chapter One


1.1 Research background

Sport was originally a recreational activity, but with the introduction of economic and material gain and the honor that came with it, the number of participants, the number of events, and the struggle for victory brought a high level of politics. As a result of rewards, fraud, cheating and injustice cast a shadow over the system. However, many people and groups are interested in learning about sporting events. The date, date, time and place of such events are important. They question past and future plans alike. Therefore, information and collective consciousness are paramount to solving this information and knowledge quest. Certain bodies or chapters in the world of journalism are tasked with publicly reporting sporting events. The impact these reports have on shaping the behavior of the public and the administration of sports in general requires sports reporting expertise and skill.

With these facts in mind, this study examines the impact of print media on the development of sports in Nigeria. Sport was a recreational phenomenon until the first World Sports Festival was held in the early 1930s. Selection processes between different countries have led to stronger and more competitive sports between countries and continents.Competitive sports thus serve as an unifying force and source of socio-political relations. Awards of economic gain, international honor, and merit were enacted as incentives and motivations for individuals and nations competing for the throne. Sports organizations such as the Federation of International Football Associations (FIFA), the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and the National Food Authority (NFA) have been formed and job opportunities have been created.

This has resulted in various sporting activities, medals, interest groups and interests. These groups and interest groups push and seek information on the processes and dynamics of sporting activity on a daily basis, ostensibly to sustain or influence certain phenomena.

The print media bridges this responsibility gap by reporting these activities and providing necessary information to all involved. Beazell W.P. writes, “Sports news comes closer to the common denominator of news than any other news I know. It’s probably bigger than any other part.”

This obligation has profound implications for the entire socio-cultural, political and economic fabric of the state. Sport commentary arose out of nationalist activity/pressure, fanaticism and hooligans in sport. Its wide reach makes it the safest way to promote your products, services, and programs, but it’s also the most expensive. It has brought in millions of dollars to organizers and turned many analysts and commentators into international figures/heroes. Given the power of sports reporting, quality, objective reporting requires the necessary press material and concrete facts. I am interested in the means and methods of data collection. Generally, they obtain data through personal observations, press, publications and mass media.

With the introduction of financial and material gain, and the associated honors in sport, the number of participants, the number of events, and the fight to win, politics became entrenched at a high level.


The media in carry out their social responsibility and development role in sport development in Nigeria have been criticised for placing too much emphasis on European sporting promotion and culture to the detriment of indigenous games and talents, calling for a serious re-evaluation of the roles and obligations of sport journalist and media through self-regulation. However, looking at the nature of media ownership and the high cost of media production, industry watchers agree that practitioners have taken to profit maximization which finds a fertile ground in foreign sport portrayal on Nigerian media and the huge advert revenue it attracts for the media than in the local sporting events and activities, which is under-funded, ill equipped and lacks proper promotion, administration, management, branding and packaging.

Meanwhile, there also exists the problem of Nigerian high taste for foreign input in the media, particularly sports, Nigerians prefer staying at their places of work with company of friends and families discussing the outcome of foreign sporting activities or even watching, rather than to pay or tune in to see their local athletes or sporting activities. Trends among scores of Nigerian media organisation equally indicate the little concern and coverage allocated to sporting issues and events and even where such was the case, greater proportion of the stories are about global sporting stars and talents at the expense of our own home-bred professional.


1. Learn about the contribution of print media to the development of sports

2. Examine the challenges faced by the print media in reporting sports activities

3. Which print medium do you prefer to study aspects of sports?

4. Know why sports activities are often featured on the back cover of newspapers and magazines. 1.4 Research question

1. Do print media contribute to the development of sports in Nigeria?

2. What challenges do sports reporters and sports speakers face when covering sports activities?

3. Why do Nigerian sports journalists focus on foreign sports activities rather than domestic sports?

4. Why do sports activities often appear on the back cover of newspapers and magazines?

1.5 Importance of research

There is no doubt that such work benefits groups of people and companies. In the meantime, this work on the role of print media in the development of sport will benefit journalists, media owners, sports fans, governments and future researchers. journalist:
By the end of this piece, sports writers and editors will realize how important their work is to entertain people, inspiring them to do more.

Media owner:
The findings of this study will enable media owners to allocate reasonable amounts of money, equipment, and other logistics to support their sports sector.

Governments at all levels will understand why they develop local sports so that local sports take precedence over foreign sports. Governments should provide essential equipment for sports coverage.

Future Researcher:
Researchers working on this or related studies find the work interesting and will find it useful as a reference. 1.6 Scope of investigation


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