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Youth Empowerment As A Strategy For Reducing Crime In Nigeria


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Youth commission involve make the capacity of youthful people and motivating them to take responsibility of their lives. This is done through the process of perfecting their access to coffers that will help in changing their lives, beliefs, values, and stations Youth commission is carried out to ameliorate the quality of lives of the youth. Youth commission is attained through youth commission programs conducted bynon-profit associations, government associations, seminaries or private associations. Youth commission program correspond of youth activism, communal engagement, republic structure. Intergenerational equity


In ordinary language, a crime is any unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. The act is considered a felonious offence when it isn’t only dangerous to the individulas but to the society or community similar as rape, thievery, muder, theft, vandalization, hijacking etc. Felonious offences are is defined by felonious law of every country. numerous youthful people in crime are as a result of poverty, lack of introductory education and chops, poor neighborhoods and communities and lack of maternal care and bad social influences from bad social relations


Stakeholders involving the government, Ngos, transnational associations, community associations etc need to conduct proper assessment of the conditions of the youth with a view to formulate applicable policy and program of youth commission. The impact of youth commission is generally enormous leading to better quality of lives of the youth and total metamorphosis of the society and community.( World Bank, 1994). The exploration thus seek to probe Youth commission as a strategy for reducing crime in Nigeria


Statement Of The Problem


Crime is any unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. The act is considered a felonious offence when it isn’t only dangerous to the individulas but to the society or community similar as rape, thievery, murder, theft, vandalization, hijacking etc. Felonious offences are is defined by felonious law of every country. numerous youthful people in crime are as a result of poverty, lack of introductory education and chops, poor neighborhoods and communities and lack of maternal care and bad social influences from bad social relations. Youth commission involve make the capacity of youthful people and motivating them to take responsibility of their lives. This is done through the process of perfecting their access to coffers that will help in changing their lives, beliefs, values, and stations Youth commission is carried out to ameliorate the quality of lives of the youth.


Stakeholders involving the government, Ngos, transnational associations, community associations etc need to conduct proper assessment of the conditions of the youth with a view to formulate applicable policy and program of youth commission. The impact of youth commission is generally enormous leading to better quality of lives of the youth and total metamorphosis of the society and community.( World Bank, 1994). thus the problem defying the study is to estimate Youth commission as a strategy for reducing crime in Nigeria.


Objects Of The Study




To determine Youth commission as a strategy for reducing crime in Nigeria


Exploration Question




What’s youth commission?


What’s the position of impact of youth commission on crime reduction in Nigeria?


Significance Of The Study




The study proposals the substance of youth commission as measure to eradicating crime in Nigeria


Exploration Thesis


Ho The position of impact of youth commission in crime reduction in Nigeria is low


Hi The position of impact of youth commission in crime reduction in Nigeria is high


Compass Of The Study


The study focuses on the appraisal of youth commission as strategy to crime reduction in Nigeria


Limitation Of The Study


The study was brazened by some constraint including logistics and geographical factors.


Description Of Terms


Youth commission defined


Youth commission involve make the capacity of youthful people and motivating them to take responsibility of their lives. This is done through the process of perfecting their access to coffers that will help in changing their lives, beliefs, values, and stations Youth commission is carried out to ameliorate the quality of lives of the youth.


Crime defined


Crime is any unlawful act punishable by a state or other authority. The act is considered a felonious offence when it isn’t only dangerous to the individulas but to the society or community similar as rape, thievery, murder, theft, vandalization, hijacking etc. Felonious offences are is defined by felonious law of every country


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