The study’s main objective was to evaluate the marketing tactics employed by barbershops in the Enugu Metropolis, paying particular attention to the top-tier barbershops in Enugu.

The study’s goals are as follows:
To assess the effectiveness of the Top Class Barbering Salon’s marketing initiatives in achieving its profitability.
To ascertain the effect of Top Class Barbering Salon’s public relations strategy on client support.
To ascertain whether Top Class Barbing Salon’s promotional campaigns in the Enugu metropolis help customers become aware of their offerings. Based on these four assumptions, individual hypotheses were developed, focused on the effects of various promotions. Primary and secondary sources were used to gather the data. A thorough assessment of textbooks, journals, and other relevant materials was conducted. The management, pertinent employees, and clients of Top Class Barbering Salon within the Enugu metropolitan make up the population.
The hypotheses were evaluated using chi-square while the data were presented, analysed, and interpreted using tables, frequencies, and percentages. According to the analysis. The findings are as follows. The barbershop and the case organization still don’t fully understand how crucial it is to create the best possible advertising mix to boost their performance. Public relations has a beneficial effect on consumer spending, and billboards were badly made and not placed strategically.

Public relations has a beneficial effect on consumer spending, and billboards were badly made and not placed strategically.
In light of the aforementioned observations, the following suggestions were made:

– In addition to the usage of billboards, radio and print advertising should be utilized. Advertising should emphasize availability, reasonable prices, and high-quality services.
– For better results, it is important to properly integrate other promotional activities such as sales promotion, public relations, publicity, and personal selling. According to the researcher, the case company should be able to serve their customers more effectively and profitably if the recommendations were applied carefully.


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