chapter One


1.1 Research background

Public relations is the practice of managing the dissemination of information between an individual or organization and the general public. Public relations activities may involve organizations or individuals who bring issues of public interest or news that do not require direct payment to an audience’s attention. The public relations goal of an organization is often to persuade the public, investors, partners, employees, and other interested parties to take a particular view of the organization, its leadership, products, or policy decisions. Maintaining views (Robert, 2003).

The Nigerian police are arguably the government’s most visible agent, and citizens often judge the character of the government by its power, as the police are the ‘guardians’ of society (Akanmi, 2004). The growth, behavior, and actions of the police as an institution not only reflect the political and economic characteristics of society, but also what those in power are willing or able to tolerate, or perhaps what the police do. It even reflects A request from her (Charles, 2005). A proper analysis of the problems and challenges facing the Nigerian police force, therefore, has been characterized and cultivated by impunity, rudeness, brutality, lack of transparency and accountability since the inception of the police force in 1861. We must begin by understanding the history and dynamics of the evolution of the police force. All of them eventually turned into massive corruption. However, this is not indicative of the development or growth of the Nigerian police force, however relevant it may be to the current dire situation.

There is no reason to believe that police officers, as individuals, need to be educated or trained to have a stronger moral disposition than any other member of society. But society’s outrage is at its peak when police officers are found to be weak or, worst of all, still breaking the law. This is simply because police officers’ deviations ‘betray’ society’s trust and, worse, taint the entire organization (Akanbi, 2004).

The challenges of the Nigerian police are numerous. Aside from being underpaid and living a filthy life, the presence of the police is more terrifying to Nigerians than it gives them confidence. About 4 out of 10 Nigerians consistently have a bitter history or bad experience with the police (Becker, 2006). There are many police slang terms that are often considered derogatory or offensive. These terms are rarely used by the police themselves, and are instead used by criminals, prisoners, or the general public. Ask armed police officers who commit burglaries to approach you every day and extort your money.

A typical Nigerian would rather have nothing to do with the police. Some call her by all sorts of names and avoid her like the plague.Right or wrong, if the public doesn’t trust them, the police should be concerned.Basic There are numerous reports that senior police officers embezzle staggering amounts of public funds to cover policing activities (Hagher, 2002). Extortion, embezzlement and other corrupt practices by the Nigerian police violate the basic human rights of Nigerians. Police have been accused of frequently extorting money from taxi stands, markets or the public.

1.2 Problem Description

For Nigerians, the presence of police is more terrifying than it inspires confidence. About 4 out of 10 Nigerians consistently speak bitterly or have bad feelings towards the police. There are many police slang terms that are often considered derogatory or offensive. These terms are rarely used by the police themselves, and are instead used by criminals, prisoners, or the general public. Ask armed police officers who commit burglaries to approach you every day and extort your money. The question this study calls for, therefore, is the role of public relations in the rebranding of the Nigerian police force.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

The purpose of this research is to:

Me. Examine the image of the Nigerian Police in the minds of Nigerians.

ii. to identify the negative image of the Nigerian police;

iii. Considering a PR strategy for renaming the Nigerian Police.

IV. Explore the challenges of using public relations strategies in the rebranding of the Nigerian Police.

v. Determine the benefits of renaming the Nigerian Police using public relations strategies.

1.4 Research question

Me. What image do the Nigerian Police project in the minds of Nigerians?

ii. To what extent do you think the police in Nigeria have a negative image?

iii. To what extent are precautionary strategies available in the renaming of the Nigerian Police Force?

IV.What are the challenges in using his PR strategy in the rebranding of the Nigerian Police?

v. What are the benefits of using a public relations strategy to rename the Nigerian Police?

1.5 Validity of research

The researchers hope the study will help the Nigerian federal government recognize the importance of public relations in police rebranding.

The research also hopes to help future publicists in the field understand how they can influence their public, especially the internal public, to achieve their goals. It’s purpose.

This project will serve as a reference for research in similar areas of study, especially for mass communication students.


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