The Significance Of Christian Symbols In The Contemporary Society: A Case Study Of Mountain Of Fire And Miracle Ministry

  The Significance Of Christian Symbols In The Contemporary Society: A Case Study Of Mountain Of Fire And Miracle Ministry    Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of Study The word “symbol” comes from the Greek “symbolon” meaning contact, token or insignia, a means of identification. It is from this origin that the word symbol has … Read more

An Assessment Of Inter-denominational Relationship Among Churches In Itu L.G.A

  An Assessment Of Inter-denominational Relationship Among Churches In Itu L.G.A    Chapter One Introduction Background of the Study The issue of Interdenominational Relationship among Church denominations in Itu local Government Area is a thing of concern. Effective Interdenominational Relationship among the Church denominations is the ability to influence each other positively for the propagation … Read more