ALIENATION, which meaning “estrangement,” is one of the central topics in most current socio-political debates. This essay will explain the doctrine of alienation from its beginnings till Karl Marx’s time. The way Marx saw alienation, its causes, types, and effects will receive a lot of attention. It will be attempted to apply this philosophy to explain the plight of the vast majority of Nigerians, who are overwhelmingly poor.

The method will be a theoretical presentation of K. Marx’s alienation theory. It will be attempted to compare and contrast the arguments for and against the Marxist idea of alienation, as well as how it relates to Nigerian society. This will seek to correct the Nigerian society’s broken systems.

It will be discussed if the suffering and inhumane conditions experienced by the majority of Nigerians can be classified as “alienation” according to Marx’s theory. If this philosophy is applied to Nigerian society, the question becomes: how does Nigerian society alienate its citizens?

The goal of this paper is to see if there are any links between the Marxist idea of alienation and the average Nigerian worker’s situation. In this article, I’ll look at Karl Marx’s solution. I’ll also show that, while Marx’s alienation concept appears to explain the plight of many Nigerians, the causes and solutions he proposes are inapplicable to Nigerian society.




It’s becoming more frequent to hear life in the modern day described in terms of alienation1. As a state of man in this modern age, the concept of alienation has become an almost obsessive concern in areas of socio-political philosophy. The isolated individual has become the subject topic. Other people, the fruits of his labor, and his own personality are all alienated from the individual. Modern man’s alienating situation demonstrates that we are dealing with the signs of a morbid and acute social illness.

There have been laments of oppression, exploitation, and dehumanization in today’s Nigerian society. Nigerians are exploited by their own people, as M. I. Akimbo put it, “we have done extremely estimable damage to ourselves in this land.” 2 As a result, a large number of


Alienation is the ultimate ontological evil that can befall being in its essence, existence, and manifestation. 3 Over the years, different attempts have been made to analyze the situations of Nigerian workers using the core precepts of the Marxist idea of alienation. The worst aspect is the attempt to use Karl Marx’s revolution to propose answers to the alienating conditions of Nigerian workers.

The issues that alienation causes are numerous. Man’s inhumanity to man dehumanization is a problem, as evidenced by the rich’s treatment of the poor in Nigeria. Some Nigerians are also cut off from the results of their labor, as well as from friends and relatives. The use of Niger Delta resources to build Nigeria’s northern area is added to the above. Employers exploiting employees, rulers abusing the ruled, clergymen exploiting their members, university lecturers exploiting their pupils, and so on are all examples of exploitation. How do we reconcile estrangement with the worldwide call for human dignity and freedom? How can a guy truly express himself in a society marked by many sorts of alienation?


The goal of this study is to evaluate the idea of alienation and the solutions proposed with reference to Karl Marx, as well as why these answers cannot be applied to Nigerian society. An attempt will be made to provide an explanation of a feasible solution to Nigeria’s alienating situation.


The relevance of this research endeavor is twofold: first, it will serve as an appraisal of Karl Marx’s much-vaunted thesis of alienation, and second, it will raise awareness among many Nigerians that there is a viable remedy to the alienating state that characterizes their society.

It will also raise awareness of the fact that the solutions to Nigeria’s alienation problems cannot be found in Karl Marx’s solutions.


The scope of this project will be limited to Karl Marx’s thesis of alienation and its solutions. This is not to dismiss what other philosophers have written about alienation. This project will also look into the alienation of Nigerian employees and possible solutions to this problem. Strikes by labor unions will be investigated to see if they are justified. The Nigerian government’s responses to the working class’s plight will not be overlooked.

In addition, the applicability or non-applicability of Karl Mark’s proposals will be scrutinized to see how feasible they are in the Nigerian setting.


My approach to this research will be critical and analytical (a strategy in which the problem at hand is dissected and assessed in order to demonstrate its good and bad aspects).

As a result, materials for doing the research will be obtained from the library. This is not to dismiss the value of relevant literature obtained from friends, as well as pertinent class notes and interviews.

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