The study examined Barbing Salon Promotional Strategies in Enugu Metropolis, with a special focus on Top Class Barbing Salons in Enugu.

The study’s goals are as follows:

To assess Top Class Barbing Salon’s promotional strategies in order to establish their profitability.

To determine the impact of Top Class Barbing Salon’s public relations on customer patronage.

To see if the advertising methods used by Top Class Barbing Salon in Enugu make customers aware of their services. On the basis of these four hypotheses, four separate hypotheses were developed, each concentrating on the impact of a single promotion.

The information was gathered from two main sources: primary and secondary data. A thorough evaluation of textbooks, journals, and other related materials was conducted.

The population includes Top Class Barbing Salon’s management, necessary personnel, and clients in the Enugu metropolitan.

The hypotheses were tested using chi-square, and the data was presented, analyzed, and interpreted using tables, frequencies, and percentages.


Based on the research. The following conclusions were reached. That barbershop, as well as the case organization, have yet to fully comprehend the need of creating an appropriate promotional mix to boost their success.


Billboards were badly constructed and not strategically situated, and public relations has a favorable impact on client patronage.


In view of above findings, the following recommendations were made


– Apart from the use of billboards advertising in radio and newspapers should be used. The advertising message should be based on quality of service offered, availability and For better results, other promotional activities such as sales promotion, public relations, publicity, and personal selling should be properly mixed. According to the researcher, if the recommendations were followed to the letter, the case organization would be able to better service its customers while still making a profit.

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