
The central purpose of this study is to evaluate prison rehabilitation facilities in Nigeria using Kaduna Prison and Zaria Prison as case studies. Against this background, this research attempts to empirically evaluate rehabilitation facilities for inmates in Nigerian prisons, using Kaduna Prison and Zaria Prison as examples. To achieve this, a sample size of 145 inmates and 37 of her staff her members was selected by simple random he sampling using prison registers. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected using questionnaire and interview methods. We also analyzed the data using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses. This result of the data analysis showed that the respondents varied in socio-demographic characteristic such as age, sex, marital status, educational qualification, religion etc. further, the data showed that many of the inmates said that there is rehabilitation facilities such as carpentry, work, electrical work, shoe making etc. though some opined that despite the existing scheme it was only meant for convicts and awaiting trial were excluded from the benefiting in such schemes.The study also found that:
Provision for rehabilitation services is still neglected and not international best practices compliance; the incarceration condition of the inmates with respect to accommodation, feeding and medication does not meet the United Nation’s standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners; prison inmates of these prisons prefer one rehabilitation services to the other. The most preferred rehabilitation service is recreational activity-football. Despite the aforementioned problems the prison still has been able to play the role of rehabilitation at a small measure.Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that deliberate efforts should be made by the Federal Government and prison service providers to reform the Nigerian prisons and make it international best practice compliance. There is also the need to introduce more rehabilitation services, facilities and reformative programmes such as training inmates on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and giving adequate awareness programmes so as to rehabilitate prison inmates and stop recidivism.




Table of Contents

Cover Page———————————————————————————–i

Title Page————————————————————————————ii





Table of Contents———————————————————————–viii

List of Tables——————————————————————————xi


1.0 Introduction————————————————————————-1

1.1 Background of the Study——————————————————-1

1.2 Statement of the Problem——————————————————3

1.3 Significance of the Study——————————————————-4

1.4 Aim and Objectives—————————————————————5

1.4.1 Aims of the Study—————————————————————–5

1.4.2 Objective—————————————————————————–5

1.5 Methodology————————————————————————6

1.6 Scope and limitation————————————————————-7

1.7 Delimitation————————————————————————-7




Literature Review—————————————————————–8

2.1 Prison——————————————————————————–8

2.2 Type of Prisons——————————————————————10

2.2.1 A Convict prison—————————————————————–10

2.2.2 Central Prison——————————————————————–10

2.2.3 Divisional or Provincial Prison———————————————11

2.2.4 Prison Camp———————————————————————-11

2.3 Inmates Rehabilitation Facilities——————————————12

2.4 Types of Inmates Rehabilitation Facilities——————————16

2.4.1 Educational Facilities———————————————————-16

2.4.2 Health Care Facility or Hospital——————————————–17

2.4.3 Religious Facility—————————————————————-18

2.4.4 Prison Agricultural Skill Acquisition————————————–18

2.5 The Problem of Nigerian Prison System——————————–19


3.0 Research Methodology——————————————————–23

3.1 Research Design—————————————————————-23

3.2 Sample Population————————————————————–23

3.3 Data Gathering Techniques————————————————–24

3.4 Analytical Techniques———————————————————25

3.5 Constraints in Data Collecting———————————————-25


Data Presentation, Analysis and Discussion of Results———–27

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis——————————————–27

4.2 Discussion of Findings——————————————————–40


5.1 Summary of the Findings—————————————————–42

5.2 Conclusion————————————————————————43

5.3 Recommendations————————————————————–43

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Break down of the sample for the study

according to prison location inmates—————————–24

Table 3.2 Break down of the sample for the study

according to prison location operation staff——————-24

Table 4.1 Socio-Demographic Characteristic of Inmate——————28

Table 4.2 Inmates’ Perception of Educational Facilities—————–30

Table 4.3 Inmates’ Participation in Skill Acquisition Programme—–31

Table 4.4 Inmates’ Perception on Religious Facilities——————-32

Table 4.5 Inmates’ Participation in Mid-Range

Industrial Rehabilitation———————————————–32

Table 4.6 Level of inmates’ participation in recreational

activities N145————————————————————33

Table 4.7 Level of inmates’ participation in agricultural

rehabilitation facilities/skill N 145———————————-34

Table 4.8 Inmates’ Assessment on the Quantity/Quantity

of Basic Facilities——————————————————–35

Table 4.9 The relationship between gender and inmates—————-37

Table 4.10 Extent to which inmates benefit from

the social welfare service N255————————————-39

Table 4.11 staff opinion of the state of rehabilitation facilities N40—-40



1.1 Background of the Study

The noble goal of the prisons services is to reform those who pass through the prison gates and also to protect the society from the convicted felons. It also serves to keep in safe custody persons legally sentenced to jail and identify the cause of inherent anti social behavior and treat and reform them to become law-abiding citizens. The prison also has the responsibilities to train inmates in trades that will make them useful to themselves and the society at large. (prisons lecture manual 2003).

According to the Jarma (2001) these objectives are not being met in Nigeria, he contend that instead of reforming inmates the prisons system is hardening them and subjecting them to horrible, degrading conditions and punishment, sometimes exceeding the crime committed, the process makes them to become physicals and psychological damaged, with the feeling of been unwanted, unloved and abandoned in uncaring environment. Most prison.

However, little attention has been paid to other factors that contribute to failure to meet stated goals. H. Reform, rehabilitation and reintegration. Contributing factors include mostly dilapidated prison rehabilitation facilities and poor management of available facilities. Rehabilitation facilities for prisoners, including prison housing, skills training facilities, educational facilities and recreational facilities, are inadequate or in poor condition. Many prisons in Nigeria lack basic utilities. B. Toilets, water, lighting, medicines, etc., and if they exist, are severely restricted. (Asokia MO 2012)

The Nigerian government is a bit lax compared to other countries in the world with roughly the same population size, but corruption, poor management and unprofessional handling of facilities are factors fueling this unfavorable situation. . (Ogundipe 2008)

The challenge of this project is to find solutions to these problems and to make recommendations for improving the management of inmate rehabilitation facilities.

1.2 Problem Description

One of his goals for the cardinal in the prison system is to deter prisoners from crime and other anti-social activities and give them instructions to enable them to lead normal lives again. His idea is to use the imprisonment period to force other criminals to comply with the law (Prison Lecture Manual 2007).

The prison is designed as a reformed school. In many parts of the world, this is already the case, or is rapidly becoming so. They are usually structures for identifying specific problems for each inmate and a means of guiding the individual out of them (Muhammad B. 2005)

Studies however reveal that Nigeria prison rather than being reformative and rehabilitative they are punitive, degrading and dehumanizing and leave the prisoners with least opportunity of re-entry in to the society (Basher Tanimu 2010).

Finding however reveal that several factors are responsible for these undesirable situation here are some:
corruption which has eaten deep into the fabrics of Nigerian, inadequate funding and bad management make many prisons to lack essential inmates’ rehabilitation facilities e.g accommodation, skill acquisition, educational and recreational facilities and were they exist they are grossly inadequate for the population, in some prisons officials complain of lack of portable water, inadequate sewage facilities which is having devastating effect on the health of inmates'(Muhammad .B. 2010)

Thus Nigeria needs conductive prisons, where function of reforming, rehabilitation and reintegration would be accomplished, not prisons that been regard as punishment ground, and it is as a result of all these aforementioned problems that this research work is being carried out.

1.3 Significance of the study

When the study is carry- out will elicit necessary feed stock, which can facilitate the improvement of rehabilitation among prisons inmates’ in Kaduna, Zaria and Nigeria at large. This study will generally provide a window to a glimpse into the factors affecting the performance of the Nigerian prisons in the rehabilitation of inmates’. This study is also important in the sense that, if conducted or conducted with caution, it will serve as a starting point for future research in the field of inmate rehabilitation.

Finally, it can also help formulate policies to improve Nigeria’s prison system, ensuring that prisoners are trained in self-sufficiency skills upon release and are able to anticipate and detect criminal activity in Nigeria.


1.4 Objectives and Objectives

1.4.1 Goal

The purpose of this study is to evaluate inmate rehabilitation facilities at Kaduna Prison and Zaria Prison for improvement.


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