
Events around the world show that no business is disaster-free. With this in mind, good facility management practices require a proactive approach to such issues through the creation of a business continuity plan (BCP). This research project is being conducted to evaluate plans prepared by a facility management company in Nigeria as an alternative in case of disruption to the organization’s operations. Field research was conducted using structured questionnaires and oral interviews with stakeholders as research tools. The interviews assumed a targeted sampling. 70 surveys were distributed, 43 of which were completed and returned, yielding 61.4% responses. Findings show that a facility manager in Nigeria is aware of the organization’s risks to his portfolio, but does not take adequate steps to anticipate and prepare for contingencies. For example, the respondent’s opinion on how often his BCP is used in facility management indicates that 65.1% use it infrequently and 69.8% agree that her BCP is based on customer/organizational requirements. Did. The investigation found that he was not proactive in using a BCP, and that the government and customers’ rejection of his BCP request also contributed to the failure of the plan. The government will require all organizations to require the facility manager to prepare her BCP to prepare for any contingency in the form of a disaster and the facility manager’s status as part of the financial statements It was recommended that it should. Professional organizations and associations related to disaster management should assist them by organizing workshops, trainings and awareness campaigns for staff of such organizations.


table of contents

Title page – – – – – – – – – – i

Statement – – – – – – – – – – ii

Approved – – – – – – –

Chapter 3:
research method


3.1 Preamble – – – – – – – – – 51

3.2 Sample size and sampling method – – – – – 51

3.3 Data description and data collection – – – – – 52

3.4 Data representation – – – – – – – 52

3.5 Data analysis method – – – – – – – 53

Chapter 4:
Data presentation, analysis and discussion

4.1 Preamble – – – – – – – – – 54

4.2 Display and analysis of data –
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chapter One



1.1 Research background

Governments, non-profits, and non-governmental organizations also provide important services, but private organizations must continue to deliver products and services to satisfy their shareholders and survive. Although their purposes and functions are different, a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is applicable to all governments.

Elliott et al. (1999) identified an organization’s exposure to internal and external threats and integrated hard and soft resources to develop an effective business continuity plan while maintaining competitive advantage and the integrity of its value system. It is defined as providing organizations with effective prevention and recovery.

There are many misconceptions about business continuity management (BCM) and there is still no commonly practiced methodology for evaluating organizations in this regard (Honour 2001). Elliott et al. (1999) states that there is no structured implementation of skills to directly address risks faced in the modern world. These newly highlighted risks, coupled with the inherent weaknesses arising from the lack of a structured approach to BCM, have led to a more robust and measurable means of safeguarding continuity management: continuity assurance. will be needed.

Continuity assurance, as the name suggests, deals with proactive planning to avoid threats or reduce intrigue, but this restoration is implicit in the approach described in this work.

1.2 Problem definition


Managing facilities in developing countries like Nigeria is not without its challenges. These primarily include business interruptions, delays, ineffective or poor service. This is due to the lack of a clear understanding of the risk profiles or portfolios of these organizations and the lack of proactive measures to ensure the continuity of critical business operations. Due to the above, this affects organizations in many ways. Service delivery is poor or subpar, profit maximization is severely impacted, and the organization’s reputation is similarly affected.

1.3 Research Justification

Emergency preparedness and business continuity are he one of 11 core competencies in facilities management. This needs a holistic study of the core competencies to see ways and means for effective facilities management. Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is suppose to be properly put in place for any business to strife, be it small, medium or big.

It is in the light of the above that a critical look at plans that are supposed to be put in place by FM for business to continue and also to mitigate any negative effect of any disaster on the organisation.

It is an acknowledged fact that one of the important and necessary conduction for smooth successful and effective management of any facility devoid of any interruption that may have far reaching impact on the organization is the putting in place proactive measure to ensure the continuation of critical activities considering the facilities management practice in Nigeria (being at the development stage) a feedback system is needed or information is needed on how this important activities were undertaken especially the approach adopted, (1) quality of the plan, (2) how they are implemented and (3) problems relating to the implementation and above all the quality of human resource who prepares and implement (facilities management) this will enable the facilities management practice to benefit from such results.


1.4.1 Aim

The aim of this project is to evaluate the business continuity plans prepared by facilities manager in Nigeria with a view to providing guidelines and procedures for an orderly and timely business continuance. 1.4.2 Purpose

a) He investigates how BCP is used in facility management in Nigeria.

b) Identify the factors that influence the effective use of the BCP in facility management by comparing (a) above.

c) Assess stakeholder/facility management perceptions of how the BCP can facilitate effective management of the facility.

1.5 Methodology

The methods used can be summarized under the following subheadings.

1.5.1 Literature review

Review of relevant literature on this topic using journals, journals, conference proceedings, internet, interviews, etc. This was done to clarify existing knowledge on the principles, procedures and practices of implementing business continuity plans in facility management.


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