Nigeria, like the majority of developing countries throughout the world, is plagued by a slew of issues, including poverty, terrorism, political unrest, and, most crucially, unemployment. Many young school leavers who are of working age but have been refused job possibilities have been harmed by the rising unemployment rate in recent years. Between 1992 and 1997, graduate unemployment accounted for around 32 percent of the unemployed labor force, according to Dabalen et al (2000). This pushed the Nigerian government to begin adopting programs targeted at addressing the country’s unemployment problem as early as the 1960s. One of the cardinal aims of the first developmental plan was to provide employment; an objective that aimed not only at producing jobs but also at training people in new skills. Unemployment is one of the developmental issues that every emerging economy in the twenty-first century is dealing with. According to Agu (2008), the country’s youth unemployment rate has risen at an exponential rate. According to him, the country’s youth unemployment has produced major challenges for which previous and subsequent administrations have been unable to find a long-term solution. Although successive Nigerian administrations have established multiple programs to address the problem of youth unemployment and poverty since independence, evaluations of the various contributions of such programs are limited in comparison to the vast sums of money invested to them (Egware, 1997). Youth employment and poverty reduction programs implemented in the last few decades, according to Yakubu (2010), have failed to address the multidimensionality of the problem.

Inadequate funding, project duplication, gross inefficiency, poor coordination of programs, corruption, and a lack of transparency have all harmed programs including the NDE, FEAP, Better Life Programme, NAPEP, and NEEDS.

Nigeria’s present unemployment situation is unstable and underwhelming, with a huge percentage of educated, capable, and qualified persons unable to find paid work (Omotosho, 2009). This suggests that Nigeria has slowly deteriorated from its once-dominant and prestigious position among developing countries (Ipaye, 2008). The rising rate of unemployment in Nigeria has long been a source of concern for many Nigerian administrations, and it has long been a part of the government’s macroeconomic objectives (Omotosho, 2009). Nigeria’s retarded nature, the acclaimed powerhouse of Africa, is evidently due to the lack of the essential framework to increase employment and production levels. Unemployment in Nigeria continues to be a stubborn problem, with a trend of increasing geometrically to an alarming pace of 3 million unemployed young per year (Adelodun, 2006). Unemployment in Nigeria has a devastating effect on youngsters from a wide range of socioeconomic origins, both educated and uneducated, despite the fact that it has primarily affected kids from less privileged families (Ipaye, 2008). According to Adebayo and Ogunrinola (2006), the unemployment trend in Nigeria affects job searchers between the ages of 20 and 24, as well as those between the ages of 25 and 44.  From this perspective, it is clear that unemployment, particularly among young graduates, obstructs Nigeria’s progress in numerous ways. Aside from the economic issue, it also poses a serious threat to our beloved country’s political stability (Ipaye, 2008). As a result, massive youth unemployment in Nigeria portends major multifarious difficulties, and the threat of unemployment has increasingly been recognized as one of Nigeria’s most pressing challenges (Ipaye, 2008, Udu & Ugu, 2005). Unemployment has been identified as one of the biggest barriers to social-economic growth in most emerging nations, according to Umaru and Zubairu (2011). It lowers the economy’s overall output and leads to underutilization of human resources. The need to avoid the harmful effects of unemployment has become more pressing. In emerging countries, increasing real output and employment is a requirement for poverty reduction and more equal income distribution (Fofana, 2001). When compared to other African countries, the seriousness and form of unemployment in Nigeria is relatively high, according to Omotor and Gbosi (2006). In absolute terms, they estimate that there are approximately 22 million unemployed young people in Nigeria.


Unemployment is one of Nigeria’s most critical socioeconomic issues, and it is a devastating situation that requires immediate and effective treatment. Indeed, the fact that Nigerian graduates who are educated, capable, and wanting to work are unable to find jobs is disconcerting and concerning. The scenario is growing dismal as the unemployment rate continues to rise with no aggressive measures taken to address the problem (Kayode, Samuel & Silas, 2014). A cursory examination of the country’s state foreshadows greater danger, with fewer chances for young graduates to find gainful employment, in line with the country’s current events, most notably falling oil prices, economic recession, and insurgency in the country’s northern regions, among other factors. In reality, unemployment is on the rise. The problems of lingering youth unemployment are extremely visible in Nigeria, where thousands of graduates turn out each year with no work opportunities (Emeka, 2011). Nigerian labor marketplaces are clogged with young hawkers who would have been better off working for some organizations (Echebiri, 2005; Uwoma, 2006). Given the enormous number of unemployed youngsters, the unemployment trend has the potential to destabilize peace, as it foreshadows a severe threat in light of embryonic democracy and flagrant disrespect for party politics (Adepegba, 2011).


The major goal of this research is to learn about the opinions of Nigerian youth on how to get out of the unemployment crisis. More specifically, the research aims to:

1. Research the reasons for unemployment in Nigeria.


2. Examine the consequences of youth unemployment in Nigeria.


3. Learn about the perspectives of Nigerian youths on their road out of unemployment.


4. Propose a remedy to Nigeria’s young unemployment crisis.


1. What are the reasons of Nigerian unemployment?

2. Does young unemployment have any serious consequences in Nigeria?


3. What are the views of Nigerian youngsters on finding a route out of unemployment?


4. What is Nigeria’s answer to the problem of youth unemployment?


Ho: Youth unemployment in Nigeria has no substantial consequences.

Hello, there are no substantial negative consequences of youth unemployment in Nigeria.


Nigerian unemployment has been a topic of discussion. Many policies and initiatives have been implemented to combat unemployment, which wastes the productive years of the working population; also, the study will aid in reducing our economic growth falls.

It will provide information to the Nigerian government as well as young people who have shied away from agriculture in favor of white-collar employment.


Furthermore, it would supply the government with vital information that will aid in the fight against unemployment and the creation of job possibilities in Nigeria. Finally, the research will be used as a source of information for future research.


The goal of this study is to learn about the perspectives of youth on unemployment. The Alausa/Ikeja LGA will be used as a case study, with youth in the LGA serving as the study’s population.


Obtaining funding for general research activity will be difficult during the course of studies. Correspondents may also be unable or unwilling to complete or submit the questionnaires that have been sent to them.

However, it is expected that these limits will be overcome by making the greatest use of existing resources and devoting more time to research than is required.

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