, implementation, and testing, while Chapter 5 covers summary, limitations, recommendations, BEME, and conclusion.


HUMAN RESOURCES: This is a department within a company that handles personnel records, hiring, and retirement.

MANAGEMENT: Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling all of an organization’s resources.


PUBLIC SECTOR: The government-owned and-operated industries and services.




SYSTEM: A system, set of procedures, or even a group of people working together to achieve a common goal.


DATA: This refers to numbers, text, or images that are in a format that can be stored or processed by a computer, as well as incomplete or unprocessed data.

INFORMATION: This is a type of content that is created by arranging and interpreting computer data in a specified way.

INPUT: Information that is entered into a computer to be stored or processed.


OUTPUT: Information generated by a computer after it has been processed.


AN INFORMATION SYSTEM is a collection of interconnected components that gather (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute data to assist decision-making and control in a company.


APPOINTMENT: The term “appointment” refers to the hiring of a new employee to give services to the organization.


LEAVE: Leave is a term that refers to a day or days off from work that are granted to employees in order for them to rest or engage in personal activities ( away from the working station).

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