chapter One



1.1 Research background

Employee motivation has proven to be very important in today’s business world, and tests have shown that well-motivated employees tend to perform their duties better. This study shows how the “influence motive” affects several banks in Niger. Motivation may be underestimated, but people who are aware of its impact on employee performance take advantage of it.

Today, organizations can easily transfer materials, needs, goods, and services to other organizations and other countries. But the only resource that cannot be easily replaced is people. People are therefore the most important or competitive asset of an organization that cannot be replaced. Human resources or human assets are the workers or employees of an organization. Motivation is therefore the main factor affecting an organization’s human resources. Organizations need to motivate their employees to achieve peak performance or achieve organizational goals. In fact, motivation is the best tool for peak performance. There is much debate today about motivation and the relationship between employee performance and organizational effectiveness. Motivation results in workers or employees of an organization taking their duties and responsibilities seriously (Azar and Shafìghì, 2013). Attractive salaries and salaries are also valuable tools and play a key role in improving employee performance and improving organizational output (Muogbo, 2013).

According to Iqbal et al. (2012), Employee Motivation and Ability to Collectively Participate in Employee Performance and Difficult Tasks Set by Managers with the Aim of Achieving Maximum Productivity. Today’s research is concerned with improving performance, maturity and work capacity, increasing the need for employee motivation. Motivation is one of the most important concepts in psychology, and most managers who strive for maximum performance and achievement recognize it.

Motivation can be understood as the process by which organizations tend to improve employee performance in the workplace through multiple ‘incentives’. This is done to maximize employee potential. After recognizing this fact, Frank Hawkins (1993) defined motivation as “that which drives or encourages a person to act in a particular way, the internal and that which maintains, directs, and maintains an external force.” It affects the level of performance, efficiency achieved and time spent on activities. So it’s safe to say that motivation is both external and internal. Intrinsic motivation arises from within his/her ‘internal department’, the ‘nd’ vidual, whereas extrinsic motivation is influenced by multiple factors in the environment, in this case the organization.

Nnabuìfe (2009) defines motivation as an internal or external force that creates the willingness to perform actions with a coherent purpose. Motivation, therefore, is the process that drives action forward, keeps action progressing, and directs that action toward a particular course of action.

Employee motivation technology is based on the strength of employee motivation. Motives are the ‘individual’ needs, aspirations, desires, or ‘drives’ that determine human behavior. Motivation, therefore, is the process that drives behavior forward, sustains progress in behavior, and directs behavior toward a particular course of action. In this way, motivations (needs, desires) drive employees to action. Motivation is therefore the internal state that drives, guides and sustains human behavior.

Most organizations need motivation to achieve various goals that have been set. To achieve these goals, we need to put people

1.2 Problem definition


Over the years, worker morale has been very low, often affecting their performance within the organization. There are also cases of workers moving from one job to another in search of higher wages or better incentives.

Employee pay raises and bonuses seem to be a very popular motivational method employed by companies. This study examines whether financial motives are the only motives companies can use. If successful over time. When management uses other forms of motivation. You can also suggest possible outcomes and other forms of motivation.

Employees leave organizations for lack of motivation. Some people don’t want to retire because they enjoy some perks in the form of promotions that lead to increased salaries, wages, bonuses, and other incentives.

With this in mind, we found the problem that employers and organizational managers tend to give employees only financial incentives, thus ignoring other forms of motivation. This is the gap that this study seeks to fill.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The main purpose of this study is to examine the ‘effect of motivation’ on employee performance. Other specific objectives of this study are:

1. “Invest” financial rewards in improving the performance of employees of your chosen bank. 2. Determining Whether Recognition Impacts Employee Performance Levels

1.4 Research question

1. Are monetary rewards the only motivation you can use to improve employee performance?

2. Are the ratings significantly associated with employee performance at the selected bank? 1.5 Hypotheses

The survey is primarily based on ‘impact motivation’ for employee performance. Test these hypotheses to assess their importance.

Me. Hₒ:
Financial rewards are not the only form of motivation that can be used to improve employee performance.

There is no relationship between ratings and employee performance

1.6 Scope of investigation

The scope of the investigation is limited to employees of his four banks in Minna, Niger. These banks are: Eco Bank, Access Bank, Guaranty Trust Bank, Skye Bank.



Thìs research ìs beìng carrìed out to address the ìssue of motìvatìon ìn organìzatìons and to analyze the ìmpact of motìvatìon ìn achìevìng organìzatìonal objectìves.

Motìvatìon not only ìnvolves the stìmulatìon of employees to achìeve the organìzatìons set goals but also to help them achìeve personal goals, therefore thìs research ìs carrìed out to examìne how motìvatìon helps ìn achìevìng both organìzatìonal and ìndìvìdual goals.



It ìs observed that most corporate organìzatìons are lackìng ìn the aspect of employee motìvatìon thereby causìng employees to be less satìsfìed and look for other job opportunìtìes whìch ìn turn leads to hìgh employee turnover.

Thìs study ìs ìntended to advìse CEO’S and managers of how to properly motìvate employees ìn order to maxìmìze theìr potentìals effectìvely and effìcìently.

Motìvatìon ìs a worldwìde concept used ìn corporate organìzatìons today ìn order to get the best out of theìr employees, but stìll most organìzatìons have not adopted thìs strategy whìle others have not learnt the proper motìvatìonal technìque to use ìn theìr organìzatìons. The research will also benefit educational institutions as it provides other forms of motivation

1.8 Research Limitations

A limitation of this study is the busy schedules of bankers who must help fill out the questionnaire.


1.9 Description of the study area

Minna was selected for this study because it is the capital of the largest province, Nigeri, and has a very large customer base for the bank.


1.9.1. Geographic description of Minna

Minna is a city in Midwestern Nigeria that is the capital of the state of Nigeria. He is one of her 36 states in Nigeria and is home to the local government of Chanchaga. The estimated population of Minna is 304,113 as of the 2007 census.

The geographical coordinates of Minna are: 9 degrees 36 minutes 50 seconds north latitude, 623 minutes 24 seconds east longitude. Altitude:
299m=980ft, Minna’s coordinates are degrees and minutes. Latitude 9°36.8334’N, longitude 623.4164E.

All coordinates specified are in the WGS84 coordinate reference system. This is the latest version of the world’s geodetic system used for mapping and navigation, including the GPS satellite navigation system “Global Positioning System”.

Geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) define locations on the surface of the earth. Coordinates are in angular units. The normal form of latitude and longitude uses degrees (°), minutes (‘), and seconds (”). The GPS system is widely used in degrees and decimal minutes, or decimal degrees. Latitude varies from -90° to 90°. The latitude of the equator is 0°, the latitude of the south pole is -90°, and the latitude of the north pole is 90°. Positive latitudes correspond to geographic locations north of the equator (N), and negative latitudes correspond to geographic locations south of the equator (S).

Longitude is counted from the prime meridian and varies between -180° and 180°. Positive longitude values ​​correspond to geographic locations east of the Mediterranean Sea (E), negative longitude values ​​correspond to geographic locations west of the equator (W), and altitude is a measure of the altitude of a geographic location.

1.9.2. Historical development

Archaeological evidence suggests that settlement in the area occurred approximately 47,000 to 37,000 years ago. Islamic culture entered Minna via the ancient Saharan trade routes, and the city is home to many mosques and Islamic organizations. Christianity has a large population in Niger, where Sharia law applies. Minna has a vibrant Faith Church, Baptist Church, Nupe Calvary Church, Anglican Church and Apostolic Church. Minna is the home of Nigeria’s former military president, General Ibrahim B. Babangida, and former head of state, General Abdusalami Abubakar.

1.9.3 Management system

A state of Niger with its own capital governed by her three tiers of government. State, local and emirate councils. At the state level, there are three levels of authority.

First, there is the government, elected by political parties and headed by the state chief executive. He is assisted by the Lieutenant Governor, Special Counsel, Secretary, Government, Chief of Service, and Commissioner who heads various offices. All these form the executive branch of government. They are responsible for the day-to-day administration of the state.

Second, there is a parliament whose members are also elected on the basis of party. Legislatures are symbolized by state legislatures and are headed by a Speaker, Vice-President, Majority and Minority Party Leaders, Party Leaders, etc. Parliament is organized in committees, each chaired by a chairman.

Third, there is the Judicial Branch, an independent body of government and headed by the Chief Justice of the State. The local government area is headed by a chairman who presides over a local government council composed of members of the local government and administrative secretaries seconded to it by the services of the local government.

1.9.4 Economic base

Cotton, corn and ginger are the city’s major agricultural products. Yams are also widely grown in the city. The economy also supports livestock trading, brewing, shea butter processing, and gold mining.

Mina’s traditional industries and crafts include leatherwork and metalwork.

Manager; A manager is a person who has acquired the necessary knowledge to use both human and capital resources efficiently and effectively to reach their full potential.

Monetary Compensation; this can be viewed as an additional compensation given to workers on top of their regular wages/salaries. This can be used as a means of rewarding employees for achieving certain goals and motivating them to work effectively and efficiently.

Recognition; this can be viewed as an employee’s perception of something exceptional within the organization.


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