An Examination Of Societal Influence On Youth Ritualism


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


The conception of ritual payoff has been an ongoing exertion in Nigeria and other corridor of Africa that has gotten decreasingly concerning. The recent surge of deaths of innocent souls for ritual purposes is intimidating, with concerned government agencies making little or no attempt to combat the mortal nimrods( Aiyetan, 2003). With the increase in Christian conditioning and ultramodern civilisation, one would have anticipated similar pseudoscience acts to be ancient stories or myths. still, ritual killings to assuage the gods or goddesses appear to be adding at an intimidating rate. These heinous acts are committed in the twenty-first century, when other countries around the world are experimenting with and advancing in technology.


According to Aiyetan,( 2003), the term” ritual” refers to a process of performing religious service. Killing, on the other hand, is the act of killing or causing the death of another person. By combining the two delineations, we can say that ritual payoff encompasses all of the rights or forms of killing that are associated with killing someone. As a result, ritual payoff is a command from the devil, man’s sworn adversary, in which one is given conditions to do effects that the mortal brain can not typically contemplate in order to achieve his pretensions and remain important( Ekong, 2002). Ritual payoff is a frequent circumstance in Nigerian society. Hundreds of Nigerians have failed as a result of ritual killers, or what Igwe( 2004) refers to as” Head nimrods.” The ritual killers go about looking for mortal corridor – heads, guts, speeches, and coitus organs – as needed by witch croakers , jinx preachers, traditional drug men or women, and/ or occultists who need similar for dubious offerings or the medication of colorful magical portions( Igwe, 2004). numerous further Nigerians are reported missing in diurnal journals and magazines than ever ahead, and the number of ritual killings has reached intimidating proportions. nevertheless, the authorities appear helpless( Aiyetan, 2003).


We live in a society where utmost beliefs continue to be deceived by illogical, pontifical, mythological, and magical sundries. Beliefs in ghosts, jinx, charms, and necromancy are wide. numerous Nigerians believe that using mortal heads, guts, speeches, eyes, or coitus organs in magical potions can ameliorate one’s political and fiscal fortunes. They believe that jinx, charms, and phylacteries can cover people from business failures, sickness, conditions, accidents, and spirit attacks. therefore, performing rituals with humans is viewed as a spiritual bastion and advancement act( Igwe, 2004).


The maturity of Nigerians engage in ritual bloodbath for financial gain. numerous Nigerians suppose that a unique type of ritual, done using mortal blood or body corridor, will bring plutocrat or fortune. As a result, numerous people still believe in” ritual riches” or” blood plutocrat,” and it’s current in the nation’s culture and flicks( Igwe, 2004). still, the issue of poverty in Nigeria is antithetical. Some Nigerians are fat despite living in menial poverty. nevertheless, some of these fat Nigerians have no egregious source of income to show for their fortune. As a result, numerous depressed Nigerian youths essay to get fat by whatever means possible, particularly through” ritual wealth,”” blood plutocrat,” or” yahoo plus,” the most recent addition.


Statement Of The Problem


The socio-ethical counteraccusations of ritual bloodbath are societal anguish. It has caused severe anguish and anguish to numerous people, as well as considerable torture to the victims’ family and cousins. Elesho,( 2004) posits that ritual payoff isanti-social and should be opposed in order to put a stop to this inhuman practice. A society that doesn’t value mortal life is a dangerous place to live. Humans aren’t creatures that can be massacred at will. creatures are intended to be offered if necessary. mortal life is sacrosanct and should be treated consequently. As a result, killing another mortal being for ritual purposes is innocently wrong( Nwafor 2017).


Youths have been made by the society to believe that plutocrat, wealth and influx is every thing. The social media expands this believe by showcasing effects that aren’t real thereby, bringing a sense of failure to the youths who believe that the only way they can achieve great success within a short period of time is through engaging in acts like ritual killings, yahoo plus and so on. It’s against this background that this study seeks to probe the societal influence on youth ritualism.


Objects Of The Study


The primary ideal of this study is to examine the societal influence on youth ritualism. Specifically but not limited to, other objects of this study are


To examine the extent of youths involvement in ritualism


ii. To determine the societal factors that impact youths involvement in ritualism


iii. To examine the part of parents in the influence of youths involvement in ritualism


Exploration Questions


To what extent is youths involvement in ritualism?


ii. What are the societal factors that impact youths involvement in ritualism?


iii. Do parents impact youths involvement in ritualism?


Significance Of The Study


This study will be greatly significant to the society as the results of this study will reveal the factors that impact youths involvement in ritualism. It’ll also be salutary to the youths as the study will bandy in depth the causes of youths involvement in ritualism.


Eventually, this study will serve as an fresh material for scholars and scholars who wish to carry out exploration on this content or related content.


Compass Of The Study


This study will be fastening on the examination of societal influence on youth ritualism. Specifically, it’ll be fastening on the extent of youths involvement in ritualism, the societal factors that impact youths involvement in ritualism and the part of parents in the influence of youths involvement in ritualism.


scholars of the University of Agriculture, Umudike will serve as enrolled actors for this study.


Limitations Of The Study




This study will be limited to the examination of societal influence on youth ritualism. Specifically, it’ll be limited to the extent of youths involvement in ritualism, the societal factors that impact youths involvement in ritualism and the part of parents in the influence of youths involvement in ritualism.


scholars of the University of Agriculture, Umudike will serve as enrolled actors for this study. This serves as a delimitation for this study as farther exploration is demanded if the results of this work is to be used differently where.


Description Of Terms


Examination a detailed examination or study


Societal influence Social influence comprises the ways in which individualities change their geste to meet the demands of a social terrain. It takes numerous forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, deals, and marketing


Ritualism a set form for going through the way of a religious


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