chapter One


1.1 Research background

Cartoons are non-verbal graphic communication channels that express the opinions, views and insights of media organizations.

They serve the purpose of expressing witty opinions and often refer to topical, burning, topical issues. They are primarily used by the print media to educate, inform and entertain the public (Emi, 2008).

Also, the need for investigative journalism emphasizes the role of newspaper watchdogs. Human beings have two sides.
The divine and animal aspects of man are for doing good deeds, whereas the animal side of man is the evil side that can be seen in the various evil deeds and atrocities that humans do.

It also indicates the human urge to dominate, the basic instinct, the acquisition of wealth, and the urge to satisfy their evil or erotic desires. Humans are expected to be rational, but that rationality doesn’t always guarantee good behavior, as animal tendencies tend to take precedence in most cases.

Therefore, the mass media needs to expose evil and bring perpetrators to justice so that human society does not become an animal kingdom and become full of evil.

It also investigates the excesses of power or privilege over the unprivileged, holds rulers accountable to the people, brings about social reform, exposes crimes and other wrongdoings, and speaks out for the mute. should be raised. Aina 2001).

Also, it is no exaggeration to believe the saying that Nigeria is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. International organizations have repeatedly witnessed this undeniable fact, corroborating their claims that the country has witnessed various types of corruption. This must have so disturbed the previous government, led by Chief Olusegun Obasajo, that he felt the need to set up an organization that could combat corrupt practices among its citizens. Two of the bodies are the Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) and the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EECC). After operating for several years, many describe the organization as a toothless bulldog organization.

The only organization that Nigerians rely on is the media, which has fought corruption with extensive news coverage, commentaries, editorials and cartoons.

Watson (2008) argues that the media play an important role among the public mediators of our actions. Many have also found that newspaper cartoons serve as society’s watchdogs, and researchers want to answer that.

1.2 Problem Description

This study examines the impact and importance of crime illustrations in reinforcing the role of newspaper cartoons as watchdogs in society.

It seeks to establish the impact of comic book illustrations on readers and the extent to which comics have served as sentinels of society.

1.2 Problem Description

This study examines the impact and importance of crime illustrations in reinforcing the role of newspaper cartoons as watchdogs in society.

It seeks to establish the impact of comic book illustrations on readers and the extent to which comics have served as sentinels of society.

1.7 Purpose of the survey

1. Know the frequency of cartoons in the Vanguard newspaper

2. Determine whether newspaper cartoons can actually convey information

3. Determine how well newspaper cartoons can identify perpetrators/criminals

4. Also, see if newspaper cartoons serve as advocates for working adults.

5. Evaluate how social reality is constructed using newspaper caricatures from The Vanguard newspaper.

1.8 1.3 Research question

1. How often do you see caricatures in Vanguard newspapers? 2. Do newspaper cartoons identify or reveal the identity of perpetrators or cheaters?

3. Do people really find newspaper cartoons useful?

4. Do newspaper cartoons act as spokespersons for society?

5. Do the cartoon captions in the Vanguard newspaper actually play a guardian role in society?

1.9 1.4 Survey scope

There are certain newspapers in Nigeria that carry cartoons. So, for such an analysis of the newspaper as a whole, I chose to focus this article on Vanguard newspaper cartoons.

1.10 1.5 Importance of research

The importance of this research in the field of mass communication is to help determine the impact of mass communication her messages and media content on people. It also helps act as a mediator between truth and our experiences, especially those beyond our constants.It also acts as a window into the wall of information.

The importance of this research to society reflects Lasswell’s media function of environmental monitoring, that is, collecting and distributing information or news by surveying the environment by giving trends, conversations, or early warning signals of impending danger. It can be traced back to the journalism service. Reports of wrongdoing committed, etc.


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