The relevance of this research endeavor is twofold: first, it will serve as an appraisal of Karl Marx’s much-vaunted thesis of alienation, and second, it will inform many Nigerians that there is a viable remedy to the alienating state that characterizes their society.

It will also raise awareness of the fact that the solutions to Nigeria’s alienation problems are not found in Karl Marx’s solutions. Furthermore, Machiavellianism is defined by the concept that wicked means can be employed to achieve a good aim. As a result, when one has a good objective that is personal to him, what matters is not the method by which this goal is accomplished, but rather the fact of being able to fulfill the selfish interest. However, my main aim is to examine the philosophical principles of Machiavelli and how they have influenced current Nigerian culture.


The tremendous level of moral degeneration that has pervaded every aspect of Nigerian society has prompted me to pursue this subject. The perils of Machiavellianism are one of the most serious threats to every nation’s moral foundations in general, and Nigeria’s in particular.

My main goal is to show how the Machiavellian concept has pervaded our political and other aspects of life from the time Nigeria gained independence until now. Thus, by examining this theory, I propose to compare it to the Nigerian reality and how it has pervaded our country’s political, economic, and religious landscape. In addition, I will evaluate the Machiavellian principle and see how reliable it has been in the past.


There are five chapters throughout the entire text. Expository, analytical, comparative, review, critical, and evaluative methodologies are used in this study. The critical technique, on the other hand, appears to be the method that dominates the work. The first chapter delves into the definition and study of Machiavellianism, as well as the political philosophy and backdrop behind Machiavelli’s political theory. The perspectives of some philosophers are examined in chapter two, along with Machiavelli’s concept of morality. The third chapter delves into the situation in Nigeria and Machiavelli’s influence on her. The fourth chapter examines Machiavellianism and Nigerian administration critically, as well as the effects of Machiavellianism in Nigeria. The evaluation and conclusion are found in chapter five, which is the final chapter.

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