chapter One


1.1 Research background

Substance abuse is a very sensitive and important issue in our social, educational, economic and moral life. Due to its negative impact on individuals and society, the Nigerian Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) was established to control and investigate drugs harmful to human consumption.

Drugs are solid, liquid or gaseous chemicals or other good foods that cause changes in the body. They are of different types and are used for different purposes. Fight injections, slow down, boost metabolism/physical function, relieve pain, induce depression, sleep, and more. It’s not that these drugs are dangerous, but their use can be harmful to humans. Britannica (2011) defines substance abuse as the excessive, inappropriate, and addictive use of drugs for non-medical purposes, despite the social, psychological, and physical problems that may arise from such use. It is defined as being used for In the 20th century, many governments around the world have responded by banning the use of recreational drugs and criminalizing their use, supply or trafficking.

Substance abuse has become common among some college students. Health, happiness and happiness have always been important human pursuits. Therefore, people want to make every effort to achieve or maintain these states of mind and body. or use other means to recover. In most societies, people use various substances to alter their mood, behavior, consciousness, or perception. In many cases, this form of behavior is acceptable. For example, in our society, the consumption of alcohol, kola he nuts, tea and coffee is normally accepted. However, as you know, these substances (particularly alcohol) can cause problems for users. These substances contain chemicals that affect the central nervous system, thereby affecting behavior. And many other substances that people ingest carry even greater risks. These include:
Indian hemp (marijuana), cocaine, LSD, heroin, sleeping pills, etc. These substances, called drugs, become problematic when their use becomes habitual or cravings that lead to social and occupational deterioration or persistence. physical and psychological problems;

A print media campaign is a powerful way to spread your health promotion message. Reach a wide and diverse audience through newspapers and roadside billboards. In the field of drug addiction and dependence, advertising shapes drug-use patterns and drug-use intentions and helps change mediators such as awareness, knowledge, and attitudes about drugs.

However, ethical and economic considerations often come into play. Print media campaigns, unlike other health interventions, are imposed on people who have not consented to their implementation. It is a fundamental change in behavior. Second, print media campaigns can be very costly, especially when conducted at the national or state level. Large-scale purchases of public time during popular shows and widespread distribution in print media are often accessible only to government agencies. For example, the first and second editions of the National Drug Control Policy Office’s National Youth Anti-Drugs Media Campaign cost $2.7 billion over a decade. Together with classical public health circles that design evidence-based interventions and assess their impact. A systematic review of studies evaluating print media campaigns.

1.2 Problem Description

Youth drug abuse in society poses various challenges to society, including crime, money, and the distortion of the national economy. Police against laundering, drugs and crime (especially violence, sectarianism, assassination, pacification, moral degradation of youth). The effects of substance abuse are detrimental not only to individuals but to society as a whole, and the problem is growing. Drug abuse news involving people from higher education institutions poses a serious threat to the People’s Army, which relies on electronic media as a means of communication to play its role in society and unite in the fight against drug abuse. There is a possibility. Substance abuse poses serious harm to middle school students, college students, the unemployed, prisoners, civil servants, politicians, and more, yet today’s newspapers, magazines, and magazines are constantly making the surprise and dismay of drug use and abuse urgent. Reading headlines as a means.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is to:

1. To study the problem of substance abuse in Nigeria.
2. To determine the extent to which the print media campaigns against substance abuse in Nigeria.
3. To explore the challenges faced by the print media in campaigning against drug abuse in Nigeria. 4. To provide a permanent solution to Nigeria’s drug abuse problem.

1.4 Research question

1. How often do you see substance abuse problems in Nigeria?

2. To what extent has the print media participated in campaigns against substance abuse in Nigeria?

3. What challenges do print media face when campaigning against counterfeit medicines in Nigeria?

4. What are the solutions to these substance abuse challenges in Nigeria?

1.5 Importance of research

The importance of this research for Nigerians cannot be overemphasized. This study seeks to clarify the possible consequences and consequences of drugs and addiction. Educate students likely to be victims of substance abuse and addiction about their disadvantages.

The study also educates the unemployed, prisoners, civil servants, politicians, and society at large about the life-threatening dangers of substance abuse.

Academically, economically and socially challenging, this study leans into the nature of such drugs and their adverse effects on those who abuse them, apart from the prescribed medical doses. 1.6 Scope of investigation

Evaluation of print media in drug abuse campaigns in Nigeria A study of print media (study by Punch newspaper).


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