The Significance Of Christian Symbols In The Contemporary Society: A Case Study Of Mountain Of Fire And Miracle Ministry
Chapter One
1.1 Background of Study
The word “symbol” comes from the Greek “symbolon” meaning contact, token or insignia, a means of identification. It is from this origin that the word symbol has come to represent sign or mark that has a peculiar relationship or meaning to a social group. Thus, members of the social group, parties to an agreement and institutions have some sign that are recognized and accepted by members as authoritative. For example, every nation has national flag and encouraged its citizens to respect and recognize it as a symbol of authority, solidarity and dignity. These flags are more representatives of something else. Symbols are therefore, representations of something which stands for something else. They are not the actual thing but have the character of making people have full conceptualization.
Symbol, according to Anyacho (1994:11), is something associated with something else, that which signifies or represents. It means that symbols cannot be literally interpreted. Their meaning can only grasped by association because symbols do not describe or depict exactly what they are representing. In some symbols, the real meaning can be faintly identifiable with the objects while for others, there is a physical resemblance with what the symbols are standing for. For example, the cross and work can be closely linked with the suffering of Christ. But there is no close relationship between the picture of fish and Christ, which it represents.
As a social institution, religion makes use of many symbols. In fact symbolism is one of the significant phenomena in religion. Religious symbols are visible signs or emblems representing truths of religious faith. The cross, the crescent and the Star of David are symbols representing the Christian and Islamic religious faith respectively. Christian religion makes use of diverse modes of symbolic expressions which can be tangible or intangible. Goldammer (1983 -900-906), has identified five modes of symbolic expressions as the diagrammatic and emblematic symbolism, pictorial symbolism, physical movements, gestural symbolism, verbal symbolism and Musical symbolism.
In Christian Religion, combinations of these are used to express the religious faith and enhance effective worship. They are used as signs which direct people’s reactions toward the real meaning of the whole structure of the belief system. To the Christians, the Cross does not only mean the stake on which Christ was crucified, but the whole mystical, emotional and ethical contact of Christianity, Valency, (1988:16), being the most widespread symbol of Christianity, the Cross helps Christians to appreciate the sacrificial love of Christ for them, through the redemption work on the Cross, the victorious gained for them in the redemption death, and the humble submission that Christ demands from them.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This work is stimulated as a result of the fact that Christian Symbols play an important part in Christian religion. It is believed that every Christian pays attention to Christian Symbols. Some have negative attitude and perception about symbols. Others really value symbols because of the meaning it conveys to the adherent while others view symbols as something that is occultic in nature and should not be used in worship. This perception by some Christians has generated heavy criticism among scholars. The Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry pays great attention to symbols. The Church believes that through symbols, the efficacy of worship in the Church is really achieved. Moreso, these symbols act as pointers and linkages of their faith to the supreme God. Finally, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry places premium on the use of symbols in the worship.
Also, on the theoretical level, enormous literature abounds on Christian symbolism. However, a careful examination of the available literature reveals that none gave attention to the significance of Christian symbols with respect to Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries. This explains the relevance of this work.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
On the basis of issues of bias and prejudices with regards the significance of Christian symbols in contemporary society, a case study of Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry was studied. Specifically, the study was intended to:
Examine the significance of Christian symbols in Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries.
Identify the major Christian symbols in Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries.
Promote the use of Christian symbols in the church
Project the effective use of symbols as possible recommendation for further research
1.4 Significance of the Study
A research of this nature must be of immense importance to the Christians, especially those who are keen to symbolism. Practically, the work will be of immense help to Churches especially the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry since much has not been achieved in this direction. Also, there is a correlation between the use of Christian symbols and the core beliefs and practices of Christian denominations. Therefore this work is very important because it will seek to draw a correlation between the use of Christian symbols in Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry and their core beliefs and practices. Similarly, Christian symbols are significant not only to the denominations that strongly believe in them but to the scholars of religion as well; hence the work will be of relevance to scholars of symbols.
1.5 Research Methodology
Since the work studies a given phenomenon within a defined context, the researcher adopted a descriptive survey design in carrying out the work. In this light, oral interviews were used to gather primary data. Apart from this, the researcher also made use of secondary sources which include books, journals, magazines, newspapers, published and unpublished articles and also information on the internet. Therefore, both primary and secondary data were used in carrying this research.
1.6 The Scope of the Study
This research is limited to the significance of Christian symbols with respect to Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry in Uyo Metropolis, Akwa Ibom State. It does not delve into Christian symbolism in other denominations and religions.
1.7 Definition of Terms
Symbols: Symbols are rather curious phenomenon that literally abolishes clarity and it confound one’s common sense of understanding self and world (Anyacho, 1994:11). In this work therefore, the term symbol will be used to mean a sign or object which carries deeper meaning than what it literally portrays.