An Assessment Of Inter-denominational Relationship Among Churches In Itu L.G.A


An Assessment Of Inter-denominational Relationship Among Churches In Itu L.G.A 


Chapter One


Background of the Study

The issue of Interdenominational Relationship among Church denominations in Itu local Government Area is a thing of concern. Effective Interdenominational Relationship among the Church denominations is the ability to influence each other positively for the propagation of the gospel, promotion of unity, and teaching of sound doctrines. It is understand according to Udeme that part of the problem confronting Churches today in Itu, L.G.A is lack of good and effective relationship. It is also understood that this problem results from the inability of church denominations within Itu to fully comprehend the true meaning and essence of interdenominational Relationship or what it means to relate with other churches. The effect of this is that in recent times, some denominations have declined numerically while others have grown drastically.

This work highlights and assesses these problems of interdenominational relationship among the church denominations in Itu. It also portrays the measures for curbing these problems in Itu.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The Relationship of Churches in Itu L.G.A is obviously a major challenge, some Churches seems to have negative interest and pride in affiliating themselves with other denominations.

This problem has brought about false teaching, dogma, sacramental issues, church politicking, corruption and structural competitions among others. This has turn some of the churches in Itu as commercial operators which suppose not to be so. Sound teaching and doctrine are not encouraged this has brought or bring fears in the heart of worshipper. These are issues of concern in the work.

1.3 Objective of the study

The objective of the study are:

To identify the purpose of Interdenominational Relationship among the Churches in Itu, L.G.A

To identify the challenges faced by denominations in joining Interdenominational Church Relationship in Itu L.G.A.

To outline the positive impact of Interdenominational relationship among the Churches in Itu, L.G.A.

To create awareness on relationship among the Churches in L. G. A.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study shall also be relevant to future researches, the result of this study is expected to benefit the entire Churches in Itu by serving as an avenue for enlightenment on the necessary things they need to do for betterment of the Churches in Itu, L.G.A.


1.5 Scope of the Study

This study concentrate on the problem of Interdenominational Relationship among the Churches in Itu. It causes, effect and possible solution, using pastoral and evangelical approach. Also will assess the following Interdenominational Church: The Reformed, Catholic, and Pentecostal.

1.6 Research Question

The following research questions were posited to guide the study.

What are the purposes of Interdenominational Relationship among the Churches in Itu L.G.A.?

What are the challenges confronting Interdenominational Relationship among the

Churches in Itu L.G.A.?

The positive impact of Interdenominational Relationship among the Churches in Itu L.G.A.?

1.7 Definition of Terms

Some key terms and concepts such as assessment, Interdenominational Relationship, and Churches have been defined as used in this work.

Assessment: According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryit is an opinion or a judgment about something that has been thought about very carefully evaluation. (86)

Interdenominational Relationship: Oxford Advance Learners Online Dictionary It initiative aimed at greater Christian unity or cooperation.

According to Michael Okon on his lecture note it is outgrowth of Jesus commandments to love one’s neighbor as oneself, and to make both love and unity the first and foremost principles in Christian practice. This term is used predominantly by and with reference to Christian denominations and Christian Churches separated by doctrine, history, and practice. Within this particular context, it is the idea of a Christian unity in the literal meaning: that there should be a single Church. It is also known as Ecumenism. The word contrasts with interfaith dialogue or interfaith pluralism aimed at unity or cooperation among diverse religions and referring to a worldwide “religious unity” by the advocacy of a greater sense of shared spirituality.

Churches: According to encyclopedia it is a particular group of Christian in doctrine, the Christian religious community as a whole, or a body or organization of Christian believers. The Greek word ekklēsia, which came to mean church, was originally applied in the Classical period to an official assembly of citizens.

Relationship: According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary it is the way that things or people are connected. (702) However, it provides the analytical and operational framework through which the relational paradigm reveals itself, may be studied, and is put into practice.

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