chapter One


1.1 Research background

Crime is his one of the human security issues facing humanity all over the world. States have tried to curb rising numbers of murders, armed robberies and kidnappings, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, illegal arms trafficking, and much more. According to a 2011 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, there were an estimated 468,000 homicides worldwide, with more than a third (36%) in Africa, 31% in the United States, 27% in the United States, and 27% in the United States. 5% in Europe, 1% in the tropics. Pacific region. According to the report’s economic crisis; food insecurity; inflation; and weak or limited rule of law are factors that fuel crime. However, the factors of crime are not limited to the above causative factors. In the US, more than 25% of homicides are related to “organized crime and gang activity.” The same is true for only about 5% of homicides in Asian and European countries for which data are available.

Africa tops global crime statistics, Osawe, (2008). South Africa and Nigeria have recently experienced high levels of violent and non-violent crime. According to Africa Check, homicides in South Africa increased from 15,609 in 2011-12 to 16,259 in 2012-13, an increase of 650 or 4.2% over the previous year’s total homicides5. According to the report, homicides and attempted murders involving serious robberies and intergroup conflicts (such as gang or taxi violence) and vigilante justice accounts for 35% to 45% of all homicides and attempted assassinations. occupies 6. Nigeria is currently in a criminal dilemma, manifested in a spasmodic increase in both violent and non-violent crime7. Notable in this regard is the increasing number of cases of armed robberies, assassinations and kidnappings for ransom, which are now devastating like tsunamis, spreading a climate of fear and concern for public safety. 8. Crime continues to rise as Nigeria has been on the world crime map since her 1980s9. This decade-long crime of hers is due to youth poverty, improper parenting and greed. A get-rich-quick mentality, an inadequate national security crime-fighting model, and more.

The events of the last few years show that the crime wave has reached devastating proportions and that political intervention is needed. According to Osawe (2008), crime remains safe and secure in the pursuit of life, property, and economic activity, despite alarming increases in criminal activity such as armed robbery, terrorism, and other related crimes in Nigeria. It shows that the government has not been able to provide a safe environment. Crime 10. Olanrewaju (2011) argues that crime refers to drug use and can take many forms, including murder, kidnapping, kidnapping, disinterest in education, armed robbery, and other crimes11. It has been observed that a motivating factor in crime is the availability of weapons to illegal users, especially civilians. For example, Hull et al. (2001) states that the proliferation of weapons following the proliferation of weapons contributes to conflict in two ways.
Increasingly deadly firepower can cause greater levels of destruction. And this proliferation of sophisticated weaponry has created a vicious cycle in which competing militias fight each other in an arms race for supremacy in terms of their capabilities.

Newspapers are divided into six categories, as classified by Nababa Sanda Gusan in a book entitled Mass Media in Nigeria. These ratings are based on bedtime. Daily, bi-weekly, 4th night, monthly and quarterly. The most common newspapers are dailies, which can be found on newsstands every day. Biweekly newspapers are published twice a week, weekly newspapers are published once a week, and biweekly newspapers are published every other week.

1.2 Problem Description

Nigerian newspapers have reported crimes for many years. This study aimed to analyze the crime coverage of Nigeria by the Punch and Sun newspapers and their effectiveness in reducing crime in Nigeria, as crime continues to rise despite the Punch and Sun newspapers’ coverage of crime. The mass media are the media of information and education in society.

The study examined how two of her newspapers of choice, Punch and Sun, served the society’s reporting function and the extent to which they provided criminal coverage.

Crime coverage from February 2016 to January 2017 to determine the extent to which these newspapers have contributed to the education and promotion of the military and Nigerian police efforts in fighting crime in Nigeria. is.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

Me. How did the newspapers report the crime?

ii. find the tone of the report;

iii. to know the story; IV. Examine the report.

1.4 Research question

Me. How much has crime decreased in Nigeria?

ii. What Causes Crime in Nigeria?

iii. Are Punch and Sun newspapers effective in reporting crimes in Nigeria?

IV. What challenges does Punch and Son face in reporting crime? 1.5 Validity of research

This research is of great importance to both the Nigerian media and, of course, the media consumers, the public. To this end, the results of this work will indicate whether the newspaper Punch and Sun is meeting expectations in the field of crime reporting. This project work will also serve as a reference for other students in related fields of study.

1.6 Scope of investigation

The investigation is limited to the Punch and Sun newspaper crime coverage in Nigeria from February 2016 to January 2017.

1.7 Limitations of the study

Researchers encountered many limitations while conducting their studies. but.

In order to meet the deadline for submitting this research, there was a problem with the inconsistent flow of funds.


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