An Analysis Of Landuse Changes Using Remote Sensing And Geographic Information System Techniques



The study was on the disquisition of landuse changes between 1965 and 2003 in the northern part of Kaduna megalopolis using remote seeing( RS) and geographic information system( Civilians) ways. Sources of data were primarily airphotos of 1965, 1977 and 1992. The air prints were of different scales but the use of the “ fleck grid ” system helped to constantly identify, sample and estimate proportions of each airphoto time mosaic that had specific landuse types model by model. Landuse changes between 1992 print- time and 2003 were attained through digital mapping ways using Global Positioning System instrumentation GPS – “ Magellan 315 ” because air snap of the area wasn’t available for this period and Satellite imagery( strip or spot) was veritably precious. The results of the study showed that between 1965 and 1977, and 1992 landuses changed from pastoral features to those of civic development indicators and veritably fleetly. Civic domestic landuses for illustration bounded from62.5 ha. in 1965 to 202ha. in 1977 to 392ha., and from 1992 to 507ha. in 2003. also stunning rises were observed in government possessed institutional lands and marketable services landuses. The rises were rapid-fire and advanced between 1992 print time and the digital mapping of time 2003 than any former consecutive print times and ranged from 84 for civic road/ trace development; for domestic it was 122 to 268 for marketable services. The trend was easily from pastoral to civic landuse development. still, the increases were complex and confused with ever hanging pitfalls of high magnitude disaster on the commanding edge of civic landuses.


preface This study is on the operation of Remote Sensing( RS) and Geographic Information System( Civilians) ways to the examination of the nature of landuse changes in the northern quarter of Kaduna megalopolis from 1965 to 2003. Population affluence to municipalities and metropolises frequently resulte in civic expansion and sprawling, pushing the civic terrain influences into the conterminous pastoral lands with attendant changes in landuse types, intensity and geography quality. That’s how Kaduna megalopolis, a former political indigenous headquarters for further than half a century, grew. Field compliances show that its expansion has had great impact on the girding pastoral lands. skimp records both in charts and written documents were available to show the nature of the changes that had taken place. therefore, reconstruction of changes in landuse becomes delicate with probable large crimes and enterprises. Yet, there’s a dire need for an understanding of the dynamics of landuses on the civic fringe for effective planning, operation and provision of serviceability. currently, earth- mapping technology offers good openings for probing landuse changes that have taken place in the history. Hence, this study investigates the landuse changes in the northern part of Kaduna megalopolis using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System ways.


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