chapter One


1.1 Research background

Mass media, especially television, have become part of our daily lives, and information sources, education and entertainment have been described as the main functions of the media. Lasswell (1948), quoted in Folarin (2005, p.74), to the medium he assigns three functions.

v Environmental monitoring (messaging facility).

v Associating different parts of the environment (editing functions).

v Transmission of cultural heritage from one generation to another (cultural transmission function). (page 74). There is no doubt that the impact of television on young people’s lives is widely considered in discussions of the so-called ‘media effect’. This discussion focuses primarily on the potential negative impact television has on young people’s lives.
Video violence, gambling, educational attainment, television viewing, etc. (Miles 2000, p. 87). Steele, J.R. & Brown, J.D. (2005, p. 87) identify three main reasons why the influence of television should be considered more closely.

v Young people spend more time in mass media than they do in school or with their parents.

v The media is filled with depictions that glorify risky adult behavior such as excessive drinking and promiscuity.

v Parents and other socializing actors may have avoided their responsibility to discourage adolescents from risky behavior. Allowing the media to have more radical influence.

Related to this discourse, many commentators suggest that by the age of 18, people spend more time watching television than any activity other than sleeping (Anderson, 2009, p. 76). But Miles (2000, p.73) thinks:

Young people are widely believed to be directly and negatively influenced by the media more than any other age group. But research shows that he’s actually one of the groups of young people between the ages of 14 and her 24 who spend the least amount of time watching TV right now. This is a paradox often ignored in the literature. Ironically, mainstream media itself has a vested interest in exaggerating the impact it has on young people’s lives. Because the media hype just makes good “copy”.

Regardless of the actual amount of time young people watch television or use other media, television broadcasts undoubtedly play an important role in somehow shaping the lives of young people in times of rapid social change. (Osgerby, 2008, p.12).

In recent years, the amount of television programs watched by young people has grown exponentially, allowing young people to compose their own “media menu” according to their tastes and preferences. Young people themselves are changing rapidly, as is how young people use media. Television has become more popular in recent years with the advent of cable and satellite television (Johnson, 2004). Osgerby (2008, p. 20) further points out: Television (MTV) programs. MTV is also known as entertainment television, broadcasting not only music videos, but also reality shows and other entertainment programs. ”

It is not surprising that young people are dejected by the reality of poor economic prospects, as they are bombarded with glamorous images of the “good life”. is the fact that television can sell young people the elements of identity they have been taught to crave… Leisure industries such as music, fashion and cosmetics have largely uncritical consumers. Waiting for the next fad or fad. (Alahar, 2006, p. 148).

Reality TV shows have recently gained a distinct popularity, especially among her 18-25 year olds (Chikafe 2012, p. 76). His one of these programs is Big Brother Nigeria, the focus of this study, hereafter referred to as “Big Brother Naija”. Common ones here in Nigeria include:
MTN Project Fame, Gul, etc. “Big Brother Naija” is a reality show based on the Big Brother TV series where 12 contestants live in a secluded house and at the end of the show he competes for a grand prize worth $100,000. Don’t let your audience kick you out. The show’s first season aired from March 5, 2006 to June 4, 2006 on DStv channel 37. Voting results are checked by Alexander Forbes’ auditing firm. Chikafa, (2012, p. 54) states that this concept was borrowed from George Orwell’s 1984 novel entitled Oceania’s fictional dystopia, in which the world of endless surveillance It is written that it depicts In the novel, the dictator who watched over the citizens of Oceania was called Big Brother, and his chilling catchphrase was “Big Brother is watching you.” In the TV show “Big Brother”, housebound contestants fight to avoid eviction in order to win the prize. This reality TV show debuted on his DSTV Channel 37 in 2016 and has since gained popularity with the help of the growth of satellite TV.

Africa captured the attention of African audiences and remains an annual event to this day (Mateveke 2012).


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