In the annals of history, both man and society have found sex to be a mystery. Despite its obvious relevance in human life, no single human being has been able to provide a comprehensive definition of what sex is. No amount of human experience has ever been able to decipher the hidden connotations of this idea. “The misunderstanding of sexuality is neither an intellectual error nor an accidental ignorance,” says Freud.

Sex, on the other hand, has had numerous effects on human life. These societal effects of sex can be seen in a variety of human situations. We can see some of the harmful effects of sex in human society if we take a detour to sacred scripture.

Some of these ramifications can be seen in Judges 16:17, which tells the narrative of Samson and Delilah.

Another example is where sex has ruined the interests of kingdoms, as in the book of Kings Chapter 21, where Jezebel pushed Ahab to issue the order to kill Naboth. Another example is the story of Herod and Herodias, which led to John the Baptist’s beheading. Matthew 14:10

On the other hand, as we can see in the tale of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis, sex has a lot of positive effects. A positive component can also be found in the lives of many families in today’s society. “The very best”

Despite the wonderful qualities of sex in human existence, it has unfortunately lost its position in modern society. The reason is simple and may be found in the misunderstanding of the concept of sex. The majority of people now regard sex as a pleasurable experience, and as a result, anyone can engage in it whenever he wants.

Furthermore, the indiscriminate use of sex has resulted in the current spread of diseases such as the dreaded HIV, which has the potential to wipe out the entire universe if no precautions are taken. These harmful effects of sex can also be found in many countries’ anti-natural scientific breakthroughs, such as abortion and cloning. It’s also resulted in some anti-cultural behavior.

These negative effects are felt by all Christian faiths around the world, as evidenced by the Anglican Church’s ordination of gay clerics.

As a result of the debasement that sex has undergone in our society, I believe it is necessary to push for rational thought among all. “The type of information that helps one to discern between shadows, reflections, and real objects in the visible world is exactly the kind of knowledge that man needs to discriminate between the shadows and reflections of the genuinely excellent existence,” as Plato put it. I went out to present a rational argument for how man can distinguish between sex’s shadows and reflections and what is real.


The past’s well is very deep…

For the more we delve and press into the lower realm of the past, the more we discover that humanity’s oldest foundations, history, and culture reveal themselves to be inexplicable.


– According to Thomas Mann


Sigmund Freud (1853 – 1939) set out to provide the world his psychoanalytic theory on the role of sex and its influence on the formation of the adult psyche through developmental processes. However, he did not do this without encountering a number of issues, ranging from the over-centralization of sex as the sole determinant of a man’s maturity and entire life to a variety of other issues.


This work is intended to be a thorough exploration of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, with the goal of studying, analyzing, and finally criticizing his ideas. I also plan to sort out the positive aspects of his thinking and compare them to the role of sex in modern society. Finally, I want to present a respectable position of sex in today’s society at the conclusion of this research.


This study project will be based on Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theories. Other psychologists’ and philosophers’ viewpoints will be considered, but only to the extent that they affect Freud’s stream of thought.


Expository, analytic, and prescriptive methods are used. Arguments based on faith are carefully avoided because this is a philosophical approach to Freud’s psychoanalytic theory.


There are four chapters in this work. The first chapter serves as an overview of this scholarly work. The second chapter delves into the definition of psychoanalysis. The third chapter examines Freud’s various psychoanalytic theories. The fourth chapter is a critique of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis and his views on a child’s psychosexual enlightenment.

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