The study looked at deportees’ locus of control, coping methods, and psychological distress in a case study of deportees in Lagos Metropolis. The study chose 50 deportees in Lagos Metropolis using a survey methodology and purposive sample technique. The deportees were chosen from all of Lagos Metropolis’ local government units. The data was collected from the respondents using a well-designed questionnaire that was shown to be valid and reliable. The Pearson correlation analysis was used to assess the data collected during the administration of the questionnaires.

Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale was shown to be beneficial among deportees in Lagos Metropolis, according to the findings. Parker’s Coping Styles Scale is effective with deportees in Lagos. Deportees can use the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale. The study suggests that among deportees in Lagos, there is a link between locus of control, coping methods, and psychological suffering. According to the findings, The government should implement internal controls to ensure that individual travel documents are protected. To reduce the danger of traveler loss, the government could arrange for lower-cost travel insurance coverage for travelers; government officials should set an example. In the travel process, everyone should follow the norms and regulations given down; the government should ensure that quality control mechanisms are in place; To reduce psychological distress among deportees in Lagos Metropolis, the government should establish locus of control; to reduce psychological distress among deportees in Lagos, the government should ensure coping methods are in place.




Rotter first proposed the concept of locus of control in 1966. The control over the reinforcement attribution process is referred to as the locus of control. Internality, defined as an individual’s perception of control over reinforcements, was his generic and one-dimensional formulation. Scholars like Wallace (2000) and Javier (2010) have mostly verified the efficacy of this structure, but certain changes have been made. First, there is an internal dimension and an external dimension; nevertheless, the external locus of control has been divided between powerful others’ acts and chance (luck). In terms of generality, on the other hand, Javier (2010) gave an in-depth assessment of locus of control conceptual evolution by suggesting three levels of analysis, namely, general as conceived by Rotter, general as conceived by Rotter, and general as conceived by Rotter.

Internal locus of control has been associated to improved disorder adjustment, less pain and disability, improved quality of life, more adaptive coping strategies, and a higher possibility of being productive (Rapaport, etal, 2005). Chance locus of control and pain locus of control, on the other hand, are frequently related with more severe pain and more pain interference in daily activities, such as decreased physical activity and medicine misuse. Furthermore, persons with a chance locus of control employ more maladaptive coping strategies like catastrophizing (Javier, 2010).

According to Sprah (2003), coping styles are a set of mental disorders that affect how a person manages stress, solves difficulties, and makes decisions. It is a person’s emotional, cognitive, and behavioral response to something.

Soublin (2007) defines psychological distress as unpleasant sensations of worry or despair in response to a physical, spiritual, or emotional demand, or a combination of many demands, that causes short- or long-term harm. Psychological distress is caused by a significant demand (stressor) and insufficient resources to prevent any potential harm, loss, or threat. Sadness, frustration, anxiety, despair, and a variety of other negative emotional states are all included in the term “psychological discomfort” (Lazarus, 2007). As a result, it is a multifaceted and complex process that is sensitive to both the environment and the individual’s personality.

According to Wallace (2000), those with an internal locus of control are more likely to follow health regimens, whereas people who are more externally oriented are less likely to do so.


Scholars have traditionally concentrated their attention on the psychological distress experienced by patients, ignoring a group of people known as deportees. Deportees suffer from a considerable lot of psychological suffering since their ambitions and objectives have been shattered, their self-esteem has been harmed, and they are viewed as failures by the majority. However, this has resulted in a significant service and knowledge gap about the relationship between locus of control, coping methods, and psychological suffering among deportees. Only a few scholars have looked into the impact of the topic matter on the Nigerian populace. As a result, the study was required to fill the void by examining the relationship between locus of control, coping methods, and psychological suffering, with a focus on deportees.


The study’s major goal is to look into the relationship between locus of control, coping styles, and psychological suffering among deportees in Lagos.

The following are the precise goals:


The purpose of this study was to look at the link between locus of control and psychological distress among deportees in Lagos.

The purpose of this study was to look at the link between coping mechanisms and psychological suffering among deportees in Lagos.

The purpose of this study was to look at locus of control and coping methods as predictors of psychological distress among deportees in Lagos.


The following are some of the study’s interesting questions:

What is the relationship between deportees’ locus of control and psychological discomfort in Lagos?
What is the relationship between deportees’ coping mechanisms and their psychological discomfort in Lagos?
Will deportees’ locus of control and coping mechanisms predict psychological discomfort in Lagos?


Three hypotheses are proposed based on the research objectives to guide the study and get a valid result. The following is a list of them:

H01: Deportees in Lagos Metropolis have no significant association between locus of control and psychological discomfort.

H02: Coping methods and psychological suffering among deportees in Lagos Metropolis had no significant association.

H03: The locus of control and coping methods of deportees in Lagos Metropolis are not significant indicators of psychological suffering.


Students, psychologists, sociologists, counselors, mental health workers, medical practitioners, and future scholars are expected to gain greatly from this research. The outcomes of the study will effectively increase the deportees’ mental capability, coping styles management, cognitive development, and psychological health, resulting in improvements in all aspects of their lives. Students interested in conducting research in this area will also benefit from this study.


The purpose of this study is to look into the relationship between locus of control, coping styles, and psychological suffering among deportees in Lagos. Several constraints were discovered over the course of the research:

Time Constraint: Due to the researcher’s other academic commitments, a relatively short time was given to undertake a study of this magnitude.


Respondents’ Unwillingness: The majority of respondents were unwilling to engage in the survey because they believed it would be an intrusion into their personal lives.


Despite this, a thorough and fact-finding investigation was conducted.


To choose 160 deportees in Lagos Metropolis, the study used a survey research design and an expos-facto design, as well as a judgmental sampling technique. Data was collected from the sampled deportees using three study instruments: the Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale, Parker’s Coping Styles Scale, and Kesseler’s Psychological Distress Scale. Additionally, at 0.05 alpha levels, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficient, and analysis of variance were utilized to examine the acquired data.


Coping Styles: A person’s coping style refers to how they deal with stress, handle problems, and make decisions.

Deportees are people who have been evicted from their home country.

The degree to which people believe they have control over the outcome of events in their lives, as opposed to external forces beyond their control, is referred to as the locus of control.

Psychological Distress: This refers to unsettling emotions of worry or despair triggered by a physical, spiritual, or emotional demand, or a mix of numerous demands, that causes short- or long-term harm.

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