This thesis is the result of a true sense of patriotism and a desire to chart a course for my dear country. It’s amazing that there appears to be little incentive for patriotic concerns at this time, given the state’s failure to fulfill its half of the unwritten social contract with its inhabitants. “When two Nigerians meet, their discourse will sooner or later descend into a litany of our national inadequacies,” writes Achebe. [1]

The worrying state of governmental maladministration, as well as executive misuse of the state’s highest powers, are among the country’s concerns. Its consequences include nationwide bewilderment, political instability, and social unrest that endangers people’s lives and property.

The lack of ideology is the fundamental cause of our society’s current state of degradation. The dominant worldview is reflected in the leadership’s unethical practices, which have trickled into every aspect of society’s life. As a result, our moral sensitivities have been flipped on their heads.

If we are to renew our fatherland, we must “develop a new political culture”[2] by re-examining the alien ideology “forced on us as a super structure by the colonial whites”[3] and combining it with our indigenous ideology to produce a social matrix, which Zik refers to as Neo-welfarism. This occurrence, in my opinion, is a historical necessity. So that, when presented with difficulties that threaten our company’s life and future, we can emerge from our position of full inactivity.


Nigeria is a country with sufficient material and human richness to meet the needs of its people. She is, however, nowhere near the top tier of developed countries due to a lack of ideological focus. Despite her independence, she nonetheless suffers from a lack of growth. She is the root of political instability, as leaders seek to keep their positions. She is not better off economically as a result of its residents’ low level of living. In the modern world, she is best defined as wealthy overseas yet impoverished at home.

These, and a slew of other issues, tend to tarnish Nigeria’s international image. Nigeria must turn inside since no human nation can prosper without its own philosophy anchored in its culture and history.


Men have invented many socio-economic systems to achieve the ideal and actualize the state’s aims, which are the individual’s material and social well-being in various epochs. These solutions are implemented based on their applicability and adaptation to the people and environment in question.

In light of this, we will focus our search on the system that is best suited to the Nigerian circumstance. This system, in a sense, will propose remedies to Nigeria’s persistent problems that defy logic, with the goal of restoring human dignity. This is critical because we require more than simply the hazy concept of democracy. To reach El Dorado, “we must move beyond democracy and create the new society in intellectual terms.”


Because of the nature of the work, which is both historical and exploratory, it is critical to use explanation, analysis, and critique methodologies. The explanatory technique will assist us in understanding the nature, origins, and history of the three major socioeconomic systems: capitalism, socialism, and welfare capitalism. The difference between these economic systems will be revealed through analysis, which will include their virtues and flaws, and critical appraisal will assist us re-evaluate the various political systems in order to find the most suited one for Nigeria’s socio-economic development.

Neo-welfarism is the important theme here. This idea isn’t just theoretical; it has a practical application in human society. Neo-welfarism is very important in man’s social, political, and economic existence.


The goal of the study is to prove that Zik’s neo-welfarism is a useful contribution to Nigeria’s creation of a long-lasting political culture, effective governance, and socio-economic improvement. It is especially important at this time when Nigeria is at a crossroads, searching for political stability, national unity, and economic restoration in order to create a new social order, to heed the counsel of former President Ibrahim Babangida to social scientists. He urged them to spend more time studying the contributions of great Nigerians like Zik, whom he described as a scholar, statesman, and “beacon to serve as reference point from which we take off in our search for a stable political and economic system.” [6]


The study does not go into great detail on the various socioeconomic systems available in different countries in order to find the best alternative for Nigeria. It is mostly concerned with Neo-welfarism, with only a few references to Capitalism, Socialism, and Welfarism. This knowledge will be expressed in the form of a critique.

The work will critically examine the above-mentioned socioeconomic systems, outlining their benefits and drawbacks, as well as why each is unsuitable for Nigeria when considered separately. Neo-welfaism will also be examined, with a focus on its basic characteristics and why it is the most viable option for the Nigerian state.

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