An Assessment Of Readers Perception Of The Importance And Role Of Cartoons In Nigeria Newspaper


Chapiter 1




1.1 The Study’s Context




Cartoons are nonverbal, pictorial communication tools that media organizations use to convey their opinions, views, and discoveries.


They are frequently based on current, hot-button subjects and are used to humorously advocate an opinion. Print media primarily uses them to inform, educate, and amuse their audience (Emi, 2008).


Additionally, the need for investigative journalism has emphasized the watchdog function of newspapers because there are two sides to every person, the godly and the animalistic. The godly side of a person is the good side, while the animalistic side is the evil side, manifested in various wrongdoings or atrocities committed by man.


The yearning for power, the gratification of primal urges in powerful people, the pursuit of wealth, and their malevolent or erotic appetites are also displayed.


The reasoning that is required of humans does not always translate into moral behavior, since their animalistic tendencies often take control.


In order to prevent human societies from turning into the animal kingdom and being filled with evil, it is necessary for the media to highlight injustice and hold those responsible accountable.


In order to bring about social reforms, expose crime and other wrongdoings, speak up for the voiceless, etc., it is also necessary to control the excesses of the powerful or privileged against the less privileged ones (Aina 2001).


Furthermore, it is not overstated to say that Nigeria is one of the world’s most corrupt countries. International agencies have often attested to this incontrovertible truth, which supports their assertions that the nation has experienced various forms of corruption. The former Olusegun Obasajo-led government must have been perplexed by this to the point where it felt it was essential to create organizations that could combat corrupt practices among citizens. Two of these organizations are the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EECC). Many people now refer to these after they have been in operation for a few years as a toothless bulldog organization.


The press, which has been fighting corruption with its in-depth news reporting opinion, comments, editorial, editorial cartoon, etc., is the only organization on which Nigerians can rely.


According to Watson (2008), the media is one of the main public judges of human behavior. Many people have also discovered that newspaper cartoons are just as capable of serving as the watchdog of society. The researcher wants to provide an answer to this.




The study will look at how crime illustrations have impacted newspaper cartoons’ ability to serve as a social watchdog.


The purpose of the study is to evaluate how comic illustrations affect readers and the extent to which cartoons have served as social watchdogs.


1.7 Objectives Of The Study


1. To learn how frequently cartoons appear in The Vanguard


2. To examine the informational value of newspaper cartoons


3. To evaluate the accuracy with which newspaper cartoons can depict offenders or evildoers


4. To ascertain whether newspaper cartoons can act as the voice of society’s citizens.


5. To assess how newspaper cartoons in The Vanguard’s newspaper are used to establish social reality.


1.8 1.3 Questions For Research


1. How frequently do cartoons appear in The Vanguard?


2. Do newspaper cartoons name or disclose the real identities of offenders or evildoers?


3.Are newspaper cartoons genuinely significant to people?


4. Do cartoons in newspapers act as the voice of the community?


5. Do the cartoon captions in the Vanguard newspaper genuinely serve as society’s watchdogs?


1.9 1.4 Analysis Of The Study


In Nigeria, there are certain publications that include cartoons. To analyze the newspaper as a whole, this has chosen to concentrate on the cartoon in the Vanguard daily.


1.5 Significance Of The Study, 1.10




The importance of this study in the realm of mass communication is that it contributes to the understanding of how media messages and content affect audiences. Between what is true and our experience, particularly those that are outside of our constant, it also helps to act as a mediator. It serves as windows into the walls of information as well.


The relevance of this study to society can be attributed to the Lasswellian media function of environmental surveillance, or the journalistic service of gathering and disseminating news by surveying the environment through monitoring trends, talking or providing early warning signals of an impending danger, reporting evil deeds that have been committed, etc.

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