The study used Ikenne Community Secondary School and Isanbi Comprehensive High School, Mainflower Secondary School, Ilishan High School, Ilishan Remo as a case study to compare the effects of guidance and counseling services on secondary school students’ academic performance in the Ikenne local government area. The study looked on the impact of advice and counseling on students’ academic performance in particular.

The study used a survey research methodology and purposive sampling technique to pick four public secondary schools from two communities (Ikenne and Ilishan) in Ikenne Local Government, Ogun State, for a total sample size of 120 students. The respondents were given a well-designed, validated, and reliable questionnaire to study their views on how guidance and counseling services and programs affect them.

The findings revealed that guidance and counseling services have a considerable impact on the academic performance of public secondary school pupils in the Ikenne local government region. Furthermore, the findings revealed that guidance and counseling programs have had a considerable impact on the academic performance of public secondary school pupils. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated that, depending on the participants’ age and gender, guidance and counseling programs had a considerable impact on the academic performance of public secondary school students.

The study shows that guidance and counseling services have a significant impact on the academic performance of secondary school pupils in the Ikenne Local Government Area.

According to the findings, appointing full-time counselors in each school should alleviate student control assaults and teething difficulties;




Many positive advances have occurred in the organization and operation of society since the Nigeria Republic gained independence from colonization, including the educational system. In Nigeria, the educational system appears to be in constant flux. “As the reformation advances,” it’s not surprising that not only students and parents, but also educators, are becoming perplexed and unsure how to deal with the necessity to make decisions in an increasingly complex educational system. One of the most critical needs of Nigerian education is to keep track on our kids’ academic achievement in order to maintain a high standard and a well-functioning society.

Academic performance refers to how well a student, instructor, or institution performs academically. Great concern is being expressed in countries like Nigeria about how poorly children are performing on math, reading, and science assessments. Every nation’s future depends on citizens who are educated and trained for the labor market and who understand how to engage in the political process. As a result, a well-seasoned academic method with professional Guidance and Counseling services as early as possible at every level of academic activity is required. According to studies, the financial commitment of private secondary schools to education does not boost students’ accomplishment test scores. What matters most is the quality of the instruction, not the presence of school equipment and facilities. As a result, experienced educators must familiarize themselves with the actual components of academic success. Africa’s present academic performance According to a report by Olu Adenipekun (2017), the Head of the West African Examination Council’s National Office, WAEC, declared a 7% increase in the number of candidates who completed the examination with five credits. In the previous year, 52.9 percent of the candidates succeeded. The percentage increased to 59.22% this year (2017), out of 1,559,662 students who took the exam. He claimed that 923,486 out of 1,559,162 exam takers received a minimum of five credits in five areas or higher, including English Language and Mathematics. Giving a more detailed breakdown of the results, the WAEC chairman stated that 1,084,214 candidates, or 69.94 percent, passed. What reason, one would wonder, could have caused such a rise in percentile rank? Could this be linked to the effects of guidance and counseling, which most governments promote in secondary schools? If this is the case, counseling becomes a necessary requirement for improved academic achievement. As a result, these questions necessitate an examination of the purpose and availability of G&C services that may have been accountable for or contributed to the current Nigerians’ WAEC results. As a result, it’s important to think about the goal of G&C and how it affects students’ academic achievement.

Counseling and Counseling’s Purpose

Providing the knowledge and assistance that is required
assisting individuals in making informed decisions
Facilitate self-adjustment via improving self-awareness.
Assists in adjusting to changes or a new environment.
Developing self-sufficiency and independence Optimal utilization of capabilities and talent
Encourage the best possible personal and professional development.
Physical, psychological, emotional, social, and spiritual growth that is balanced aids in total development and the ability to live a productive life.

Guidance and Counseling has recently made significant progress in areas such as academic growth and development, vocational and professional maturity, assisting individuals in choosing the right education and profession, providing assistance in dealing with educational and professional situations, assisting in the proper utilization of human resources, and adapting to the changing concept of education. Also, in preparing to adjust to changing professional settings and growing obstacles, as well as in selecting the best career choice possible with the least amount of indiscipline.

According to the findings of the study, high-quality counseling services can have long-term consequences on a child’s well-being, including academic achievement, and can prevent a student from turning to violence or substance misuse. A student’s academic performance can also be improved by high-quality school counseling programs.


Today’s educational challenge is to provide kids with school experiences that allow them to develop the understandings, abilities, and attitudes needed to become lifelong learners capable of identifying and addressing problems and dealing with change. In order to make meaningful and responsible decisions, students must be able to communicate clearly, competently, and confidently from a broad knowledge foundation. Students will be able to create connections between what they learn and how they live if these educational goals are met (Public School Programs 2000–2001).

How can the government respond to these difficulties by shifting guidance and counseling from a position-focused strategy that serves specific populations to a comprehensive model that serves all children in the school? Academic performance in public secondary schools is deteriorating over time, particularly in our current day, when it appears that the government is unconcerned about student performance in public secondary schools. Professional counselors, on the other hand, are rarely made available in public secondary schools to help pupils improve their academic performance. In public secondary school, this circumstance frequently has a negative impact on pupils’ character, social, personal, and moral values. Because of the nature of guidance and counseling services, it is clear that academic performance, which is critical to national development, might be considerably improved; so, this study has been conducted. According to Proverbs 11:14, “Where there is no guidance, purposes are destroyed,” but “Where there is counsel, there is life.”


The purpose of this study was to look into the impact of guidance and counseling on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools in the Ikenne local government region.


The study’s major goal is to evaluate the role of guidance and counseling, with particular goals including:

Describe the available guidance and counseling services, as well as the academic performance of public secondary school pupils in the Ikenne local government region.


ii. Investigate how guidance and counseling programs affect the academic performance of students in public secondary schools.


iii. Determine the influence of guidance and counseling programs on the academic performance of public secondary school students based on their age and gender.


What are the available guidance and counseling services, as well as the academic performance of public secondary school pupils in the Ikenne local government area?
What impact may guidance and counseling programs have on the academic performance of students in public secondary schools?
How may guidance and counseling programs affect the academic performance of students in public secondary schools dependent on their age and gender?


H01: In the public secondary schools in the Ikenne local government, there is no substantial relationship between students’ academic achievement and guidance and counseling services.

H02 In the Ikenne local government, there is no substantial relationship between guidance and counseling services and students’ academic success in public secondary schools.

H03 Based on age and gender, there is no significant association between guidance and counseling services and students’ academic achievement in public secondary schools in the Ikenne local government.


The study will be crucial since it concerns students at public secondary schools in the Ikenne local government region. Without a doubt, this is the predicted future leader of a great nation (Nigeria), and any nation that does not plan for or care about the academic achievement of its kids has planned to fail; with a great fall. Many people will benefit from the study, including researchers and other academic stockholders; it will add new knowledge to existing academic knowledge in the research field, and academic stockholders such as administration and parents will learn the importance of guidance and counseling in relation to student academic performance. Finally, present public secondary students will understand the significance of


The scope of this study is limited to public secondary school pupils in Ikenne, Ogun State, Nigeria. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of guidance and counseling on academic performance in public secondary schools in the Ikenne local government area.


Guidance is a basic ingredient that plays an important function in the educational system and insists on sustaining students’ social and moral ideals. Its purpose is to restrain, regulate, and divert behavior.

Counseling: Counseling is a service that is provided to an individual who is experiencing a problem and requires professional assistance to solve it.

Academic performance refers to how well a student, instructor, or institution has met their short and long-term educational objectives. Academic accomplishment is measured by cumulative GPA and the completion of educational degrees such as high school and bachelor’s degrees.

The term “impact” refers to the measurement of a thing’s tangible and intangible effects.

The term “service” refers to an act of helping or assisting another person.

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