chapter One


1.1 Research background

Like most other countries in the world, Nigeria faces countless social problems and crimes. The rate of violent crimes against humans is alarming for Nigeria, especially in this digital age. Human trafficking is her one of the most heinous crimes against humans. The threat of human trafficking permeates most river basins, especially in Nigeria’s south-south geopolitical zone. But this heinous act is not insurmountable. One of the ways to combat human trafficking is through the use of mass media and specialized legal agencies. The National Agency for the Prohibition of Human Trafficking and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP) is the public agency responsible for addressing the issue of human trafficking and child abuse in Nigeria.

Human trafficking is one of the fastest growing organized crimes in the world. Thousands of women and children around the world are kidnapped, sold and lured into forced labor, prostitution and forced marriage. These practices range from blatant and sophisticated methods such as organized brothels, sex tour packages, trafficking syndicates, forced marriages, and debt bondage (Effah, 2006). Human trafficking is rampant in Nigeria. It is multi-layered and multi-faceted in that so many people have become (unsuspecting) victims. Besides engaging victims in prostitution, marriage, and forced labor, some victims are used in rituals, as agents or accomplices in other crimes, as beggars, or for organ transplants. Sometimes they even do it. For example, in April 2014, more than 200 of her teenage girls from a public school in Chibok, Bornu State, Nigeria, were kidnapped by gunmen affiliated with the Islamic extremist sect, Boko Her Haram. The message of the law is that Nigeria has now become a country of origin, transit and destination for human trafficking. Women and children are currently trafficked between Nigeria and countries such as Gabon, Cameroon, Niger, Italy, Spain, Benin, and Saudi Arabia.

Osakue (2002, p. 3), in a research report on human trafficking in the South-South region, states: Delta, Cross River. Imo and Avia were identified as major trading regions, with Ed and Akwai Ibom Stares leading with 62% and 45% respectively. ”This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed urgently to protect the rights of women and children.

Successful containment of a social problem is highly dependent on effectively communicating the facts, situations, problems, and solutions related to that problem. Udaka (2006, p. S2) said:
“In general, a telecommunications company’s performance should benefit individuals and society as a whole, and should reflect environmental concerns and issues of common interest, economic, labor and human rights.

Harold Lass Well (2005, p. 16) says: That the mass media serves her three functions. Surveillance of the environment, interrelationships of parts of society, transmission of social heritage from generation to generation, and Wright (200) adds his fourth role as ‘entertainment’. Okunna (2009, p.274) Social values ​​are greatly damaged.

1.2 Problem Description

More than 200 years after slavery was abolished around the world, no sane Nigerian can understand why slavery-like practices such as human trafficking still continue. Unfortunately, despite efforts by the media, governments and NGOs to find lasting solutions to change, Nigeria has been criticized as a transit point.

The exploitative and enslaved conditions faced by young people under the age of 17 are best described as atrocities against Nigerian society. This vulgar and impious act should not be aspired to. Nigerian mainstream media have published several publications on international and domestic human trafficking. Based on this premise, this study further explains the dangers posed by scourge and the need for an all-out effort for successful mass media campaigns against human trafficking and abuse. Moreover, we cannot continue to allow unwanted elements to undermine the rights of Nigerians.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

Specifically, the purpose of this research is to:

Me. I am researching the root causes of human trafficking in Nigeria.

ii. An examination of mass media communication strategies in campaigns against human trafficking in Nigeria.

iii. Assessing public perceptions/opinions on the broader fight against trafficking in the media

IV. To explore public perceptions of the media as a powerful tool to combat anti-trafficking practices in Nigeria.

1.4 Research question

Me. What Causes Human Trafficking in Nigeria?

ii. What communication strategies does the mass media use in media campaigns against human trafficking?

iii. How do people perceive the media as an effective tool to combat trafficking practices? IV. To what extent has the public admired the media in fighting trafficking in Nigeria?

1.5 Importance of research

This study will persuade the media and other social institutions to review campaigns/programs or policies aimed at fighting human trafficking in order to re-strategize efforts to avert the threat in Nigeria. is intended to

Nigerian women, especially victims of trafficking, are empowered by this research as it aims to guide, educate and raise awareness on how to live a better life despite the challenges they face. and encouraged.

The aim is to reduce, if not dramatically prevent, the increase in human trafficking, child labor and other related cases. Children enjoy basic human rights and other privileges


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