
When a researcher selects a topic:
On the impact of the Nigerian Television Station on the economic development of the Enugu Metropolitan Area, she was inspired to see how much the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) has contributed to the economic development of the Enugu Metropolitan Area. It is no longer a proverb that mass media play a central role in a country’s development process. Mass media is generally considered to be a channel of communication that can simultaneously reach a unified message to a heterogeneous audience. They regularly cover all sorts of topics such as health, music, visual arts, crime, sports, entertainment/political events, business, etc. Therefore, this study is an electronic contribution to the economic development of the Enugu metropolitan area. It aims to examine the influence of media. This study utilized descriptive analysis using survey methods. Initial research has revealed that the role of the media cannot be separated from issues related to the economic development of the Enugu metropolis. Therefore, the study suggests that the media should strive to disseminate news and information that address a basic human need, the “right to know,” and that they should do the same with news that analyzes the topics and facts involved. It is expected and recommended. according to national needs and interests.

chapter One


1.1 Research background

The fact that mass media play a central role in the development process of a country is not an empty word. Mass media is generally seen as a communication channel that can simultaneously reach a unified message to a heterogeneous audience. They regularly cover all kinds of topics in economics (Meyer 2002, Soola 2004). Mass media communicate ideas and new information to target audiences in society.
Tosanisunm (2004) observed that mass media go beyond these functions to enlighten, inform and entertain, while also persuading and catalyzing social mobilization. In other words, the mass media can be viewed as a powerful information service because of its ability to penetrate all layers of society. Ability to spread topic ideas and product news. Electronic media, the focus of this study, include radio and television. These communications His media sophistication has become a modern communication marvel. At the turn of the 20th century, systems were perfected that could send electromagnetic pulses through the air without cables and transmit voice over long distances.

Electronic media are machines or institutions used to simultaneously distribute information to a wide and diverse audience. Electronic media, the channels through which information is conveyed to an audience through various types of media, represent human attempts to relate and interact with other men. It is clear that the use of technology has improved communication nationally and internationally.

Aniabona (2007), in a contribution to the impact of broadcasting in the evolving context, argues that electronic media are powerful and effective. Comprehensive education for both children and adults to achieve goals set in terms of, inter alia, economic growth, health care, political and social awareness, political stability, self-reliance and national identity and other means to achieve national goals.
Basically, media is described as serving her three functions of information, education and entertainment. These are the traditional social functions that media serve.

1.2 Problem Description

As already mentioned, the influence of electronic media, especially television, is immense, despite the challenges it faces in meeting its responsibilities. One thing is certain: electronic media are especially useful for electronic development because they are accessible and permeable to diverse and dispersed listening audiences, regardless of their reading and writing levels. However, among all these influences and contributions to political development in rural Nigeria, there is insufficient funding and inadequate management of electronic media to effectively carry out these influences of political development. And if these media are underfunded and spend their revenues on keeping their businesses alive, it makes me wonder how these media can contribute to economic development.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is to:

1. Identify important links between television and rural policy development.

3. Identify the role of the Nigerian National Television Agency (NTA) in mobilizing rural people for economic and political development.

4. Identify the role of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in setting the agenda for rural policy development. 5. To find out what are the challenges of the Nigerian Television Agency (NTA) in contributing to the political development of Nigeria’s rural areas.

1.4 Research question
Based on the above objectives, we will carry out the following research projects.

1. Is there a significant relationship between the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) and the development of rural policy in Nigeria?
2. To what extent does the Nigerian National Television Agency (NTA) mobilize rural populations for political development?
3. To what extent does the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) set the agenda for discussions on rural policy development in Nigeria?

4. What are his NTA challenges in setting the rural policy development agenda?
1.5 Validity of research

The topics in this project provide resources for mass communication students, researchers, and scholars interested in further research. It also helps to thoroughly assess the impact of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) on political developments in rural Nigeria. The project will also help examine the role of the Nigerian Television Agency (NTA) agenda-setting in the political development of rural Nigeria. Other stations explore how important the media is in matters of political development in Nigeria.


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